
De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

author:Yuer's good drama is recommended

De Ligt is finally going to wear the red shirt of Manchester United! That's right, the 24-year-old Dutch central defender De Ligt decided to join Manchester United, and as soon as this decision was announced, it instantly attracted the attention and discussion of countless people.

Let's talk about this dramatic transfer story.

De Ligt had buried his bond with Manchester United early on.

He has been an out-and-out Manchester United fan since he was a child, especially his admiration for Ronaldo, which can be said to be a typical representative of the "little fan brother".

As a child, he wore Cristiano Ronaldo's jersey to play in the garden, and his mind was full of "I want to be a top football star like Cristiano Ronaldo!" "You asked him who bought the first jersey? Cristiano Ronaldo's for sure! This point has been confirmed by himself, it is simply "hardcore magic honey".

But then again, De Ligt didn't choose Manchester United in the first place, and it all started five years ago.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

He was in the limelight at the time, and everyone said he was a strong contender for the best centre-back in the world in the future.

Manchester United were at a low point at the time, and of course our little Matt Heath would not consider joining.

A source said at the time: De Ligt had no interest in Manchester United, and felt that Manchester United was not as attractive as it used to be, and it was completely unattractive.

A few years have passed, and although Manchester United have not fully recovered, De Ligt's development has been somewhat unexpected and has not shone as expected.

At Juventus, De Ligt's development has stumbled a bit, and at Bayern Munich it has not been so smooth.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Last season, he made fewer and fewer appearances in the Bundesliga, making just 22 appearances in total.

Bayern lost patience with him and began to think about letting him go.

Seeing that the future at Bayern is not good, De Ligt naturally became interested in transferring to Manchester United, after all, this is a childhood dream team!

When it comes to Manchester United's centre-back recruitment plans, they were initially targeting Everton's Branswaite.

This young man has a lot of potential, but it's a pity that Everton will not let him go.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

What do you say Manchester United is offering? 43 million pounds, completely laughed by Everton, people want 70 million pounds! Everton had just sold two players and had £20 million in their hands, which was not bad at all, so Branswaite's deal was not bad.

But let's not forget that there is an urgent need for a new centre-back on United's side.

Seeing that Branswaite couldn't do this, they began to turn their eyes to De Ligt.

De Ligt's agent is also quite good at things, and after a toss on both sides, De Ligt was very excited about the transfer to Manchester United, and almost agreed to it in seconds.

The only problem now is the price negotiation on Bayern's side, but according to German journalist Florian Plettenberg, the chances of this happening are still quite good.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Don't underestimate this transfer, it means a lot to Manchester United.

De Ligt will not only be able to reunite with his manager Ten Hag during his time at Ajax, but also bring stability to United's defence.

What's more, the number 4 shirt he had on his heart is already vacant at Manchester United.

Manchester United midfielder Amrabat is likely not to be bought out, which makes room for De Ligt.

Speaking of De Ligt himself, he is now already thinking about the future.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Stay at Bayern? The position of the fourth and fifth central defenders is not what he wants, how can he be willing to be a substitute with a high spirit? Coming to Manchester United, he has the opportunity to become a starting centre-back and regain the second spring of his career.

And Manchester United is also actively functioning, and everything looks to be going in a good direction.

This move is a new start not only for Manchester United, but also for De Ligt himself, who is desperate to make a splash at the Theatre of Dreams.

Just like his idol Cristiano Ronaldo when he was a child, he hopes that he can write a legend of his own on the stage of Manchester United.

This transfer also represents a rebirth for De Ligt, and it remains to be seen whether he can return to the top at Manchester United.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Okay, let's wrap it up.

De Ligt is finally about to fulfill his "childhood dream", the childhood idol complex, coupled with the needs of Manchester United, this back and forth has finally become a good thing.

Prominent journalists have confirmed the progress of the transfer talks and the day De Ligt dons the Manchester United shirt won't make us wait long.

Of course, having said that, Manchester United's operation can be regarded as avoiding the serious.

Originally, the priority was given to the young and promising Branswaite, but Everton's side was asking for a sky-high price, so they had to find another way.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

The introduction of De Ligt is not only affordable, but also can immediately strengthen the defensive line.

As for whether De Ligt can prove himself again at Manchester United, it will depend on his performances.

De Ligt's arrival is a big opportunity for United and for him.

For Manchester United fans, this may be good news for a long time.

After all, who doesn't want to see a young man who grew up adoring Cristiano Ronaldo, wearing an idol jersey at his favorite club, a legend of the Red Devils? Expect the Dutchman to play his best at the Theatre of Dreams and help Manchester United on the road to revival.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Let's wait and see what De Ligt's future holds for Manchester United! It's not over yet, De Ligt isn't just about wearing a Manchester United shirt.

You know, Manchester United is a big stage, but also a vanity fair, and the pressure is huge.

De Ligt's transfer is not only a realization of his childhood dream, but also a challenge and a redefinition of his career.

Many people are asking, can De Ligt carry Manchester United's backline? Although De Ligt's development at Juventus and Bayern is not as expected, we have to give him a chance to rejuvenate under the big tree of Manchester United? As the old saying goes, "a good man has to go through a few hurdles", and De Ligt is now encountering a bottleneck in his career, which is the key to exercising his will and ability.

A real football star is not only a sunny boy who is smooth sailing, but also has the tenacity and courage to swim against the current.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Speaking of Manchester United, the team has changed a lot in recent years, and there are countless players who have come and gone.

But everyone knows that to build a bucket-like backline, the position of central defender is not just a random choice.

A player like De Ligt who is talented, has quality and has a bit of a "Manchester United complex" is hard to come by.

Manchester United's choice of De Ligt this time is also a rare opportunity.

De Ligt is going to prove himself at Manchester United this time, and the game has not yet started, and he has already shouldered the expectations of countless fans.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Many Manchester United fans still remember the scene when Ronaldo wore the red shirt for the first time, and expect De Ligt to gain a firm foothold on the field and inject new blood into Manchester United's defense.

The big guys are staring at it, just to see how he can behave.

What is certain is that this former little fan brother is now a big boy who shoulders a lot of responsibility.

De Ligt's arrival will also help strengthen United's overall defensive strength.

You must know that in recent seasons, Manchester United's defense has had some "moths" from time to time, which broke the hearts of fans.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

The introduction of De Ligt is not only blessed by his personal strength, but more importantly, he can also cooperate with the old coach Ten Hag in the defensive tactical arrangement.

The two had a happy cooperation during the Ajax period, and this tacit understanding will invisibly bring more fighting power to Manchester United.

In addition, the competition for the central defensive position of Manchester United is also quite fierce.

Veteran centre-back Victor Lindelof, young centre-back Raphael Varane, and several other quality players are all fighting for a place.

With De Ligt on board, the competition will be even more intense.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

For the players, this competition is undoubtedly a pressure, but at the same time it is a motivation for them to keep improving their game.

If De Ligt wants to establish himself at Manchester United, he will have to stand out from this competition and earn the trust and position of the team through continuous hard work and performance.

In fact, all this is only superficial, what De Ligt really needs to do is to speak with performance on the field.

Manchester United fans are the most picky group of people, and De Ligt knows this.

Every game, even every defensive move, will be magnified by the fans.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

If De Ligt is to prove himself on the pitch, he will have to show 100 per cent effort and form and show his quality and value.

Let's take a look at Ten Hag's plans, with the addition of De Ligt also playing an important role in his overall layout.

You know, Ten Hag has always emphasised balance between attack and defence, and De Ligt's arrival could help him further achieve that.

Not only did De Ligt excel defensively, but his passing and playmaking skills were also a bright spot.

Under Ten Hag's tactical system, De Ligt has the opportunity to show his versatility and provide more support to United's overall attack and defence.

De Ligt has agreed to join Manchester United! revealed that he admired Ronaldo, but refused to transfer to the Red Devils

Manchester United's revival also requires a stable and strong backline.

De Ligt's success as a cornerstone is not only a personal test for him, but also a testament to the vision of Manchester United's management.

Anyway, we don't want Manchester United to repeat the mistakes of the past and bring in a few players who are ridiculously expensive but don't live up to expectations.

De Ligt's arrival is both a challenge and an opportunity.

I hope that this cooperation between Manchester United and De Ligt can create a different spark and bring more surprises and expectations to fans.

The fans will also welcome De Ligt with the utmost warmth, believing that he will go down in the history of the Red Devils.

Think about how inspirational the ending of the story is when a young boy who once played football in the garden in a Cristiano Ronaldo jersey finally realized his childhood dream.

De Ligt stands at a new starting point and embarks on his journey with the Red Devils full of anticipation.

De Ligt's future is full of possibilities and challenges, and on the big stage of Manchester United, he will have the opportunity to show his talent and shoulder the team's defensive responsibilities.

Let's wait and see how De Ligt writes his own chapter on the stage of Manchester United's history.