
As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

author:Huang said
As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

There has long been an argument that the GPS system in the United States is very important.

Once the United States turns off its GPS system, I am afraid that nine out of ten countries in the world will become blind.

These countries would lose even the ability to wage a modern war, and even if they had missiles, their missiles would have to use the U.S. GPS system to navigate.

But there are exceptions, and there are two countries that have little to no reliance on the U.S. satellite navigation system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

So, is this view correct? Which two countries have the ability to circumvent U.S. sanctions?

What are the reasons why these two countries are not dependent on the United States?

1. You really can't fight a war without GPS

First of all, we must admit that some people are not wrong in saying that without the GPS system, most countries cannot even fight a modern war.

Because the GPS system itself is an important part of the modern war system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

During the Gulf War, the United States was able to defeat the Iraqi army by using the advantages of the satellite navigation system and the GPS system and information-based electronic warfare.

Because of the existence of the GPS system, the United States can monitor the movements of the Iraqi army in real time.

For example, where the Iraqi army is deployed, and which of their planes are going to take off, where are their military bases and air bases.

Then US warships can launch various cruise missiles, use satellite navigation systems to carry out precision strikes against these military targets, and finally gain an asymmetric war advantage.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

In this way, everyone should be able to understand how important satellite navigation systems such as GPS are in modern warfare.

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Moreover, the vast majority of countries in the world do have to rely on the GPS system of the United States when launching missiles.

Of course, except for the United States, other countries use castrated GPS systems, and they can only enjoy civilian services.

Precise military services are available only to the U.S. military, and at most to some U.S. allies.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

But how could the Americans not prepare? Once a war starts, the United States, as the main operator of the GPS system, is fully capable of partially stopping the GPS system and kicking the networks of certain countries out of the GPS.

If the United States really does this, it will lead to countries that do not have satellite navigation systems, and their missiles will not be accurate, and they will not even be able to do satellite reconnaissance.

In the late 90s and early part of this century, almost all countries were using the American GPS system.

That's why the United States was so strong at that time.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

Because the United States has a crushing military advantage over other countries, no country can compete head-on with the US military without considering the situation of nuclear weapons.

Once the war starts, as long as the United States stops the GPS service in these countries, then the outcome of the war is decided.

It is only in the last 20 years that two countries have developed and become two major exceptions to the two major exceptions, getting rid of their dependence on the United States for GPS.

These two countries are China and Russia, and they are able to get rid of their dependence on GPS systems because we have built our own satellite navigation systems.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

Second, Russia has the GLONASS system

Russia has developed its own satellite navigation system, also known as the GLONASS system.

The system, which is one of the top four satellite navigation systems in the world, was built under the auspices of Russia itself.

It is also normal for Russia to be able to build a GLONASS system, after all, Russia is a traditional satellite power.

Russia inherited the legacy of the Soviet Union, which was the first country in the history of mankind to launch a satellite.

So before the collapse of the Soviet Union, they were a satellite power that could compete with the United States, and the total number of satellites in orbit of the Soviet Union reached 1,000 at that time.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited these satellites.

Although most of these satellites were later abandoned due to aging, relying on the technology of the former Soviet Union and some modern aviation technology, Russia is still one of the few countries in the world that can launch satellites and rockets anytime and anywhere.

It is also relying on the legacy of the Soviet era that Russia has really built a complete set of satellite navigation systems.

This is the current GLONASS system, but there are problems with the GLONASS system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

After all, the system was designed and developed in Russia, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the pace of scientific and technological development in Russia gradually slowed down, because their economy had big problems.

This, coupled with the decline of industry, led to the fact that the GLONASS system in Russia is not so perfect.

The total number of GLONASS satellites currently in orbit is only 24, of which 18 can only be used in Russia, and the remaining six are global satellites that also provide services to third countries.

Because of the small number of satellites, the technology of the GLONASS system is not particularly advanced, and the positioning accuracy is not particularly high, in the event of a war, these satellites may be destroyed.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

Even if they don't destroy, they can only help Russia to provide intelligence superiority at home.

It is also because of the low technical level of the GLONASS system that after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Russian army did not give full play to its due combat capability, because their level of informatization was insufficient.

On the contrary, the Starlink satellite terminal on the Ukrainian side, which has received a large amount of assistance from the Americans, has an asymmetric satellite intelligence advantage over the Russians.

So in the next step, Russia must find a way to further improve its satellite navigation system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

At the very least, Russia has its own satellite navigation system, so it no longer needs to rely on American GPS.

Then if there is a real war, the Russian side will at least have the ability to fight back, which will be stronger than nine out of nine countries in the world.

3. China's Beidou satellite system is very complete

Compared to Russia's GLONASS system, China's Beidou satellite system is clearly much stronger.

We are probably the only country on the planet that can completely get rid of the GPS system, because China's Beidou satellite system is quite perfect.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

The mainland's Beidou satellite system has a total of 56 satellites, forming a complete set of satellite matrix.

Some of these satellites are communication satellites, some are reconnaissance satellites, some are meteorological satellites, and so on, and they can be used in all aspects.

Moreover, the Beidou satellite system is known for its high accuracy and strong computing power.

Today, the mainland's Beidou satellite system is not only widely used in China, but also spread to the whole world.

Many countries are also using the mainland's Beidou satellite system, which can generate a large amount of foreign exchange earnings every year.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

And the Americans also know the strong navigation capability of China's Beidou satellite system.

There has been news before that the Beidou satellite system has also been installed in backup of US weapons and equipment.

Space News in the United States reported that because the GPS system is somewhat old, there are problems with the accuracy of positioning.

Therefore, on the fighters and warships of the Americans, they are simply equipped with the Beidou satellite system, and the Beidou system is used to assist the GPS system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

Of course, the Americans are also using the civilian version of the Beidou system, and their specific way of using it is to first use the GPS system for positioning, and then use the Beidou satellite system for detection.

By cross-comparing the two systems, the most correct answer can be reached.

Even the U.S. military is using the mainland's Beidou satellite system, which shows that this system is indeed one of the most advanced and accurate satellite navigation systems in the world.

Then, in such a situation, we will completely lose the objective need to rely on the US satellite navigation system.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

In the event of a war, the PLA would be able to have the same intelligence capabilities as the United States.

This plays an extremely important role in safeguarding the mainland's national security.

And China's Beidou satellite system will be further upgraded in the future.

The mainland itself attaches great importance to the anti-jamming capability of the Beidou satellite navigation system, and is constantly launching new Beidou satellites.

China's Beidou satellite system has great advantages in terms of anti-jamming ability, positioning accuracy, and a wide range of use environments.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

The Beidou satellite system is also clear evidence that China's science and technology are booming, and our motherland will definitely develop better and better in the future.

In fact, in addition to China, Russia and the United States, other countries have been trying to build their own satellite navigation systems, but the progress has been slow.

At present, the four major satellite systems in orbit are none other than the GPS of the United States, the Gronass of Russia, the Beidou of the mainland, and the Galileo system of ESA.

But compared to the first three systems, the EU's Galileo system is not yet perfect.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

Other countries, let alone building their own satellite systems, do not even have the ability to send satellites into space.

Because if you want to send a satellite into space, it is indeed very technically difficult.

Many people always feel that the development of all countries on the earth is similar.

In reality, however, the disparity in national strength between the strong and the weak is unimaginably large, much larger than during the Second World War.

At that time, the agricultural countries could be dragged down by their sheer size.

As soon as the United States turns off the GPS, the global missiles will become "blind"? Only 2 countries are exceptions

We were able to defeat the Japanese in the War of Resistance Against Japan, not by fighting a war of attrition, by the desperate sacrifice of a generation of Chinese.

However, in today's situation where the gap in military technology between countries is so large, it has become impossible to consume those advanced industrial countries by relying only on volume.

Because the gap in weapons technology between the two sides is too great.


Chinese scientists are indeed very competitive, and our satellite navigation system was developed under a poor and blank condition and is still under blockade.

At that time, we also thought about cooperating with other countries, and at one point we wanted to participate in the Galileo project.

However, in the end, because of the discriminatory policies of the United States and Western countries, we were forced to build our own satellite systems.

After years of hard work, the mainland has finally come up with a complete set of satellite systems that can be compared with the GPS system, and even surpass it in the field of local technology.

So we should really be proud and proud to live in a prosperous and powerful country.


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