
Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

author:Wind Pavilion

Over the years, I believe that everyone has also deeply felt that the society is getting better and better, but sometimes there are certain problems. However, we always believe that all difficulties are temporary, and the future will eventually get better and better.

Some people predict that in 5 years, the following things may happen!

Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

Middle-aged people who want to work two jobs or take a part-time job after work may become more likely.

Many of us are eager to work in strict accordance with labor laws and only need to work 8 hours a day. But in fact, there are many people who have to work overtime at every turn, and they have to work more than ten hours a day.

Although we all aspire to work only 8 hours a day, from the reality of the situation, this desire is really difficult to achieve, at least for many ordinary people. Because less work means less income, and the current level of spending is not low, and if the income is reduced, many people will be more stressed.

Especially today's group of middle-aged people, many people have bought houses, that is to say, they are burdened with mortgages, and when they are older in the future, if they can't find a good job and only have a salary of five or six thousand yuan a month, then the pressure to repay the mortgage will be greater, so at that time. People who aspire to work two jobs by one, or who work part-time jobs after work, may gradually become more numerous.

Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

E-commerce may gradually replace physical stores, not to mention complete replacement, but at least e-commerce will continue to steal many customers from physical stores.

Today's post-00s have slowly begun to graduate and begin to enter the workplace, and the mainland's e-commerce has gradually begun to develop since the past few years. This also means that the current post-00s have already had e-commerce when they were young.

A person's growth environment has a great impact on a person, and there is already e-commerce in the environment where he grew up, so when he grows up in the future, the acceptance of e-commerce will be greater.

And now many elderly people have also learned to shop online, for the elderly who are older and have difficulty moving, it is indeed very convenient to shop online if their children are not around. Although not everyone is very optimistic about e-commerce, it is true that many people have developed the habit of shopping online. Once this kind of habit is formed, it is not so easy to change, which also means that more and more people may shop on e-commerce in the future.

Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

In many industries, the education level of many jobs is generally improved, and if it is another 5 years, even if it is an ordinary job, requiring a bachelor's degree, I am afraid it will be more common.

Now many people are more puzzled that some jobs are obviously manual work, and there is not much technical content, not to mention a college degree, even if it is just a high Chinese certificate, you can do it well, but people clearly require that they must have a college degree or above when recruiting.

Although many people do not understand the requirements of some companies, this kind of academic requirement may become more and more common. Because in the past few years, about 10 million college students have graduated every year, and the number of college students in the whole society is increasing, which also means that the academic qualifications of many industries are also increasing.

In this way, in another 5 years, some jobs will require a college degree or above, even if it is just manual work. In other words, the requirements for academic qualifications for many jobs may gradually increase, after all, everyone's academic qualifications are also constantly improving.

Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

There is a high probability that the real estate industry will not collapse, but it is a fact that houses are not easy to sell, and housing prices should be lower in the future.

Although there are many people who hope that housing prices will fall, and even some people hope that the real estate will collapse, but to be honest, if it does crash, the impact will be not small, and if it is not done well, it may lead to a financial crisis. If we look at the real estate crash abroad, the consequences are even more serious than we imagined.

Therefore, no matter how difficult the house is to sell, no matter how depressed the real estate is, generally speaking, it will not be allowed to collapse as much as possible. For example, now that houses are not easy to sell, many policies have been introduced to encourage buying houses, which can actually be regarded as a way to save the property market.

However, it is a fact that the house is not easy to sell now, and after many people live more and more transparently, many people would rather rent a house than take a mortgage, so the house price will probably be lower in the future.

Some predict that in 5 years the following things may happen

Judging from the current situation, the car may not sell so well in the future.

Because of the price reduction of new cars, the value of used cars has also depreciated, and now the price of new cars has decreased a lot, and many used cars cannot be sold at all. The point is that many people buy a new car, and they don't drive the car at home until it is scrapped. Instead, the family car was sold second-hand after a few years of driving, and then replaced with a new one.

However, if the price of a new car is reduced, the value of a second-hand car is depreciated, and if you sell your car for second-hand, if it can't be sold at a good price, many people don't want to change cars.