
Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

author:Xiao Zhao said Chinese medicine

Colorectal cancer, as a common malignant tumor, is often clinically manifested as insidious onset, slow development, atypical early symptoms, and easy to be ignored. However, medical research and clinical practice have shown that bowel cancer is not a sudden disease, and it often has some early warning signs, but many patients do not pay enough attention to it in their daily lives. Doctors suggest that once the following abnormalities are found, they should seek medical attention for further examination and diagnosis in time, so as to detect and treat bowel cancer as soon as possible and improve the cure rate and survival rate.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

Unexplained abdominal discomfort when walking

Abdominal discomfort is one of the common early symptoms in patients with bowel cancer. Persistent or intermittent abdominal discomfort during normal walking, especially if it is not related to eating or has no obvious symptoms of dyspepsia, should be alarmed. This discomfort may manifest as a dull ache, a feeling of bloating, or an uncomfortable feeling of pressure, which may be accompanied by a slight feeling of bloating or gas. Although these symptoms are not necessarily bowel cancer, they are likely early signs and should be promptly examined and tested to determine the cause.

Clinically, some patients may initially attribute these discomforts to poor diet or minor gastrointestinal disorders, which often delay the time for diagnosis and treatment. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people over 40 years old, if the above symptoms appear, the possibility of bowel cancer should be considered to avoid delaying the disease.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

Sudden change in bowel habits while walking

Changes in bowel habits, including constipation or diarrhea, are often a common manifestation of digestive disorders. However, when this change is not related to changes in food intake, physical activity, or lifestyle habits, especially if accompanied by other discomforts such as abdominal pain, hematochezia, or blood stains in the stool, a high index of suspicion should be placed for the possibility of intestinal disorders, including bowel cancer.

In the early stage of bowel cancer, it may lead to obstruction or inflammation of the local intestinal lumen, affecting the normal peristalsis and bowel function of the intestine. Therefore, when there is a sudden change in bowel habits, especially long-term constipation or frequent diarrhea, accompanied by other digestive discomforts, you should seek medical attention in time, and conduct a detailed intestinal examination through colonoscopy and other methods to determine the cause and treat it.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

Significant weight loss is felt when walking

While weight loss can be a goal for many people, unexplained significant weight loss can be a sign of underlying conditions, including certain malignancies such as bowel cancer. Rapid weight loss when walking, especially if not dieting or increasing physical activity, may indicate an altered absorption function of the digestive system or a depleting effect of the tumor.

Bowel cancer patients may suffer from poor absorption of nutrients due to affected bowel function, which in turn can lead to weight loss. Although this weight loss is not a specific symptom, it should be alarmed if it is accompanied by other intestinal symptoms such as changes in bowel movements and abdominal discomfort.

In summary, the early symptoms of bowel cancer are often non-specific and easy to be ignored or misunderstood. However, some abnormal manifestations that occur when walking, such as unexplained abdominal discomfort, changes in bowel habits, and significant weight loss, may be early warning signs of bowel cancer. Therefore, doctors suggest that once the above abnormalities are found, especially for people over 40 years old, they should seek medical attention in time for a detailed physical examination and related examinations to detect and treat bowel cancer as soon as possible and improve the cure rate and survival rate.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

Symptoms of unexplained anemia when walking

Anemia is one of the common complications of bowel cancer, especially if the tumor has developed for a long time or if bleeding occurs. In daily life, symptoms of anemia such as dizziness, fatigue, and pale skin when walking may be caused by other causes, but if it is accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain and blood in the stool, the possibility of bowel cancer should be considered.

Bowel cancer can cause chronic occult bleeding from the intestines, especially if the tumor is located in the colon or rectum. These tiny bleeding can be long-lasting, gradually leading to the development of anemia, often without the patient realizing it. Therefore, when there are symptoms of unexplained anemia while walking, relevant examinations, especially blood tests and detailed examinations of the digestive system, should be carried out in time to rule out or confirm the possibility of bowel cancer.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

Feeling a significant abdominal lump or tenderness when walking

If you feel a significant lump or tenderness in a part of your abdomen when you are walking or doing daily activities, especially when accompanied by other digestive symptoms such as abdominal distension and abnormal bowel movements, it may indicate that bowel cancer has progressed to a more advanced stage, or that the tumor is large and affects the function of surrounding tissues and organs.

Bowel cancer may not cause significant pain or lump sensation in the early stages, but as the tumor grows and expands, it may compress nearby organs or nerves, causing these symptoms to appear. Therefore, when there is a significant abnormal sensation in the abdomen when walking, especially if accompanied by other abnormal symptoms of the digestive system, a detailed physical examination and imaging should be performed immediately to determine the nature and location of the tumor and prepare for further treatment.

Didn't bowel cancer come on suddenly? The doctor advises: If you find these abnormalities in walking, seek medical attention immediately

How to deal with abnormalities when walking?

When any of the above abnormal symptoms appear when walking, especially for people over 40 years old, they should pay attention to it and take the following measures in time:

Prompt medical attention and detailed examination: If there is persistent or frequent discomfort, especially if accompanied by other digestive abnormalities, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible, and perform a detailed physical examination and related examinations, such as blood tests, colonoscopy, etc.

Pay attention to the adjustment of lifestyle habits: Proper eating habits, increasing the amount of exercise, avoiding mental stress, etc., can help reduce the risk of digestive diseases.

Regular check-ups and screenings: Regular check-ups and screenings, especially for people with a family history or other high-risk factors, should be done regularly to identify and treat potential health problems early.