
Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.

author:Zhenzi said that there are 1 and 2 things

The challenge of finding the difference between Chinese characters.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.



Example: Night watch. Visits. Patrol. Rounds. Out on patrol.

Example sentence: He went around the company and didn't find anything unusual.

2. The number of times it is used to pour wine for the whole audience at the banquet is equivalent to "all times".

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


1. (liquid or gas) penetrating outwards or upwards.

Example: Sweating. Smoke.

Example sentence: Smoke rises from the top of the building, causing panic among the people.

2. Ignoring (hazards, harsh environments, etc.).

Example: Snow against the wind. Venture.

Example sentence: He is adventurous and often goes to various places to climb rocks.

3. Imprudent; Rash.

Example: aggressive. Ventured. Bold.

Example sentence: His reckless behavior led to a series of troubles and confusion.

4. Use the fake as the real one.

Example: Impostor. Counterfeit.

Example sentence: His impersonation was discovered.

5. Last name.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


国 [guó] 1. Country.

Example: The foundation of the country. Win glory for the country. The country is rich and the people are strong. Patriotic. Founding.

Example sentence: This country is known all over the world for its unique and beautiful natural landscapes.

2. On behalf of the state.

Example: National anthem. National emblem. National flag. National treasure.

Example sentence: Every Monday, we will stand on the playground and sing the national anthem solemnly and solemnly.

3. Refers to China.

Example: Chinese Studies. Domestic. Traditional chinese painting. Domestics.

4. First name.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


1. Between two things or two periods of time.

Example: Between classes

2. Within a certain range.

Example: Period. Interval. Room. Nighttime.

Example sentence: During a meeting, you need to put your phone on silent mode.

3. The room, the various parts of the room.

Example: Bathroom. Workshop. Cell. Apartment.

Example sentence: Workers on the shop floor are busy producing mechanical parts.

4. For the room.

5. Last name.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


Wind [fēng] 1. External posture; Style.

Example: Style. Style. Style. Style.

Example sentence: Standing on the podium, he is still moving.

2. Customs; Atmosphere.

Example: Change customs. Unhealthy tendencies. Folk customs.

Example sentence: The atmosphere of this class is very good, and the students are united and positive.

3. Jingxiang; Scenery.

Example: scenery. Scenery. Scenery.

Example sentence: This scenic spot has beautiful mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery.

4. A natural phenomenon formed by the movement of air.

Example: Wind power. Spring breeze. Windy.

5. Spread the word.

Example: Smell the wind and move. Ventilation signaling.

6. Anecdotal; Unfounded.

Example: Wind words. Wind Whisper. Wind Legend. Hearsay.

7. Blowing by the force of the wind (making it dry or pure).

Example: Air-drying

8. Refers to folk songs.

Example: Wind collection.

9. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to an important factor or certain diseases that cause disease.

Example: rheumatism. Stroke. Epilepsy.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


晿 [chāng] 1.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.

Zhen [zhēn] 1. Pearls, jade and other treasures; Refers to something precious.

Example: Rare and exotic treasures. Be at home in. Treasure. Pearl.

2. Precious; Rare.

Example words. Exotic animals. Precious. Curiosa.

Example sentence: This trip abroad left me with precious memories.

3. Fine food.

Example: delicacies of the mountains and seas. Eight treasures. Delicacies.

4. Valuing; Set store by.

Example: cherish. Value. Treasure. Treasure.

Example sentence: When they part, they were reluctant to give up and cherish each other.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


1. A loud sound made when clouds discharge.

Example: electric flash. Thunder. Thunderstorm. Spring Thunder. Thunder.

Example sentence: He is very timid, and he is scared and trembling when there is thunder.

2. Refers to certain explosive weapons.

Example: Mine. Torpedo. Mine.

Example sentence: The fighters moved on after clearing the mines buried by the enemy.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


天 [tiān] 1. Sky.

Example: It's dark. Stand tall in the sky. Firmament.

Example sentence: He has grown into a man who stands up to the sky.

2. Position on top; stand in the air.

Example: sunroof. Sunshade. Overpass. Antenna.

3. The time of day and night; The time from sunrise to sunset.

Example: Today. Every day.

4. Refers to a certain period of time in a day.

Example sentence: It doesn't seem to be early this day, we need to hurry home.

5. Season; Seasonal.

Example: Summer.

Example sentence: The weather is hot in summer, and he likes to eat watermelon to relieve the heat.

6. Weather; Climate.

Example: Sunny day. Cloudy.

Example sentence: It's a sunny day, and we're going to go out on an outing.

7. Naturally; Born.

Example: Talent. Natural Insurance. Nature. Talent.

Example sentence: He is gifted and intelligent, and his academic performance is very good.

8. In nature.

Example: Man will conquer the sky. Natural disasters.

9. Religion or superstition refers to the place where the ruler of nature or gods, Buddhas, and immortals live.

Example: Kingdom of Heaven. Heaven. Providence.

Example: We just have to work hard, and success or failure has its own providence.

10. The legal unit of measurement of time, the time of one rotation of the earth is one day, which is equal to 24 hours.

Example sentence: This business trip will take a total of seven days.

Quickly find the difference, find out the different Chinese characters in ten pictures in 120 seconds, come and challenge it.


亚 [yà] 1. times; Inferior.

Example: subtropical. Runner-up.

Example sentence: He did well in the competition and ended up being the runner-up.

2. Refers to Asia.

Example: Eurasia. Southeast Asia.

3. Poor (mostly used in negation).

Example sentence: His technique is already very skilled, and he is in no way inferior to you.

4. Low valence; Acids or compounds contain less than one hydrogen or oxygen atom.

5. Last name.