
Children with these characteristics will not be bullied at school!

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

In school, there are some children who have three characteristics that make other classmates dare not bully them. These traits are not born with them, but are acquired through their own efforts and experiences.

Children with these characteristics will not be bullied at school!

The first characteristic: self-confidence

These children are very confident. They believe that they are capable of doing anything well and will not be easily defeated by the words or actions of others. Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, they will firmly believe that they can overcome them.

This self-confidence stems from what they know and know about themselves. They know exactly what they're good at, what they like, and what they need to improve. At the same time, they accept their flaws and try to improve them.

In school, these children usually behave generously, cheerfully, and optimistically. An attitude similar to "I'm not afraid of you" made the other students feel surprised and respected.

The second characteristic: friendliness

In addition to their strong inner strength, these children are also very friendly. Whoever you interact with is warm, genuine, and equal, and always puts your attention on others when interacting with people.

Because of the sincerity and attention to the classmates around them, as friends or table mates, you can feel a very warm, inclusive, hearty and humorous personality and enthusiasm, many students are willing to become the object of interaction or communication with her/him;

Therefore, in the process of getting along with other students, this group of cute and charming people has definitely not encountered bullying or discrimination.

Children with these characteristics will not be bullied at school!

The third characteristic: rational and calm

The last important trait is to be rational and calm. This type of child is clear-headed, calm and always objective and impartial. Even under extreme stress and pressure, he was able to maintain his composure and figure out the best solution.

When encountering a difficult problem, it can be seen that he is calm and thinks about how to resolve the crisis. There is no formal subjective assumption, and the data information can be quickly analyzed to make a correct and effective plan. This excellent quality leads TA to continue to move forward and achieve a more brilliant and beautiful future.


The three qualities mentioned above together make up a person who is brave, calm, and hopeful.

Children with these characteristics will not be bullied at school!

If you have the above three excellent qualities, then congratulations! You will receive more professional reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations from teachers and parents. At the same time, it will also be recognized by more friends and even classes!

But we should remember that every stage on the road of growth requires us to work hard to cultivate internal strength. While developing character quality, we should also cultivate practical skills and comprehensively develop all aspects of quality.
