
Why do you want to give early childhood education to children?

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

It is well known that early childhood education plays a very important role in children's development. But why do you want to give early childhood education to children? In fact, there are many parents who are not aware of its importance and necessity. In this article, we will delve into why you should give early childhood education to your child.

Why do you want to give early childhood education to children?

First, early education can help children develop good habits and attitudes. A good habit and attitude is one of the key factors for a child's future success. For example, the ability to learn how to get along with others, allocate time, and complete tasks in kindergarten can affect their ability to cope with challenges and stresses later in life. Through early education, qualities such as self-awareness, responsibility, patience, and compassion can be developed.

Secondly, early education also has a positive effect on intellectual development. Studies have shown that proper stimulation between the ages of 2 and 5 years can promote neuronal connections in the brain and enhance memory, attention, language comprehension, and other cognitive skills. Providing stimuli through games, toys, etc., can help children better understand basic concepts such as colors, shapes, and numbers, which are all skills that need to be used in everyday life.

Why do you want to give early childhood education to children?

The third reason is that early education can improve children's social skills. Exposure to various human relationship models (e.g., parental interaction or other solitary play) in early childhood leads to a greater understanding of self-and-others relationship patterns and the development of social norms such as secure dependency or cooperative coexistence relationships.

In addition, psychologically, early access to quality education can also help withdrawn or introverted individuals broaden their horizons and generate more hope for the future. It is also easier to deal with emotional-related issues (such as anxiety).

The last reason is that early access to quality education is also good for good health. At the beginning of pregnancy, sleep, and diet will affect the development of fetal IQ, and before the age of 6, especially around the age of 3-4, the preschool stage is the era of rapid development of the brain nervous system, vitamin D deficiency can lead to cartilage deformity and even rickets, zinc deficiency can cause immune function decline, iodine deficiency may lead to hyperthyroidism; It is also important to follow scientific feeding methods and follow doctors' recommendations as much as possible to prevent infectious diseases.

To sum up, you must pay attention to the following points in the process:

Why do you want to give early childhood education to children?

1. Pay attention to choosing standardized services that suit your own needs;

2. Balance physical activity/nutrient intake/rest time;

3. Follow the instructions of healthcare professionals for relevant examinations/treatments;

4. Don't go too far ahead and "upgrade" and adjust your plan according to seasonal/climate changes.

Obviously, "why do you do early education for Jizi" is not limited to a simple answer. The original intention of "enlightenment" has always been there: many parents think that the "beginning" really begins at the junction of young children; Determine the direction of your casting career path and talent predictions; At a deeper level, it affects the way you make decisions, your values, and even the way you look back at your destiny.

Finally, I would like to emphasize again: respect for each individual difference!


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