
Pale yellow teeth and a small tummy may be a sign of health in the eyes of doctors

author:Dr. Mao talks about health

When we talk about health, many people associate it with white teeth, a flat stomach, and a perfect body shape. However, in the eyes of doctors, the sign of health is much more than that. The reality may be very different from what you imagined. For example, did you know that teeth are healthier when they are yellowish instead of snow-white? Middle-aged and older adults with a small belly may be healthier than those with a flat belly. These health truths may subvert your traditional beliefs. Below, we'll explore these health markers in detail and provide scientific evidence and practical advice to help you better understand and apply this knowledge.

Pale yellow teeth and a small tummy may be a sign of health in the eyes of doctors

Pale yellow teeth: a symbol of health

The relationship between tooth color and health

The color of the teeth is mainly determined by the enamel and dentin. The enamel itself is translucent, and the dentin is pale yellow. As a result, healthy teeth often appear yellowish. This is different from the whitening teeth commonly advertised, which are often whitened and can cause damage to the health of the teeth.

Risks of teeth whitening

Frequent use of whitening products can damage tooth enamel, increasing tooth sensitivity and the risk of tooth decay. Doctor's advice: Moderate whitening of teeth is fine, but excessive pursuit of whitening effect is not advisable. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy is key.

How to keep your teeth healthy

Brush your teeth properly: Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time.

Flossing: Remove food debris from between your teeth to prevent plaque from forming.

Regular check-ups: Dental check-ups twice a year to detect and solve oral problems in a timely manner.

Small belly: a sign of healthy middle-aged people

Fat distribution and health

Fats aren't all bad. Middle-aged people, especially women, have a moderate amount of belly fat to help maintain hormonal balance in the body. Studies have shown that moderate belly fat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

BMI Fat Percentage

BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage are important indicators to assess physical health. A moderate body fat percentage is essential for the proper functioning of the body's functions. Doctor's advice: instead of pursuing extreme slimming, it is better to maintain a proper body fat percentage, which is more conducive to long-term health.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Eat a balanced diet: Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, and reduce your intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods.

Pale yellow teeth and a small tummy may be a sign of health in the eyes of doctors

Regular exercise: Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.

Get enough sleep: Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to help your body recover and regulate hormones.

Moderate obesity: the relationship between health and longevity

The obesity paradox

Many studies have shown that people who are moderately obese (with a BMI slightly above the normal range) have lower mortality rates from certain diseases. This phenomenon is known as the "obesity paradox". Doctors believe that moderate obesity may provide a certain reserve of nutrients that can help with recovery after illness or surgery.

Advantages of moderate obesity

Nutrient reserves: Moderately obese people have more energy reserves during illness, which helps with recovery.

Immune function: Moderate obesity can boost the immune system and fight off infections and diseases.

Mental health: Excessive pursuit of weight loss can bring psychological stress, and moderate obesity can help maintain a good state of mind.

How to control your weight

Eat wisely: Follow the dietary pyramid and control your total calorie intake.

Moderate exercise: Avoid sitting for long periods of time and do moderate exercise every day to boost metabolism.

Regular check-ups: Monitor your weight and health indicators and make lifestyle adjustments.

Holistic view of health: a comprehensive consideration

Comprehensive health assessment

Health isn't just about weight and appearance, it's also about psychological, social, and environmental. Doctors emphasise that a comprehensive health assessment is a better reflection of true health status than a single indicator.

The importance of mental health

Mental health is an important part of overall health. Middle-aged and elderly people are prone to psychological challenges such as retirement and children's independence, so it is important to maintain a positive attitude and a good psychological state.

Social Relationships and Health

Good social relationships can help relieve stress and boost immunity. Doctor's advice: Maintaining good family relationships and social circles, and participating in community activities can help improve the quality of life and health.

Prevention and care: practical advice

Regular medical check-ups

Conduct annual comprehensive health check-ups to detect and treat potential health problems early. It includes routine tests for blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc., as well as early cancer screening.

Eat a healthy diet

Eat a varied diet: Eat a balanced diet of nutrients and avoid a single diet.

Drink water in moderation: Drink no less than 1.5 liters of water a day to help metabolism and detoxification.

Control salt and sugar: Reduce salt and sugar intake to prevent high blood pressure and abnormal glucose metabolism.

Exercise and rest

Exercise regularly: Choose an exercise that works for you and stay physically active.

Reasonable rest: Combine work and rest, avoid overwork, and ensure adequate sleep.

Pale yellow teeth and a small tummy may be a sign of health in the eyes of doctors

Psychological adjustment

Positive mindset: Maintain an optimistic mindset and learn to cope with the stresses of life.

Hobbies: Cultivate hobbies and hobbies to enrich your retirement life.

Social Involvement: Participate in community activities and maintain good social relationships.

The sign of health is not just outer perfection, but inner balance and harmony. Pale yellow teeth, a small belly, and moderate obesity are seemingly imperfect traits that may be a true sign of health. Through a scientific lifestyle, regular check-ups and psychological adjustments, we can have true health without pursuing a perfect appearance. The advice of doctors is not to ask us to give up the pursuit of beauty, but to look at health from a scientific and rational perspective and make the most beneficial choices for ourselves.