
98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say


Recently, the news of "Du Jiang Huo Siyan and his wife adopting an experimental dog" has attracted the attention of netizens.

At the same time, the name "experimental dog" once again appeared in people's field of vision.

When talking about "Huo Siyan's adoption of experimental dogs", a professional said: "98% of experimental dogs belong to beagles!" ”


And this remark also makes us wonder: among the many breeds, why are beagles so popular?

It goes back to the night of June 25.

That day, Du Jiang and his wife, who were driving, suddenly noticed a poor beagle in the grass next to them.

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

At first, they thought the beagle was just an abandoned puppy.

But what I didn't expect was that when I came to the hospital and was examined by the veterinarian, I realized: "The origin of this dog is not as simple as we imagined!" ”

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

I saw that he was different from ordinary puppies in that he had a row of numbers printed on his ears.

Here, everyone has confirmed that this beagle is what we call a "laboratory dog"!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Through the doctor's examination, I learned that this beagle had just given birth, and because it had not had time to supplement nutrition, it looked extremely weak.

Not only that, but it also has a long scar on its stomach, and through B-ultrasound, it can also be judged that it has no spleen!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

You know, for animals, the spleen function is the only organ they filter blood.

And small animals that lose this organ will be more fragile in their bodies and their immune systems will be more fragile.

One can imagine how difficult this little Bigg's life will be after losing his spleen!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Fortunately, "a good dog has a good reward!" ”

This beagle meets Mr. and Mrs. Dujan.

Under their careful care, this beagle has its own name "Pearl".

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

From the video released, it can be seen that the "pearl" who has suffered for most of her life is really being loved!

No matter where they go, Huo Siyan and Du Jiang will take it to see the outside world.

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

From the photo, it can be seen that the dog sleeps very comfortably in Huo Siyan's arms.

I believe that it will not be long before the little "pearl" will become as lively and cheerful as other dogs.

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

So, what is the reason why beagles are also called "laboratory dogs"?

First of all, the most important reason is because: it has a docile personality, does not hold grudges, and can quickly develop feelings with humans!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Beagles have a very gentle personality at all times.

And it is precisely because of this natural personality that they are an excellent choice for "laboratory dogs"!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Secondly, and most importantly, because the internal organs of beagles are very similar to those of humans!

For beagles, the fact that their organs can be similar to those of humans also means that they are evolutionarily advanced and "advanced" than other breeds of dogs!

However, it is this innate advantage that has justifiably made him a "research object"!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

In experiments, beagles are used as test subjects.

Like those products that are not on the market, you can only judge whether there are side effects by them......

Even in experiments, they will get a lot of injuries and even "a thousand holes".

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Perhaps it is because they know that their natural duty is to "serve the people", so although they are dying, they will still not resist in the face of "experiments"!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

When they go through a lot of hardships and reach the age of retirement, they are also faced with two choices, one is to be adopted, and the other is euthanasia.

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Perhaps, it will be very heart-wrenching for everyone to see this.

But think about it from another angle, if these beagles are not "laboratory dogs", who will be the test subjects?

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say

Anyway, I just hope that these dogs will be able to meet good people in the future.

That way, they'll be able to enjoy their dogs!

What do you think about this?

Welcome to leave a comment to discuss!

Reference Sources:

[1] 2024-06-25 Official media My account @Dujiang Scouting "That day, we picked up an experimental dog We named her "Pearl", which means a pearl in the palm of your hand, and also represents the beauty of unexpected encounters. Come on, unfortunate little one, forget the past and try to live happily! ◆#每一个生命都值得呵护》

[2] 2024-06-27 Official media My account @Dujiang Scouting "Thank you for your attention and concern for pearls, share the days when she first arrived at home, get acquainted with us little by little, and find a way to be free and happy little by little#Everything Lovely Project"

[3] 2024-06-29 Official media Dazhong Network Zibo Channel "Industry insiders talk about Huo Siyan's adopted beagle: "It is the first choice of drug dog experiments and has made a lot of contributions to human medicine"

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say
98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say
98% of lab dogs are biggs? Why choose a beagle and listen to what people in the industry have to say
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