
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".

author:Released in Jinan City

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, enrich the cultural life of the masses, deepen joint construction and promotion, and improve the quality and efficiency of the "double registration" work, on the morning of June 27, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Qinglongshan Community of Wangguanzhuang Street, a "double registration" community, jointly held the "Initial Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'" Red Song and Dance Event.

The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".

The Red Song and Dance Party kicked off in the "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" brought by the Qinglongshan Community Music and Dance Team; Yao Boxin's solo singing of "Dedicate Everything to the Party" by the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism was sometimes high-pitched and loud, sometimes low and euphemistic, full of emotion, showing the ardent enthusiasm of the red heart to the party and loyalty and patriotism, and won the applause of the audience; Wu Jianhua, a teacher from Qinglongshan Community, sang "Party, Dear Mother" solo, which was sincere and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, expressing his gratitude to the party and his mother; Subsequently, the performance and singing "Red Women's Army", the solo "Red Plum Zan", "The Mountain Like a Golden Bottle", "Seeing You Are Extraordinarily Close", Bau played "Red Song Quartet", the small chorus "Yingshan Red", the chorus "Return from Shooting", "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and other programs were staged in turn, which were wonderful. On stage, the actors performed affectionately and passionately. Under the stage, the audience watched with relish, applause continued, the whole scene was lively and peaceful, and the event came to an end in the dance "Ten Sending the Red Army".

The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".
The District Bureau of Culture and Tourism jointly held a red song and dance party of "The Original Heart is Like a Rock and Forge Ahead - 2024 Celebration of 'July 1st'".

This co-construction activity is a full embodiment of the leadership of the District Culture and Tourism Bureau and the "double registration" community party building and the integration of serving the people, which not only enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the party members and the masses in the district, but also strengthens the interconnection with the "double registration" unit. In order to do a good job in the preparation of the event, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism has docked with the Qinglongshan Neighborhood Committee many times to discuss and determine the venue arrangement, stage layout, program screening, program guidance and other work, which fully demonstrates the "true character" of the "cultural and tourism pioneers" who work hard for the people. In the next step, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism will be based on reality, continue to expand service content, gather advantageous resources, organize and carry out various forms of community co-residency and co-construction activities, continue to promote the normalization of "double registration" work, and contribute to the in-depth development of integrated party building.