
Raise wages! In 2024, wages will usher in a "general survey", and see what changes you will have in July


Have your wages gone up this year? For many people, the happiest moment they encounter after joining the job is the moment when their salary rises, and the increase in income means that you can save more money, buy more things you want, and even use it to buy a house and a car.

However, sometimes it backfires, and many industries do not keep rising in income for various reasons, and even when the industry slows down, you will also experience a salary cut. Layoffs may come when the company is not doing well, and even the most optimistic person needs to be prepared, especially when you get older, and your income is likely to decline rather than grow.

Fortunately, when you encounter difficulties, you can pass by gritting your teeth, not paying wages this year, and striving to rise again next year, but everyone's wages are relatively high, and you may not realize that in fact, wages, especially the minimum wage, will rise almost every once in a while, and the rights and interests of workers have been protecting you, but you haven't noticed.

The minimum wage has been raised in many places, such as Ningxia, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Heilongjiang, Sichuan and other provinces, and the minimum wage has been raised, as shown in the figure.

Raise wages! In 2024, wages will usher in a "general survey", and see what changes you will have in July

Don't think that the minimum wage increase has nothing to do with you. You may not feel it when your income is high, but once your income is low, you will know that when you go to work in a factory, the minimum wage will increase, and the income from overtime will increase a lot every month. People with different incomes may feel different, and the joy you reap with an income of 10,000 yuan is definitely different from that of a worker who gets the minimum wage and overtime wages.

What should I do if there is no province to adjust the minimum wage in July? Don't worry, because the hottest month of the year is coming, and the heat allowance will hit the payroll.

Raise wages! In 2024, wages will usher in a "general survey", and see what changes you will have in July

This income generally starts in June and will continue to be paid in September, but as long as you are 35 degrees Celsius outdoors and the indoor temperature does not drop below 33 degrees, then this subsidy exists. Don't dislike the small amount, the mosquito legs are also less, and the little adds up!

If the office owner is more picky and is unwilling to turn on the air conditioner, then he can legally ask for a high temperature subsidy. This is a mandatory subsidy, there must be, of course, if the company's welfare is good, it may also add heatstroke prevention and cooling expenses, depending on the company's business situation. The boss is atmospheric, then this benefit will be issued!

Raise wages! In 2024, wages will usher in a "general survey", and see what changes you will have in July

In addition, in July, some places will adjust the payment base of five insurances and one housing fund, so remember to pay attention to whether the local policy has changed.

For example, Zhengzhou has adjusted the contribution base and contribution ratio of the housing provident fund. Compared with 2023, the upper limit of the monthly contribution of the housing provident fund will be adjusted from 5,835 yuan to 6,338 yuan, and the lower limit will be adjusted from 200 yuan to 210 yuan.

If the payment base increases, then the salary may be less, you can pay attention to the salary slip, but be sure to verify it to see if the salary increases and falls, and compares it comprehensively.

Raise wages! In 2024, wages will usher in a "general survey", and see what changes you will have in July

In addition, on June 30, the provident fund will automatically settle the interest fee from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of this year.

Check your CPF balance. Note that the provident fund is a mandatory benefit, which must be paid, if the company does not have a provident fund, you can ask for it, and then the two parties can agree on a proportion within the scope of the law, even if it is according to the minimum percentage, you will not suffer. The provident fund is widely used, and it can be withdrawn, after all, it is part of your income.