
Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

author:Both ability and political integrity z6S

I know that Sasha is very picky, this is from the team, I don't know if it's true, anyway, there is such a rumor.

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

However, in order to dispel such a bad impression, Sasha took the initiative to invite the sisters to eat when she returned from Durban.

Of course, the sisters were happy, and finally Sasha took the initiative to treat them, so they ordered to their heart's content.

At this time, the big head quietly followed behind him, originally thinking that he was also here to order, but who knew that he would buy these orders directly when these sisters finished ordering.

Hey, it turns out that Sasha is so generous because the big head has to pay the bill!

Will you be teased by the sisters again this time?

may be ridiculed, but it's more envy, who is not happy to have such a considerate boyfriend?

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

Besides, is Sasha short of money? She is not short of money at all, she is richer than the big head, but this is the time to show the strength of her boyfriend, how can she let her little bean bag pay the bill? Brother Tou will come to pay for you in person.

The first is to reflect the thoughtfulness of the big head, the second is to reflect his position in Sasha's mind, and the third is to earn his own name.

Besides, does Sasha really pick the door? That's when Sasha was ignorant before.

I heard Yang Zhi say that they went out together, Sasha was very filial, and she was going to buy things for her parents and grandparents, she just chose things and didn't know how to pay the bills, thinking that these were all paid by the senior sisters.

Let's just say how can there be such a cute little bean bag? I thought I didn't have to pay for my purchases.

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

In recent years, it has been obvious that Sasha can be seen buying things for other people and taking other people to a big meal, all of which she pays.

One is that she has grown up, and the other is that she knows that she earns more money than others, so it is more appropriate for her to pay for these expenses, and these people are all in their own business groups, so in order to thank them, they should naturally pay the bills themselves.

And Brother Tou is often involved in it, just like when Sasha and them were upgraded, they directly upgraded Brother Xiang's together.

That is, the big head treats the people around Sasha as relatives, and no matter what good things there are, they will give them to each other.

It can be seen from here that the first is generous, and the second is very good to Sasha, only by putting the other party in the heart will he be good to the other party's relatives, that is, the feeling of loving the house and Wu.

And this time at the airport, he also saw that Sasha's sisters had gone to order, and Sasha was next to her, obviously feeling that she had to pay the bill.

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

So the big head quietly came to the back of the team, and finally when everyone finished ordering and Sasha wanted to pay, the head brother directly came and said I will pay together.

If this is so weighty, the men's team of the national table tennis here looked at the scene that happened over there, and began to cricket again.

But he thinks that there is nothing, just to be good to Sasha in a big way, just to think about her, what is there?

If you love crickets, you can cricket, if you love envy, you can envy it, anyway, I just do my own thing, what should I do.

Let's just say that the big head buys things for Sasha, it's not once or twice, when the big head 17 big head went to Singapore to play T2, he bought a Tex for Sasha.

Later, in 18 years, I bought chicken rolls for Sasha.

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

Anyway, as long as Sasha is hungry, Datou will buy her something, and it used to be Sasha who clearly told Datou that she was hungry, just like her brother, and took the initiative to help him buy it.

And now, the big head is taking the initiative to ask Sasha if she is hungry, and even if she is not hungry, she has to buy it and forcibly ask Sasha to eat a little.

In the mind of the big head, Sasha is always the protected party, no matter how big or small, the big head likes to take care of and manage Sasha in life.

On the field, many times the big head will ask for Sasha's opinion, and on the training ground, more often than not, Sasha will supervise the big head.

That is to say, they belong to a master outside the home, a master inside, a supervisor of life, and a supervisor of the cause, and the cooperation is quite good and appropriate.

That's why they are the natural choice of mixed doubles, so everyone likes to knock them, because they are Mao and Ding, and they cooperate tightly and just right.

Sasha treats guests and pays the bills with a large head, which is so loving

I wish our Sasha and Datou a good harvest in their careers and love, and they will win every competition in the next competition! Climb to the top of Paris! Accomplish your big dreams! #头条创作挑战赛#

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