
In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

author:Lemon does not bark

On the campus of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, there is a trail called Zixiang Road, which becomes a colorful scene of flowers every year during the graduation season. The purple woad flowers planted on both sides of the road bloom one after another, like clouds and mist, as if to put a gentle purple veil on the students who are about to leave the school. The breeze blows, and the petals sway gently, exuding a faint fragrance, as if telling the sorrow of parting and the hope of the future.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

The morning sun shines through the treetops and onto the petals, reflecting patches of soft color. Dressed in neat bachelor's uniforms, the graduates shuttled through the sea of flowers in groups of three or five, looking for the best shooting spots. They posed in various poses, smiling brightly, and captured the unforgettable moment. Every photo is a commemoration of youth, and every shutter is the start of a dream.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

The purple color of the astral flower is deep and mysterious, just like the mood of the graduates, who have both expectations for the future and nostalgia for the past. In this sea of purple flowers, they recalled the bits and pieces of the past four years, those nights in the laboratory, those afternoons in the library, and those sweating on the sports field, all of which turned into the best memories in their hearts.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

On a bench on the side of the road, a couple is hugging each other, their faces full of reluctance. Four years of getting along day and night have left too many common footprints on this campus. Now, they are about to go their separate ways to chase their dreams, but this love, like this purple flower, will bloom in their hearts wherever they go.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

On the steps of the school building, a group of boys are holding beer bottles aloft and shouting each other's names, laughter echoing in the air. They used to be the most tacit teammates on the field and rivals in the classroom, but at this moment, they just want to cherish these last moments and let their friendship last forever under the witness of the sea of purple flowers.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

On the grass not far away, several girls were sitting around and whispering. They talk about their future plans, some to study abroad, some to join the workforce, but no matter which path they choose, they know that this sisterhood will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

As the sun sets, the color of the aster flowers becomes more intense, as if mourning the departure of the graduates. The students picked up their cameras one after another to record this beautiful campus and record their youth for the last time. They know that tomorrow, they will pack their bags and embark on a new journey, but this will always be the warmest home in their hearts.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate

When night falls, the lights on both sides of Zixiang Road are lit up, giving this sea of flowers another layer of dreamlike color. The graduates held hands, shoulder to shoulder, sang the school song, and said goodbye to every corner of the campus. In their singing, there is a yearning for the future, nostalgia for the campus, and a reluctance to youth.

In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate
In the graduation season of China University of Science and Technology, students took a photo to commemorate