
The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

author:Sustained-release exercise
The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

The Chinese U18 women's basketball team faced the South Korean team in the semifinals of the Asian Championships, showing a strong overall strength and internal advantage. In the group stage, the Chinese team relied on Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance to defeat the opponent with three consecutive big scores, and no one was invincible. In today's semifinals, Zhang Ziyu stepped forward again, scoring 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists, becoming the scoring guarantee and internal stability point of the Chinese team.

On the court, Jang Ziyu's inside score almost made the South Korean team helpless. Netizen "Basketball Fan Xiao Wang" commented: "Zhang Ziyu is simply a warrior on the basketball court, and her performance makes people watch their blood boiling!" He believes that the Chinese team's internal advantage is the key to this victory, "As long as Zhang Ziyu is there, we have the guarantee of winning." ”

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

During the game, Wang Jiaxin and Xu Peilin's outside performances were also appreciated. Spectator "Basketball Fanatic Applejack" shared his thoughts on social media: "The Chinese team has a good outside hand, which makes it impossible for opponents to defend in all aspects, opening up more scoring opportunities for Zhang Ziyu. He pointed out that the tacit cooperation of the team is one of the important reasons why the Chinese team has taken the lead by a big score.

At the end of the first half, the Chinese team led 45-24, which made the fans at the scene excited. Netizen "Xiaofang of Basketball Control" shared her observations in the circle of friends: "Zhang Ziyu scored 24 points and 11 rebounds in a single quarter, she is simply a goddess on the basketball court!" The Chinese team showed a strong overall strength, which made people look forward to the final. ”

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

In the second half, Zhang Ziyu continued to play a key role, and her back-to-back baskets and rebounds cemented China's lead. Netizens began to discuss Zhang Ziyu's future prospects. "Basketball lover Xiao Liu" left a message: "A talented player like Zhang Ziyu will definitely become the backbone of the national team in the future!" Her performance is not only a nightmare for her opponents, but also a source of pride for us. ”

Although the South Korean team occasionally tried to fight back, the Chinese team's internal and external cooperation was never shaken. "Basketball expert Xiao Chen" shared his views in the WeChat group: "The Chinese team has obvious advantages on the inside, and it also performs well on the outside, which makes it difficult for the South Korean team to find a way to solve it. He believes that the teamwork spirit of the Chinese team and Zhang Ziyu's individual ability are the double insurance for victory.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

After the game, netizens expressed their appreciation and expectation for Zhang Ziyu's performance. "Basketball fan Xiao Li" wrote in the comment area: "Zhang Ziyu is worthy of being a rising star in domestic basketball, and her performance makes us full of confidence in the future basketball game!" He believes that Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance has not only driven the team, but also inspired the dreams of more young players.

On social platforms, the discussion about the Chinese women's basketball team in the semifinals of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Championship was extremely hot. A netizen left his comment after the game: "I've watched several games, let's evaluate it objectively, if there is no Zhang Ziyu's existence, it will be a third-rate team, it is really disastrous, tactics, discipline, scrambling, awareness, card position... The whole game was basically a mess, with few bright spots. ”

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

The comments quickly struck a chord and discussion among other fans. "Basketball fan Xiao Wang" replied: "Yes, Zhang Ziyu is simply our savior." Not only is she dominant in scoring and rebounding, but she's also able to step up in crunch time, which is a rare kind of leadership. He believes that the Chinese team has shown real strength under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu, "Without her, we might have been out of the game a long time ago." ”

Another netizen, "Basketball Fanatic Applejack", expressed a similar opinion: "The overall performance of the Chinese team was indeed a bit disappointing, especially after Zhang Ziyu went off the court, the team's overall offense lost its rhythm, and the defense began to show holes. He pointed out that the Chinese team seems to rely too much on her under Zhang Ziyu's influence, "which is a big warning for the future development of the team." ”

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

In the post-match discussion, there was a mention of the tactical arrangement of the Chinese team. "Basketball expert Xiao Chen" shared his views in the WeChat group: "The tactical arrangement of the Chinese team is not very clear, especially after the opponent strengthens the defense, it is difficult to find an effective offensive point. He believes that in addition to Zhang Ziyu, the performance and adaptability of other players in the team also need to be further improved, "This is the focus of future training." ”

In addition to the discussion at the technical level, some netizens also paid attention to the mentality of the players. "Basketball enthusiast Xiao Liu" believes that "the Chinese team seemed a little nervous in the game, especially the mistakes at critical moments." This requires the team to improve their mental quality in order to play more consistently in key games. ”

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

Next, the Chinese team will face the final challenge of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship, and this game will be very important for them. In the semi-finals, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance was impressive, and her dominance was not only a highlight for the team, but also one of the key factors in the final victory.

On the eve of the final, the head coach of the Chinese team, Coach Li, was studying the footage of the previous games, and he was attentively observing every detail. He knew in his heart that although Zhang Ziyu's performance on the inside was very good, how to improve the team's overall performance in the face of stronger opponents was the key to their victory. He thinks about how to adjust his squad and tactics to meet the various challenges that may come his way.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

The players in the team are also preparing, Wang Jiaxin and Xu Peilin are doing additional training on outside shooting. They know that the finals will be more demanding on the outside, and every shot opportunity can affect the direction of the game. Wang Jiaxin was a little nervous, knowing that her shooting percentage would be crucial in this match, and she was determined to improve her consistency and accuracy.

At the same time, Zhang Ziyu is also trying to maintain his form. She understands how important she is in the team, but she also knows that she can't win on her own. She communicates with her teammates a lot, trying to find a better fit and tacit understanding. Zhang Ziyu thought to herself that in order to play well again in the final, she needs to be fully prepared on both the defensive and offensive ends to create the biggest problems for her opponents.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

In the last training camp before the game, Coach Lee emphasized the importance of rebounding contention. He pointed out that rebounding is one of the key factors that can determine the fate of a game, especially against opponents with high physical fitness and basketball IQ. He hopes that the players can give it their all in the game, fight for every rebound, and not give the opponent any respite.

On social media, fans are also buzzing about the upcoming finals. Some netizens left a message: "Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly our general, but the final is not just a battle for her alone, I hope the whole team can unite and fight for the championship together." They believe that on the basis of the advantage of the inside, if the Chinese team can strengthen the outside defense and rebounding competition, it will be more likely to defeat strong opponents and win the game.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

Another fan, "Little Flower of Basketball Fans", also expressed a similar opinion: "The final should not be underestimated, we need the hard work and unity of the whole team, whether it is Zhang Ziyu or the other players, everyone has to play their best." "She hopes that the team can show real strength and team spirit in the final and give a good game to the fans across the country.

For the Chinese team, the final will be a real test. They need to continue to carry forward Zhang Ziyu's leadership role, and at the same time, they also need the hard work and tacit understanding of the whole team. In the face of strong opponents, only by uniting and going all out can we win a glory for Chinese basketball. This final is destined to be a passionate and challenging showdown, and the Chinese women's basketball team will make every effort to achieve this.

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance not only demonstrated her personal strength, but also demonstrated the overall strength and unity of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team. Under her leadership, the Chinese team is expected to achieve better results in this Asian Championship and cultivate more outstanding basketball talents for the future of the national team.

The Chinese women's basketball team defeated South Korea 79-61 to advance to the U18 finals.

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