
Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it


Today's entertainment industry can be said to be more and more insufficient, celebrities are all thinking about becoming popular and wanting to make a comeback, and all kinds of ways have been exhausted, for example, Yang Ying recently tried to make a comeback by selling goods through live broadcasts.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And it is directly into the live broadcast room of the Internet celebrity to sell goods, this move can be said to have caused a lot of heated discussions, after all, they used to wear all kinds of high-end to appear on the camera, but now they are wearing other people's high-end to sell goods, this comparison is also quite large, let's take a look at what kind of considerations and intentions Yang Ying has behind this approach!

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

It can be said that today's Yang Ying is completely different from her before, she used to be a national wife with a sweet image and was highly praised, but now she is criticized by many people, thinking that she is a bad artist and should not come out again.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And I think she is very snobbish, because now she no longer relies on her acting skills and works to attract everyone, but shows off herself through various outfits and haute couture, and even earns a huge income through various endorsements and activities, so she is also questioned.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And now she has never thought about whether she should come out again, and she is still crazy to test the waters in various fields, and she is also buying heat everywhere in various fields, just like entering Simba's live broadcast room this time,

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

It can be said that she wants to make her popularity go up again in various ways, and wants everyone to forget what she did before, and she also thinks she is very scheming, because it can be said that it is very unkind to buy heat frantically in various time periods.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And in the live broadcast room, everyone also saw her all kinds of cuteness and showing off, and even sang rap, wanting to attract everyone's attention in various ways, and this move also caused many people to be dissatisfied, thinking that she was very hypocritical and snobbish.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And I feel that she doesn't know her own positioning, she is obviously a woman who has entered the palace of marriage, but she is still crazy about selling cuteness and showing off everywhere, she really doesn't know what she is doing, so she is also questioned and criticized.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

And this time the live broadcast selling goods was also a very failure, because when she sold goods live at that time, it was obvious that there were not many netizens present, and there were many netizens complaining about her in the barrage.

Yang Ying appeared in Simba's live broadcast room, singing and dancing, selling 790 million yuan, and frequent hot searches, and was sprayed by netizens, don't buy it

feels that she is a bad artist and should not come out again, so this kind of live broadcast selling is also a very failure, and she has not been recognized and liked by everyone, on the contrary, there are many people who choose to hack her, and feel that she is a very failed bad artist, and there is no point in coming out again.