
The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts


With the continuous development of the Internet, more and more people have begun to pour into this huge ocean of information.

Being able to obtain a variety of information in the network, and at the same time being able to create a world of our own in the network, is undoubtedly a new way for us to start a business.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

However, in this seemingly online world full of opportunities, there are also many hidden pitfalls.

Some people fall into investment scams in pursuit of so-called high returns.

was deceived of 6 million, and her husband thought about committing suicide.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

In our lives, there may be some such cases.

Recently, a 55-year-old rural woman fell into an investment fraud because she was pursuing so-called high returns, and ended up with a huge debt of 6 million.

When her husband learned the news, the whole person collapsed, and even directly said that he was dead and took all these debts away from you.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

The originally happy family fell into an unprecedented predicament because of this incident.

So, what kind of investment can make this aunt so addicted that she even drags her family into the abyss?

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

1. High returns for being stuck in a virtual network

In fact, in this case, the investment method that can make Aunt Chen so addicted is nothing else, it is the high return from the virtual network.

At the beginning, Aunt Chen didn't actually believe in these so-called investment methods, and she would observe them with a skeptical attitude.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

But as more and more people showed her so-called returns, she gradually became attracted to all of them.

Under the rendering of these people, Aunt Chen began to believe in high returns.

And in her subconscious, she also began to crave such a return, feeling that only in this way could she truly turn over.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

It is precisely because of this that she will invest her money in this virtual network at the very beginning.

Only in this way will she be able to reap the so-called high returns.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

And in this process, her mentality is also slowly changing, from the initial skepticism to the later believing, and then to the final blindness.

She began to become greedy, feeling that in this way, she could get everything she wanted.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

Second, I can't extricate myself from it

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Aunt Chen is just a victim who has been deceived.

But in fact, in such a case, Aunt Chen is not the only victim, her family, relatives and friends, and even the entire village have become victims of this disaster.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

Because under her momentary greed, she invested everyone's hard-earned money into this virtual network, and the so-called high returns here have always been just an ethereal existence, and they can't be realized at all.

Even after this, Aunt Chen began to suspect all this, and she realized that she might have fallen into a huge scam, but she couldn't have the courage to face it all in the face of the huge debt she already owed.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

It is precisely because of this that she chooses to commit suicide, or drag her family into it, hoping to solve the problems she is facing in this way.

And in this process, Aunt Chen's husband is also very sorry for his wife, he doesn't want to see his wife have any accidents, and he doesn't want his family to be hurt because of such a thing.

The aunt was deceived of 6 million yuan because of greed, and her husband almost committed suicide after learning about it, and now she is starting a live broadcast to pay off her debts

Therefore, when he heard his wife's confession, he did not choose to escape, but took the initiative to find various ways to help his wife, hoping to get out of this difficult time together.