
In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

author:The fast track to history

In 1980, a grand burial ceremony was held in Geyue Mountain Martyrs' Cemetery, and the deceased was the niece of the great warlord Yang Sen, who was called "Miss Yang" during her lifetime. ”

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

The eldest lady of the Yang family, whose full name is Yang Hanxiu, was born in Longtai Township, Guang'an County, Sichuan Province in 1912. Her father, Yang Maoxiu, was a local landlord on the wealthy side and the second brother of Yang Sen, a great warlord in Sichuan.

In 1924, Yang Maoxiu died in the Battle of Yichang, and entrusted Yang Hanxiu to his brother Yang Sen to take care of before his death. Since then, 19-year-old Yang Hanxiu has lived beside Yang Sen.

When Yang Hanxiu was 21 years old, it happened that Zhu De received an order to go to Wanxian County and personally persuade Yang Sen to go on the Northern Expedition. Taking this opportunity, Yang Hanxiu got acquainted with Zhu De, and even witnessed Wanxian setting off a mighty anti-imperialist wave under the instigation of Zhu De and others.

Yang Hanxiu secretly listened to Zhu De's preaching, and came into contact with revolutionary ideas for the first time, breaking her perception of the eldest lady of a wealthy family in the past, and she also went to participate in the demonstration.

These experiences made her unwilling to just be a carefree daughter of a high-ranking family, and the scorching revolutionary fire buried in Yang Hanxiu's heart began to burn.

In order to rebel against the marriage arranged by the family, Yang Hanxiu married a poor teacher, and after the marriage, she went to Shanghai with her husband to continue her studies.

The couple originally planned to go abroad for further study, but when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the plan was delayed, and the husband fell seriously ill and eventually passed away.

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

The death of her beloved and the incomprehension of her family, Yang Hanxiu was under the double blow, and the only thing that supported her was the revolutionary spirit. She changed direction, stopped studying, and made up her mind to "go to the front line of resistance against Japan"!

For this decision, Yang Hanxiu spent a year looking for a path to revolutionary organization. At the beginning of 1939, under the introduction of Zhu Ruqing, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, Yang Hanxiu participated in the revolution as he wished.

Because of the situation, Yang Hanxiu and other newcomers could only go to Yan'an in batches, and Yang Hanxiu first stayed in Chengdu "Xingmang Daily" to do proofreading work.

There was no news from Zhu Ruqing's side for a long time, Yang Hanxiu waited very anxiously, and when she inquired, she was suspicious of everyone because of her identity as "Miss Yang Family", and Zhu Ruqing was also blamed for this.

Subsequently, because of Hu Zongnan's military blockade and the "December coup", Yang Hanxiu's wish to go to Yan'an was once again frustrated. When she had no clue, Yang Hanxiu remembered that Zhu Ruqing had mentioned to her a CCP commissioner named Gan Yumei, maybe she could help her.

So, Yang Hanxiu looked around for Gan Yumei. But at this time, Gan Yumei was too busy to take care of herself, because she was a famous anti-Japanese fighter, Yan Xishan ordered someone to arrest her, and she was forced to take people up Zhongtiao Mountain.

Eventually, Yang Hanxiu finally met Gan Yumei with the help of the villagers. Gan Yumei didn't accept her at the first glance when she saw Yang Hanxiu, thinking that she was just a daughter, and persuaded her to leave as soon as possible and not to suffer with them.

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

But they were surprised by Yang Hanxiu's performance, Yang Hanxiu marched with the team day and night, even if his feet were worn out and he couldn't sleep all night, he never complained, and followed the team closely.

When the army was discovered by the enemy and saw that Gan Yumei was about to be arrested, Yang Hanxiu took the initiative to reveal her identity and lied that Gan Yumei was her distant cousin, which diverted the enemy's attention.

Later, Yang Hanxiu, Gan Yumei and others were transferred to the Luoyang labor camp, and Yang Hanxiu used his identity to bail himself and Gan Yumei out.

Slowly, in Gan Yumei's heart, she has begun to accept this bourgeois eldest lady and recognize Yang Hanxiu. After several rounds, the two came to the Eighth Route Army office in Xi'an.

Here, Yang Hanxiu unexpectedly met an acquaintance, and finally made her wish come true and successfully went to Yan'an.

At that time, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De happened to be returning to Yan'an from the front, and when he passed through Xi'an, he met Yang Hanxiu again, and after learning of her experience, he couldn't help but praise: "You can leave the warlord family and contribute to the revolution, this spirit is commendable!" ”

In this way, under the personal leadership of Mr. Zhu, Yang Hanxiu finally arrived at Yan'an, the holy land of revolution. At the same time, Yang Hanxiu told Zhu De: She wants to be a rebel of the Yang family, she must carry out a thorough transformation, even change her name and surname, and follow the Communist Party revolution to the end.

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

Zhu De changed her name to Wu Ming according to what she said without a name or surname. Since then, Yan'an Women's University, Lu Xun Art Institute, and Anti-Japanese Military and Political University have seen a girl named Wu Ming.

In March 1942, under the care of Zhu De and Wang Weizhou, Yang Hanxiu honorably joined the Communist Party of China. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek launched a civil war, and Yang Hanxiu was sent back to Chongqing.

After Yang Hanxiu returned to his hometown, he had extensive contact with people from all walks of life as "Miss Yang" to carry out united front work. Due to his frequent revolutionary activities, Yang Hanxiu naturally became a thorn in the side of the Kuomintang spies.

In July 1947, Yang Hanxiu was arrested for the first time due to a whistleblower by the Central Unification agents and was escorted to the Kuomintang prison in Chengdu. In September 1948, Yang Hanxiu was arrested for the second time and detained in the detention room of the Chongqing Garrison Headquarters due to a whistleblower by the military commander's spies.

In the detention room, Yang Hanxiu saw Sheng Guoyu, Jiang Zhuyun and other revolutionary fighters who were detained together, and greeted everyone cordially.

However, Sheng Guoyu and his party had just been tortured, and when they saw Yang Hanxiu, who was unscathed and ruddy-faced, appeared in prison, they thought she was a lobbyist sent by the Kuomintang, and they didn't give her a good look.

Yang Hanxiu didn't care, personally arranged Sheng Guoyu's hair, and asked her about her personal condition. Sheng Guoyu was very cautious, thinking that even if he died, he couldn't reveal any information.

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

Yang Hanxiu saw Sheng Guoyu's thoughts and comforted her: "I, like you, are all people who are dedicated to the Communist Party, but my identity is more special. My uncle, Yang Sen, the mayor of Chongqing, objected to what I was doing and kept me here, but the spies didn't dare to do anything to me when they knew who I was. ”

Hearing that Yang Hanxiu was Yang Sen's niece, everyone couldn't believe her words. You must know that Yang Sen is a warlord who kills people without blinking, and everyone hates him, how dare they believe the words of this "eldest lady of the Yang family".

Seeing this, Yang Hanxiu went out silently. In addition to vigilance, Sheng Guoyu was more hungry and tired, and after they were caught in, they were tortured, and they didn't have a bite to eat during the period!

When everyone thought they were about to die here, Yang Hanxiu came back again, with a lot of delicious things in her hand, and she warmly beckoned everyone to come over to eat, but no one passed.

Yang Hanxiu brought the food to everyone and said: "If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to do revolutionary work!" ”

When everyone heard it, they felt that it made sense. If they starve to death today, they will no longer be able to contribute to the party organization, so they will no longer shirk and eat with gusto. Yang Hanxiu said happily: "This is what a revolutionary comrade should be!" ”

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

After eating, Sheng Guoyu wanted to go to the toilet, but the spy refused to let him go, deliberately embarrassed. Even if everyone argued with reason, the spies were still unmoved, and closed the door, so angry that everyone was helpless.

At this time, Yang Hanxiu stood up and asked the spies: "What do you mean, why don't you let them go to the toilet!" ”

With Yang Hanxiu's words, the spies didn't dare to disobey, so they had to let everyone go. The comrades realized that Yang Hanxiu was on their side from beginning to end and used her identity to help them, and finally let go of the rejection in their hearts.

In the days that followed, Yang Hanxiu saw that Sheng Guoyu and others had become passive with the time of detention, and took the initiative to tell them about the revolutionary situation in Yan'an, and helped everyone as much as possible in terms of food and clothing, mobilizing everyone's morale.

A few days later, Sheng Guoyu and the others were to be transferred to the Dregs Cave Prison, where the conditions were even worse. Yang Hanxiu knew the hardships that the group was about to face, so he specially asked someone to buy a few good dishes outside and entertain everyone for the last meal!

Sheng Guoyu knew in his heart that Yang Hanxiu had spent a lot of money to help them these days, so he couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get so much money to buy things for us?" I bought such a good dish today! ”

Yang Hanxiu didn't care: "What's this, my dad is the bandit leader Yang Maoxiu, in addition to thousands of acres of land in my house, there are also a few streets!" You don't have to worry about the money, I have it, let's finish our last meal today! ”

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

Everyone didn't think about it anymore, thinking that with Yang Hanxiu's multiple relationships, she would soon be able to resume her life as a young lady. But when they parted, Yang Hanxiu said to everyone: "You go first, and I will meet you in a few days!" ”

At that time, Sheng Guoyu and others didn't take this sentence to heart, but they didn't expect that a few days later, Yang Hanxiu was sent to the scum cave prison, and the people who held her this time were no longer polite to her!

It turned out that when Yang Hanxiu was in the detention center, her family sent many people to persuade her not to make a revolution anymore! But not only did she not listen, but she also deceived her family to go back to fight for the family property, and used the money she obtained to supply some supplies to the militia forces secretly gathered in various parts of Huazuan Mountain.

In addition, in the name of summer vacation, Yang Hanxiu went up to some dangerous passes of Huazuan Mountain to pretend to paint and tour the mountains to prepare for the imminent armed uprising.

This series of actions made Yang Sen furious, and he no longer protected her, and Yang Hanxiu was also sent to the "Sino-US Cooperation Institute" Dregs Cave Prison.

At the beginning, the comrades in the Dregs Cave Prison did not accept Yang Hanxiu, and even did not let Sheng Guoyu and others speak to her, and even said to her face that Yang Hanxiu was a spy sent by the Kuomintang!

Until Yang Hanxiu was often beaten half to death, she didn't forget to sing revolutionary songs in front of everyone and preach her experience of studying in Yan'an, and everyone finally accepted her!

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

At the same time, Yang Hanxiu's family also came to visit her in prison from time to time and brought her son Cho Jae-min with them, but Yang Hanxiu was unmoved and told his son about his thoughts and determination.

After the family left, Yang Hanxiu hid his sadness and distributed the delicious food to everyone. There were pregnant women in the prison, and Yang Hanxiu took care of them personally, and also relied on his connections to get milk powder, which saved the lives of the children and their mothers.

In 1949, when the Kuomintang was gone, Yang Sen remembered his "niece" who was engaged in revolution in prison, and hoped to reconcile with the Communist Party through her connections, so he released her on bail.

Yang Hanxiu originally wanted to persevere with everyone to the end, but her special identity could still make some contributions to the party, and by the way, she decided to release from prison early.

What Sheng Guoyu and others didn't expect was that this separation was the last time they met Yang Hanxiu.

In 1949, the Zhaidong Prison suffered a massacre, Sheng Guoyu became the only comrade who escaped, and later she inquired about Yang Hanxiu's whereabouts, but heard bad news!

In the same year, Yang Hanxiu witnessed the "9.2" fire in Chongqing, and Yang Hanxiu witnessed that Yang Sen was the creator of the fire, and she came forward to expose his crimes.

Yang Sen was annoyed and angry, and ordered the spies to brutally kill Yang Hanxiu, and throw his bones to the wilderness. It was not until the summer of 1975 that Yang's body was found and exhumed.

In 1948, after the arrest of the female underground party, she invited her fellow inmates to feast: Eat at ease, how many streets does my house have?

On November 25, 1980, the "Burial Ceremony of the Remains of Martyr Yang Hanxiu" was held in the Geyue Mountain Martyrs Cemetery in Chongqing, so that she could finally be buried with Jiang Zhuyun and other martyrs who were martyr friends in the Dregs Cave of that year.

At the funeral ceremony, Sheng Guoyu couldn't help crying on the spot. For her, Yang Hanxiu is not only the person who brought her the direction of revolution, but also a ray of light in times of suffering!

A woman like Yang Hanxiu who doesn't like to dress up and love arms is rare in the world, and her spirit is worth remembering!

Reference: Yang Hanxiu: From "Miss Yang" to a revolutionary martyr--Party History Channel-People's Daily Online