
Note that Didi opened a new rule for dispatching orders, which will be implemented on July 4, and many drivers are going to cry!

author:Taxi land

At present, the dispatch mode of online car-hailing is generally based on the basic principle of dispatching orders in the vicinity and giving priority to drivers in dispatching orders. However, each platform is also consciously constantly revising and optimizing its own dispatch rules.

According to the riders, Didi Dache is about to pilot new station dispatch rules in many places in the near future. For example, Guangzhou Didi announced that it will start on July 4 to try out the new rules for ultra-long orders at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport and Guangzhou South Railway Station.

Note that Didi opened a new rule for dispatching orders, which will be implemented on July 4, and many drivers are going to cry!

Judging from the introduction, in Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, orders of more than 75 kilometers and orders of more than 60 kilometers at Guangzhou South Railway Station can be regarded as ultra-long orders, and they are naturally high-quality orders that are coveted and "eyed" by drivers and masters.

Note that Didi opened a new rule for dispatching orders, which will be implemented on July 4, and many drivers are going to cry!

Under Didi's trial of the ultra-long order dispatch rule, once there is a demand for ultra-long orders, the platform will give priority to "drivers with better overall performance" by grabbing orders, so that drivers can choose whether to grab orders or not.

If there is no driver to grab the order (note: it is obviously unlikely), the order will enter the menu hall and let all the drivers at the station make the selection, or change to the system assignment (the system will assign priority to other "drivers with better comprehensive performance" who have not refused to answer in the order grabbing stage")!

Note that Didi opened a new rule for dispatching orders, which will be implemented on July 4, and many drivers are going to cry!

So, what qualifies as a "driver with better overall performance"? Naturally, the word-of-mouth value, the number of completed orders and the length of time of the order are the main reference coefficients.

This time, the pilot of the new order distribution rules, to put it bluntly, is to let those high-scoring drivers and loyal drivers of the platform have the unprecedented right to grab orders and "pick orders", and to tilt these high-quality orders to the so-called "high-quality drivers" of the platform, so that they have more active and sufficient choice.

At the same time, it means that other drivers can only get their "leftovers" orders.

The setting of this new dispatch rule is undoubtedly to further show goodwill to the excellent drivers of the platform and increase their sense of belonging to the platform. And this is probably not good news for other drivers who are relatively "marginal".

What do you think about this? Do you support the setting of this "new rule"?