
There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

author:Kopko's worldview

Recently, the international community can be described as quite hot, from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, countries are arguing inextricably, which has started a big fight within the EU.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the European Union has followed the pace of the United States and continued to fund Ukraine, falling out with Russia. And the recent outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has sparked strong divisions within the EU.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

In order to support its allies, the United States has invested a lot of money, and also dragged Europe into the water together, Germany and France and other countries followed closely, while other countries held opposing views, long-term funding has made Europe's economy worse, the rift within the EU can not be ignored, and protests are constantly emerging.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Europe is becoming a "puppet" of the United States step by step, from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Americans will always be the profiteering party, and the suffering is the ordinary people who have suffered from the war, as well as the countries that have been dragged into the water by it, which are full of these American henchmen.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

As we all know, the United States has been fighting a trade war with us for several years, and recently it wants to add weight to the trade war, so it wants to drag the EU into the water, because the already sluggish economy puts the EU in jeopardy, and now they want to fight a trade war with us, and naturally many countries resist.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

In recent days, the EU has also wanted to impose additional tariffs on us, and the ultimate victim must be both sides, and in the voting session, nearly half of the countries voted against, and Germany, Italy, and France visited our country one after another to express their position.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

As the saying goes, friends come with good wine, jackals come with shotguns, and the interests are mutual, such as German machines, our new energy vehicles, and mutual exchanges. The European people also know in their hearts that cooperation is a win-win situation, and division is a loss for both, and from the current situation, we are their lifeline!

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

However, just when Sino-European relations were showing signs of improvement, von der Leyen, a thorn in the side, jumped out and followed the United States closely. Speaking of von der Leyen, I have to introduce her identity - the president of the European Union, during her tenure, the European Union was terminally ill, and when many members realized that China was their partner, she took the lead in making trouble, which can be described as a "traitor in troubled times", it can be said that she is the "internal ghost" of the United States! Hungary, Italy, the Czech Republic and other countries have made it clear that they want to impeach von der Leyen.

There was a split within the European Union, many countries turned to China, and von der Leyen was forced to resign

More than half of the 27 member states are against being an enemy of China, so von der Leyen is at risk of stepping down!


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