
When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

Cui'er, this girl, ran away from home when she was a child, went outside for ten years, and now she has returned from school, which is a good time for spring to bloom. She carried a large bag and a small bag, and her heart blossomed, and she hurried home, thinking that she could be reunited with her family now. But who would have thought that as soon as you enter the house, you will feel that something is wrong. As soon as Cui'er stepped into the courtyard, she saw her sister-in-law Wang busy working there, but the action looked a little strange. The sister-in-law, who is usually gentle and gentle, has a dodgy look in her eyes at this time, as if she is afraid of something.

Cui'er muttered in her heart, and stepped forward to talk: "Sister-in-law, where is my brother?" Why are you doing it alone? When Wang heard that Cui'er was back, panic flashed on his face, but he immediately covered it up, and said with a smile: "Your brother went to the town to run errands, and he hasn't come back yet." You've just come at the right time, I've just stewed chicken here, and you'll try it later. Cui'er looked at her sister-in-law's expression, and the suspicion in her heart became even greater. She looked around, why are there more Taoist things in the house, peach wood swords, charms or something, this thing is not common in our house, and it is so conspicuous.

Cui'er knew in her heart that something must have happened at home. In the evening, her brother Li Qiang also came back, and when he saw his sister, he was so happy that he pulled Cui'er to ask questions. Cui'er saw that there was nothing unusual about her brother, and her heart was a little more steady, but she still secretly observed her sister-in-law's every move. She found that her sister-in-law was at the dinner table, always using chopsticks to scratch on the ground, and her mouth was still chattering, Cui'er's heart tightened, this can't be some kind of spell, right?

When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life

It was late at night, and Cui'er lay on the bed tossing and turning, but she couldn't sleep. The more she pondered it, the more she felt that something was wrong at home, and decided to go to the town early the next morning to ask the old Taoist priest. Early the next morning, Cui'er quietly went out and went straight to the Taoist temple. As soon as the old Taoist priest saw Cui'er, he knew that something was wrong with her, and Cui'er told the old Taoist priest everything about the situation at home. When the old Taoist priest heard this, he frowned and said in a deep voice: "You must have provoked unclean things in your house." That Wang behaved strangely, and eighty percent was possessed by some evil spirit. ”

When Cui'er heard this, she panicked in her heart, and hurriedly asked, "Old Taoist, what should I do?" The old Taoist priest thought for a while and said, "You go home first, and I'll arrive later." Remember, sprinkle some glutinous rice on your doorstep, that thing will ward off evil spirits. Also, if your brother comes back, be sure to let him stay in the house and don't let him go out. Cui'er nodded again and again, thanked the old Taoist, and hurried home. She listened to the words of the Taoist chief, and her heart was so down-to-earth, she sprinkled a handful of glutinous rice at the door of her house, and said to her brother Li Qiang: "You have to stay in the house honestly, don't run out." Although Li Qiang was confused, he looked at his sister's seriousness, so he didn't ask much, and was obedient. Not long after, the Taoist chief also rushed to Li's house in a hurry, holding a peachwood sword in his hand, and dancing like a windmill in the courtyard. The tip of the sword turned, and there seemed to be something invisible in the air, and it was forced to flee in all directions. The Taoist chief was chattering in his mouth, and his voice was as loud as thunder, which made people's hearts furry when he heard it.

At this moment, Wang suddenly rushed out, his eyes were as red as rabbits, his face was distorted frighteningly, and his mouth made strange noises. As soon as the Dao Chief saw this situation, with a wave of the peachwood sword, a light went straight to the Wang clan. Wang screamed and fell to the ground without moving. The Taoist leader hurriedly stepped forward, took out the charm from his arms, and put it on Wang's forehead with a snap. said that it was too late, and the hideousness on Wang's face disappeared, but there was still a little panic and confusion in his eyes.

When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life

It turned out that the Wang family went up the mountain to collect medicine and accidentally bumped into an evil ghost, who wanted to do bad things with Wang's body, but was discovered by Cui'er and the Taoist chief and stopped it in time. Cui'er saw that her sister-in-law had returned to normal, and she was so happy in her heart that she hurriedly stepped forward to support her. Wang himself felt ashamed and cried profusely. The Taoist chief saw that the evil cult had been eliminated, so he said to Cui'er: "You have saved your brother's life by ventilating the news this time, and you will have to be more careful in the future." Cui'er nodded like pounding garlic, and the Li family returned to its former calm.

Cui'er also often goes to the Taoist temple to learn Taoism, wanting to protect her family and fellow villagers. That incident also became the talk of the people in the town after dinner, and it spread widely. Cui'er watched her sister-in-law Wang recover, and the big stone in her heart finally landed. She hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea for the Taoist Chief, and said gratefully, "Daoist Chief, you really saved our family!" The Taoist chief took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "It's all fate." If you have learned a little Taoism, you can be regarded as a destined person. Being able to find the problem in time this time can be regarded as your brother's fate, but fortunately it was resolved. ”

When Cui'er heard this, her heart was warm, and she felt that the words of the Taoist chief were both real and intimate. She asked again, "Dao Chief, why did the evil ghost find his sister-in-law?" The Taoist chief sighed and slowly explained: "That evil ghost was originally a lonely ghost in the mountains, who was wronged in life, and after death, his resentment could not be eliminated, so he looked for a substitute everywhere and wanted to be reborn. Wang went up the mountain to collect medicine, and accidentally broke into its territory, so he was possessed. When Cui'er heard this, she sighed in her heart, she didn't expect that there were such tragic ghosts in the world. She looked at Wang and couldn't help but feel sympathy in her heart. Wang also sobered up, recalled his previous behavior, and cried with shame. Cui'er held Wang's hand tightly, tears fell down, and her voice was choked: "Cui'er, sister-in-law really can't stand you and your brother, how can I do that kind of thing?" Cui'er looked at her sister-in-law's appearance, and her heart was also mixed. She comforted softly: "Sister-in-law, don't be too sad. It's not your fault, it's all the devil's fault. Now that the Taoist has cleaned it up, you will be at ease. When Wang heard this, his emotions slowly calmed down. She wiped her tears and said to the Dao Chief, "Dao Chief, you really saved my life!" In the future, I will definitely do more good deeds to make up for my past mistakes. The Taoist nodded slightly, said a few words, and turned to leave. Cui'er sent the Taoist chief away, turned back to the Wang family and said, "Sister-in-law, you have to be careful when you go up the mountain to collect medicine in the future, don't let those unclean things entangle you again." Wang agreed, and was grateful to Cui'er in his heart. She knew that if Cui'er hadn't found out early and found the Taoist chief, she might never have been able to return to this home. Since then, Wang has become extra cautious, no longer going up the mountain alone, and always acting with his sisters in the village. She also actively participates in the good deeds of the village and uses her actions to make up for her past mistakes.

When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life

Cui'er also continued to learn Maoshan Taoism from the Taoist chief, learning more attentively, and often taught the Taoist skills she learned to the young people in the village, hoping that these Taoist skills could protect everyone and let everyone in the village live a good life. Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Cui'er became a well-known little Taoist priest in the village, not only proficient in Maoshan Taoism, but also good at using charms and magic weapons to drive away ghosts and evil spirits. The people in the village praised her as a high disciple of the Taoist master, and she would definitely become a master in the future. The Wang family has also won everyone's respect and affection in the village. She proved her change with practical actions, not only became good sisters with Cui'er, but also often helped the villagers solve problems. Her kindness and hard work have won everyone's praise.

Li Qiang saw that his sister and wife were so good, and his heart was full of pride and relief. He knew that the happiness of this family was all because of the dedication and efforts of these two women. One night, Cui'er and Wang sat in the courtyard to enjoy the shade and chat. They recalled the bits and pieces of the past few years and were full of emotion. Cui'er said, "Sister-in-law, you see how good our family is now!" You've changed so much, and I've changed so much. Hearing this, Wang nodded with a smile: "Yes, Cui'er, thanks to you and the Dao Chief." If it weren't for you, I would have been finished. Now I feel so good to be alive! The two looked at each other and smiled, as if all the difficulties and setbacks had become a thing of the past, gone with the wind. They are convinced that with love and hope in their hearts, they can overcome all difficulties and move towards a brighter tomorrow. Since then, Ah Cui'er and the Wang family have become a good story in the village. With their own experiences and stories, they inspire the villagers to keep moving forward and pursue a happier life. As for the evil ghost who once brought them danger and challenges, it has long been diluted by the long river of time and disappeared into the dust of history...... Under the moonlight, Cui'er and Wang chatted, their words full of emotion about life and longing for the future. Suddenly, the Wang family changed the topic, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and he said to Cui'er: "Cui'er, do you know that our Maoshan Dao Technique, in addition to being able to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits, also hides many unknown profoundness? When Cui'er heard this, she was immediately aroused and asked eagerly: "Oh? Sister-in-law, what are the other profoundnesses? Tell me! Wang smiled slightly, and explained softly: "I once heard the Taoist master mention that there is a secret method in the Maoshan Taoist Technique, which can allow people to communicate with ghosts and gods and gain insight into the secrets of heaven and earth. But this secret method is extremely difficult to learn and requires a very high level of practice and understanding. After hearing this, a trace of longing flashed in Cui'er's eyes, she thought for a moment and asked, "Will the Dao Master teach me this secret method?" Wang shook his head and replied, "The Taoist chief said that this secret method cannot be easily taught, and only those who are truly destined can learn it. However, you can ask the Taoist for advice and learn more Taoism, and maybe you will have a chance in the future. Cui'er nodded earnestly, secretly determined in her heart that she must work hard to learn the Dao technique, hoping to master this secret technique one day.

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Under the careful guidance of the Taoist Master, Cui'er's Taoist skills have become more and more sophisticated, not only being able to skillfully exorcise ghosts and evil spirits, but also using charms and magic weapons to treat some incurable diseases. Her fame gradually spread to several surrounding villages, and many villagers came to seek medical advice, and Cui'er made many like-minded friends. One day, when Cui'er was studying Taoism at home, she suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. When she opened the door, she saw a villager with an anxious face panting and pleading, "Miss Cui'er, go and have a look!" Lao Li Tou in the east of the village suddenly fainted, and the family was in a hurry! When Cui'er heard this, she immediately put the medicine box on her back and followed the villagers to Lao Litou's house. She saw Lao Li Tou lying on the bed, his face was pale and his breath was weak. After careful inspection, Cui'er found that Lao Li Tou had been poisoned by a rare Gu poison. She immediately used charms and magic weapons and began to detoxify Lao Litou. After some nervous treatment, Lao Litou's face gradually returned to ruddy, and his breath was much calmer. When Lao Litou's family saw this scene, they all gathered around to express their gratitude to Cui'er. Cui'er waved her hand modestly and said, "Don't thank me, it's the Dao Master's Dao Technique that saved you." After hearing this, Lao Li Tou's eyes showed deep admiration, and he said: "Miss Cui'er is really the lucky star of our village!" Over the years, you have not only saved countless lives, but also helped us solve many difficult problems. "Oh, this has to be talked about." Thank you so much! Cui'er smiled slightly, her smile was like a spring flower, and said, "I should do this." If we all need anything, I, Cui'er, will definitely do my best to help. As he was talking, there was a sudden buzz outside, and it turned out that the village chief had led a group of people. As soon as the village chief entered the door, the smile on his face was more festive than the New Year, and he announced loudly: "Good news, our village is going to build a Taoist temple!" This is to worship the Taoist, and I have to thank Cui'er for her dedication over the years! When everyone heard it, it was called a joy, and the cheers were like firecrackers for the New Year, and Cui'er was also happy and proud in her heart.

When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life

She knows that this Taoist temple is not only a building, but also a spiritual sustenance and inheritance for everyone. It represents respect and belief in Taoist culture, as well as the pursuit of kindness and justice. Not long after, the Taoist temple was built, and Cui'er and the Taoist chief presided over the consecration ceremony together. At the ceremony, Cui'er gave an affectionate speech, in which she thanked all those who had supported and helped her, and also expressed her love and awe for Taoist culture. She hopes that everyone can work together to carry forward Taoist culture and benefit more people.

After the Taoist temple was built, Cui'er redoubled her efforts to learn Taoism and teach Taoism. She not only helps the villagers solve problems, but also often goes to nearby villages to teach Taoism and explain Taoist culture. Her fame grew, and some people even came from out of town to ask her for advice. Time flies, decades have passed in a blink of an eye, and Cui'er has become a respected old Taoist aunt. Although she is old, she is still so spiritual, practicing Taoism every day, teaching Taoism, her disciples are all over the place, all of them keep Cui'er's teachings in mind, and strive to carry forward the Taoist culture.

One day, Cui'er sat in the Taoist temple, looking at the sky outside the window, and her heart was full of emotion. She remembered all the experiences of her youth, and remembered the teachings and help of the Taoist and the Wang family. She said with emotion: "The years are unforgiving, I am old in a blink of an eye." But fortunately, I learned the art of Maoshan and was able to do some practical things for people, and this life was not in vain. As she was talking, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and it turned out to be one of her disciples who hurried in. The disciple panted and said, "Master, something is wrong! A group of youkai have suddenly appeared outside the village, and they are harming the villagers, please go and rescue them! When Cui'er heard this, she frowned, and immediately stood up, took down the mahogany sword and charm from the wall, and said, "Okay, let's go!" So, Cui'er took her disciples out of the Taoist temple and embarked on a new journey......

When the woman came home and saw her sister-in-law's strange behavior, she reported that she had saved her brother's life