
The biological son bullied the adopted son, but fortunately the old father was not partial

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

One day, Mr. Li went up the mountain to hunt and accidentally found an injured phoenix. This phoenix, the legendary divine bird, is colorful all over its body, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it. Old Man Li had a good heart, so he took this phoenix home and took care of it carefully. This phoenix, under the care of Old Man Li, his injuries slowly improved, and he became close to Old Man Li. Old Man Li found that this phoenix has a characteristic, that is, he especially likes to stay with Li Hu. When Li Hu was working, the phoenix flew around beside him, and sometimes helped Li Hu bring some prey. Old Man Li saw it in his eyes, and he pondered in his heart: "This phoenix, it seems to be spiritual, why does it like Li Hu so much?" Old man Li began to think about how to divide the family for these two children. He thought: "Li Qiang, this child, although I was born to him, it is not a matter to bully Li Hu like this." Li Hu, this kid, has a good heart and is diligent, and he will definitely be able to do great things in the future. So, Mr. Li found an opportunity, called his two sons to him, and said, "I'm old, and the affairs of this family will depend on you in the future." I look at this phoenix, it has a fate with Li Hu, so leave it to Li Hu. Li Qiang, what about you, I'll give you some land, and you can live a good life by yourself. As soon as Li Qiang heard this, he was unhappy in his heart, and thought: "This phoenix is a divine bird, how can it be left to Li Hu?" Why is my own son not as good as an adopted son? So he shouted, "Daddy, what do you mean?" Why do you want to give the phoenix to Li Hu? Everything in this house should belong to me! When Old Man Li heard this, he didn't get angry, so he said calmly: "This phoenix is spiritual, and whoever it is willing to follow is its fate." "Let's do this, to put it bluntly, we also broke my heart for you. Li Qiang, you have to think about it carefully, you bully Li Hu so much, what good fruits can you eat in the future? As soon as these words came out, Li Qiang felt even more uncomfortable in his heart, feeling that he had been abandoned by his father, so he left angrily. As for Li Hu, he is still filial to the old man as always, and takes care of him every day. Time slipped away day by day, and Li Qiang lost all the fields he had allocated because he was lazy. As for Li Hu, with the help of Phoenix, the days are getting more and more prosperous. He is not only hardworking and willing to work hard, but also brings the villagers to get rich together, and everyone praises him as a good descendant. Old Man Li saw it in his eyes, not to mention how happy he was in his heart. He knew, this Li Hu, it really didn't disappoint him. As for Li Qiang, he gradually realized his mistake and began to regret that he didn't listen to his father.

Once, there was a drought in our village, and the crops were wilting, and the villagers were about to go hungry. Li Hu was so anxious in his heart, he sat next to the phoenix and discussed with the phoenix: "Brother, our village has suffered a disaster, do you think there is any way to save everyone?" When the phoenix heard this, she flapped her wings and flew out of the door. In less than two days, guess what? The phoenix flew back with a flock of birds, and it had water droplets in its mouth, and the water droplets, crystal clear, fell on the dry land, and instantly moistened the land. When the villagers saw this scene, they were all stunned, and they knelt on the ground and kowtowed, thanking Li Hu and Phoenix for saving their lives. Li Hu waved his hand and said, "Where is my credit, it's all the kindness of the phoenix." "Since then, the phoenix's status in Qingshi Village has become even more sacred, and everyone regards it as the guardian saint of the village.

As for Li Qiang, since he was separated by his father, he has lived a life of exile. He was so lazy that he couldn't do anything, and in the end he didn't even have a place to live, so he could only wander around. One day, he wandered to Qingshi Village, and saw the respect and love of the people in the village for Li Hu, and the regret in his heart was like knocking over the five-flavor bottle, and he had all the tastes. He found Li Hu, knelt in front of Li Hu, and cried and said, "Brother Hu, I was sorry for you before, but now I know that I was wrong, can you forgive me and let me go back to the village?" Li Hu looked at Li Qiang's haggard appearance, and he didn't feel good in his heart. He thought for a moment and said, "Qiangzi, since you know that you are wrong, then change it." We're all family, and I don't hold a grudge against you. Li Hu's words moved Li Qiang to tears, and he vowed to change his mind and be a new person. So, he found a job in the village and began to work diligently. Although everyone was a little defensive of him at the beginning, after a long time, I saw that he had really changed, and I slowly accepted him. Oh, when Li Qiang was working in the mountains, it was really thrilling. Suddenly, a big tiger stared at its blood-red mouth, and it was about to pounce on it with a fierce momentum. Li Qiang called a soul not possessed by the body, but at this moment, a phoenix fell from the sky and blocked Li Qiang. Its wings fluttered, and it confronted the tiger. After a fierce battle, the phoenix actually drove the tiger away. Li Qiang looked at the heroic appearance of the phoenix, and his heart was full of gratitude. He ran to the phoenix, knelt down and said, "O phoenix, I am so grateful that you saved my life. I was disrespectful to you before, but you were willing to save me, I am really ashamed. The phoenix looked at him and called softly, as if to say, "Knowing mistakes can be changed, and good is great." ”

The biological son bullied the adopted son, but fortunately the old father was not partial

Since then, Li Qiang has worked harder, no longer bullying people, and no longer being lazy. He has won the respect and trust of the villagers with his practical actions. Li Hu also regarded him as a brother, and the two worked together to build Qingshi Village better and better. The days passed like this, and Qingshi Village, under the leadership of Li Hu and Li Qiang, became richer and richer, and the lives of the villagers became more and more nourishing. What about the phoenix, flying around Li Hu every day, guarding this beautiful village.

One night, Li Hu had a dream. Dream that you are standing on top of a mountain and watching the phoenix soar in the sky. Suddenly, the phoenix flew in front of him and turned into a beautiful fairy. The fairy smiled and said to him, "Li Hu, you are kind-hearted, hardworking, and the pride of our village. Now, I'm going to give you this treasure. So saying, the fairy took out a small golden box from her bosom. Li Hu opened it and saw that it was a crystal clear gem, which exuded a dazzling light, which made people feel awe-inspiring when they saw it. The fairy told him, "This gem is called the 'Stone of Wisdom', and it has infinite wisdom and power. As long as you have justice in your heart, it will help you achieve your desires. ”

When Li Hu woke up, he found that the "Stone of Wisdom" was really in his hand. He knew that this was a gift from the phoenix to him, and it was also an affirmation of his efforts over the years. Since then, Li Hu has worked harder, and he has used his wisdom and strength to lead Qingshi Village to a more prosperous and powerful future. And what about Li Qiang, with the help of Li Hu, he gradually found his own direction in life. With his diligence and kindness, he won the respect and love of the villagers. In the end, with the joint efforts of Li Hu and Li Qiang, Qingshi Village became a harmonious, beautiful and rich village. And the legend of the phoenix and the "stone of wisdom" has also become a good story passed down from generation to generation in Qingshi Village.

The biological son bullied the adopted son, but fortunately the old father was not partial

Okay, let's move on to the last time. Under the leadership of Li Hu and Li Qiang, Qingshi Village gradually radiated new vitality, and the life of the villagers became more and more prosperous. However, behind this prosperity, there is a discordant murmur quietly sounding. There was a young man named Wang Er in the village, who was jealous of Li Hu and Li Qiang's wealth, and became dissatisfied, and began to secretly plot how to cause trouble for them. Wang Er was a cunning man, and he first tried to secretly sow weed seeds in Li Hu's field in an attempt to hinder the growth of crops. However, to his surprise, the magical thing, known as the "Stone of Wisdom", seemed to have some kind of mysterious power, and without Li Hu's knowledge, it turned weed seeds into nutrients, which instead promoted the growth of crops.

Seeing that this plan did not succeed, Wang Er made another plan. He went to the big tree at the head of the village and mysteriously spread rumors to several villagers: "Do you know? I heard that there is an unknown secret between the phoenix and Li Hu, and the 'stone of wisdom' may have been obtained by their improper means! These words quickly spread throughout the village, causing the villagers to be suspicious. Some people began to doubt Wang Er's words, thinking that the arrival of the phoenix and the "Stone of Wisdom" was too sudden; Others, on the other hand, believe in the character of Li Hu and Li Qiang, and believe that the contributions they have made to the village over the years cannot be dishonorable.

This rumor finally reached the ears of Li Hu and Li Qiang, and both of them were very angry. Li Hu wanted to find Wang Er immediately and teach him the lesson he deserved, but Li Qiang dissuaded him, believing that a more sensible way should be used to clarify the facts and let the villagers know the truth. So, Li Qiang found the elders in the village and explained the situation to them. These elders were wise men, and when they heard it, they knew that Wang Er's words were pure nonsense. They immediately organized a villagers' meeting and asked Wang Er to clarify the truth in front of everyone. Faced with such a scene, Wang Er seemed very flustered and hesitant, and finally had to admit that he was spreading untruths in an attempt to damage the reputation of Li Hu and Li Qiang.

The biological son bullied the adopted son, but fortunately the old father was not partial

After learning the truth, the villagers condemned Wang Er, believing that his behavior was despicable and unworthy of staying in Qingshi Village. In the midst of everyone's accusations, Wang Er was ashamed and had to leave gloomily. After this incident, the villagers' respect for Li Hu and Li Qiang became even deeper. They understood that Li Hu and Li Qiang were people who sincerely thought about the village and would never do anything that would harm the interests of the villagers. And the legend about the phoenix and the "stone of wisdom" has also become more mysterious and revered because of this incident.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Although Li Hu and Li Qiang are old, they still care about the village and are committed to making Qingshi Village more beautiful and rich, bringing a happy life to the villagers. And the phoenix is still flying around Li Hu every day, guarding this land he loves deeply. Oops, that big brother Li Hu was walking in the mountains that day, and suddenly he felt dizzy and his eyes were dark. He knew in his heart that when he was older, his body couldn't bear it. So, he sat down on a large rock and waited quietly for the last moment to come. At this moment, a phoenix fluttered its wings and flew in front of him, and let out a wail, and its eyes were full of sadness. Li Hu looked at the phoenix, his heart was also mixed, he stretched out his hand, gently touched the phoenix's head, and said, "Old man, I am really grateful that you have been with me for so many years." Now, I have to go, and you've got to keep an eye on the village. After listening to Li Hu's words, the phoenix flapped its wings more urgently, and flew around Li Hu several times before reluctantly flying away. It didn't take long for Brother Li Hu to pass away. When the villagers heard about it, they all rushed over to see him off for the last time. They held a grand funeral for Li Hu to express their respect and nostalgia for him. The phoenix was not idle, hovering in the sky, as if it was also seeing off Li Hu. After Li Hu left, Li Qiang took over his burden and continued to work for the village. Like Li Hu, he is hardworking, kind, and upright, and has won everyone's respect and love. As for the story of the phoenix and the "Stone of Wisdom", it has been passed down from generation to generation in Qingshi Village, and has become the pride and treasure of the villagers. This is the story of Bluestone Village, a story of family, friendship, love and loyalty. It tells us that as long as we have love, faith, and courage in our hearts, we can overcome any difficulties and challenges!