
Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

author:Refreshing summer

If you have children, you have to live for yourself, and no one in this world is more important than yourself. Only by learning to love oneself can we have the ability to love others and children.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Perhaps enduring betrayal for the sake of the child has a short-term positive meaning, and the child's young heart can be cared for, but it cannot maintain a long-term relationship.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

If you are incapable of divorce and take care of your children, it is better to admit it directly than to use your children as a shield.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

If you find another one in the future, you can't be sure if you will cheat, and your stepmother and stepfather will definitely not be as good as your own parents for your children.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!
Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

It is said that there is only one and countless times of cheating, can people who have made mistakes really change?

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!
Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

The unhappiness of the parents' marriage will be exposed to the children's ears and eyes, and they will reject the marriage when they grow up.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!
Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

If there is only one reason left, there is no emotion, no economy, no other involvement, there is no need, no meaning.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

If you live in a betrayed world all day long, you are tormented and tormented in your heart, you can't live a good life, you are uncomfortable, and your children are uncomfortable, so it's better to let go

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!
Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Parents think that they are the only ones who are enduring a loveless marriage, but in fact, their children are also enduring a loveless family.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

If the child feels the love of the parents, it may be meaningful, but if the child is facing the noise of the parents or is a stranger, what is the point of not giving the child a healthy environment?

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

That's why the marriage that can't be separated is the saddest.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

They all said they endured, and they all said they betrayed. It's like a prick on the soles of your feet, one step at a time, one step at a time, one reminder at a time. Why bother living in pain?

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

This issue is very complicated, marital betrayal is a fact, and it depends on the parties concerned whether to bear it or not. If your child is still young or in a special period, such as the college entrance examination, then bear with it. If the children are all older, if they can be financially independent, then let it go, let it go.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Even children will not sympathize with your patience. Let yourself have a way to live and give your children more choices, maybe your next marriage can bring better conditions to your current children, and also open up another possibility for him.

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Marriage is marriage, and children are children, but children must go wherever they go, and fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of their parents, so that it is the best arrangement

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? What would you do? Welcome to discuss!

Does it make sense to endure a betrayed marriage for the sake of your children? Let's see what everyone has to say!