
The old man Holly recalled Jin Yuhuang: In the past, there were three grades in the financial industry, and the lowest one was called Qianzhuang

author:Reading is interesting and forgets old age

Jin Yuhuang is a native of Liaoyang, grew up in the countryside, and his father was a private school teacher, so when he was young, he received a private school education. When he was sixteen years old, he learned to buy and sell because his family was poor. After a few years, my interest was not in buying and selling, but I turned to studying, studying in primary and secondary schools, and was admitted to Peking University at the age of 27, which is already quite old, and most people have graduated from college in their twenties. When Jin Yuhuang was twenty-eight years old, Huang Kan went to Peking University to teach, becoming the most important person in his life. His relationship with Huang Kan is even better than that with Fan Wenlan, because Fan Wenlan is a scholar-type person, and his four early works are all academic types, and he can do poetry but he doesn't. Jin Yuhuang is of course a scholar today, but he likes to write poems and essays, so he is closer to Huang Kan in temperament. Huang Kan is actually a literati and scholar-type person, and his poetry and writing are very good.

After graduating from Peking University, Jin Yuhuang is in his early thirties, and he first worked in the silver number. In the past, there were three grades in the financial industry, the lowest was called Qianzhuang, and the one higher than Qianzhuang was the silver number, which were traditional and old-fashioned, and later the Western form came to the bank, and the bank was the highest. When the banks came, the money bank and the bank account gradually died out. It is not uncommon for Peking University to graduate from Peking University and go to work in the silver number, Fan Wenlan also worked in the industrial bank in Shanghai just after graduation, at that time it was not easy to find a job in the school, the school was too small, and there were only a few professors in the university, unlike a large number of people today. Recently I was studying Qian Zhongshu, and he had a friend named Wang Xindi, who graduated from Tsinghua University and studied in the UK, and came back to do banking. At that time, Qian Zhongshu was in Shanghai and was very poor, so he often went to his house for dinner. The bank is relatively stable, there is a lot of money, and you can get eighteen months' salary a year, so there were many scholars in the bank in the past. For example, Chen Zhi, who is very famous in the history of the Qin and Han dynasties, is a clerk of the Bank of China. Of course, it is difficult to enter a bank, but it does not take a lot of skills to enter a bank, the most important thing is that the person must be reliable.

While working as a clerk at the Silver Horn, Kim also taught. Later, he became an official, and before the 918 incident, he became the secretary-general of the Liaoning Provincial Government and the director of the Department of Education. Jin Yuhuang and Fan Wenlan are different types of people, and he is very good at being officials. After the 918 Incident, he was not able to escape and was imprisoned by the Japanese. was imprisoned for three months, and was bailed out by a big traitor Zang at the time. When Jin Yuhuang was the secretary general of the Liaoning Provincial Government and the director of the Department of Education, the surname Zang was the governor of Liaoning Province under Zhang Xueliang. Jin Yuhuang was bailed out, and he worked under this surnamed Zang, which was tantamount to a false position, and he did it for four years, but he didn't do anything bad. It was a lifelong heart disease.

Jin Yuhuang was the deputy director of the Fengtian Provincial Library, and took this opportunity to start repairing the chronicles and the "Northeast General Chronicles". In January 1935, the surnamed Zang went to Japan to meet the emperor, and Jin Yuhuang accompanied him, which had a great deal to do with Jin Yuhuang's life. After all, he was a scholar, and after arriving in Japan, he probably made some friends with people in the Japanese academic circles, and began to have the intention of fleeing. In April of the following year, under the pretext of conducting a private academic investigation, Jin Yuhuang went to Japan and lived for a few months, and finally found an opportunity to escape to Shanghai on a Japanese ship to Shanghai. After arriving in Shanghai, he was the first to find Huang Yanpei, and Huang Yanpei recommended him to Cai Yuanpei, who was the dean of the Kuomintang Academia Sinica at that time. Huang Yanpei joined the Alliance, which was introduced by Cai Yuanpei, at that time Cai Yuanpei was the main alliance of the Alliance in Shanghai, Cai Yuanpei later went elsewhere, and the main alliance was handed over to Huang Yanpei, so their relationship was very close. Jin Yuhuang thus traveled from Shanghai to Nanjing to meet Cai Yuanpei, and Cai Yuanpei and Fu Sinian recommended him to Central University. After arriving at Central University, he met Liu Zhizheng, and Liu Zhizheng was also very good to him, so Jin Yuhuang became a professor at Central University in the autumn of 1936, and at the same time became a senator of the Executive Yuan, and in May 1937, he became the secretary general of the Anhui Provincial Government, and then the War of Resistance Against Japan, he went from Anhui to Chongqing, and became a professor at Central University, and was also a professor and dean of literature at Northeastern University in Santai at that time. When Feng Yuanjun went to Northeastern University, Jin Yuhuang invited her to go. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as a member of the Supervisory Yuan, and also taught at the Central University. In addition, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, he went to the Northeast to receive it, and also worked as a museum director in the Northeast for a while. At the end of the Republic of China, he was the compiler of the National History Museum. The National History Museum is located in Nanjing, and the director is Zhang Jizhang Puquan, a veteran of the Kuomintang, and at the same time, the National History Museum has set up an office in Beijing, and Jin Yuhuang is the director. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Kuomintang's Beiping Office of the National History Museum was abolished and merged into Peking University, where a research institute of modern history was established, under the supervision of Jin Yuhuang. Later, this part was merged into the Institute of Modern History, so Jin Yuhuang arrived at the Institute of Modern History.

Jin Yuhuang said that he first engaged in science, starting with Lu Longqi in the Qing Dynasty, going back to Song Lian Luoguan Min, and transferring to Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi had the "Compendium of Tongjian", so he turned to historiography. At the same time, he admired Gu Yanwu, so he engaged in elementary school. His aim is for a person to master four studies: science, literature, elementary school, and history. Jin Yuhuang doesn't talk much about the scriptures, so although Liu Shipei is also his teacher, Jin Yuhuang rarely mentions it. He said that the so-called Chinese culture is mainly these four studies. Faintly conceited, he understands all four disciplines, but it is undeniable that he has not reached the highest peak in any aspect.

Jin Yuhuang believes that it is necessary to base history on the basis of science and govern history on the basis of science, so as to know right and wrong, and "communicate with each other." He also pays attention to literature, and he believed in Tongcheng at the beginning of his writing, and later transferred to "Anthology" and "Book of the Later Han", so it is not right for some books to say that he is Tongcheng, because he later changed. Huang Kan is also this way. Fan Lao told me that he also admired the Book of the Later Han Dynasty the most, and said that the book of the Later Han Dynasty that he had the most in his life was the Book of the Later Han. This is very strange, several of Huang Kan's students admired the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, believing that the Book of the Later Han Dynasty was the most beautiful. Recently, I was reading Li Shen's anthology, Li Shen said that Wang Zhong's prose was the best in the Qing Dynasty, there is no doubt about it, Fan Lao personally told me, saying that Yuan Mei and these people can compare with Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong's prose is the highest in the Qing Dynasty. I once raised this question in the doctoral defense, and everyone thought it was a confirmatory argument, but the defense meeting stopped talking about the thesis, and became saying that Wang Zhonghao was good and scolded Suiyuan. Wang Zhong's writing is the highest, not only Li Shen and my teacher said this, but Miao Yue also said this. And Li Shen asserted that Wang Zhongzheng benefited from the Book of the Later Han Dynasty. It's a pity that I haven't studied the Book of the Later Han very well, but the Book of the Later Han is really worth paying attention to. Jin Yuhuang also wrote poems well, studied many families, and finally returned to Su Shi. The word is also good, the favorite is Mi Fu.

How did I know him, that's an important point. During the period of the Republic of China, Jin Yuhuang made a book "Collection of Monuments of the Republic of China", which was an official work of the National History Museum at that time, and everyone did it collectively. The book was not published, but a table of contents was published in the journal of the National History Museum, and Jin Yuhuang wrote a separate preface. When I saw it, I was very happy. The collection of steles I engaged in is different from his: first, my focus is on people in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, and his focus is on people in the Republic of China; Second, he focuses on political figures, while I focus on calligraphy and painting, seals, poetry, religion, and academics. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was at the Institute of Modern History of Peking University, so I wrote a letter to him, saying that I was also engaged in this thing and wanted to ask him for advice. At this time, Liu Zhizheng had not yet written to me. The people I met at that time, in addition to Jin Lao and me, there was also a person named Wang Hui'an, the grandson of Wang Shufang, a member of the Tongcheng faction, who later became colleagues. Jin Yuhuang wrote in his diary that the compilation of the "Collection of Monuments of the Republic of China", "However, it is a language person, and there are very few metaphors", which means that no one knows its value. He also said: "Recently, Bian Jun Xiaoxuan wrote the "Guangbei Biography" ......, Bian Jun was twenty years old, and he copied the school by himself in the public spare time, and the compilation was completed within a year. On the day when the world does not do it, and the people pay attention to this, are they not heroes! "That's what he said about me at the time. But after the meeting, things stopped. At that time, this kind of thing was considered to be a monument for the feudal class, and it was impossible to publish it after it was published. Neither of them could get their books published, and there wasn't much contact with them later, but he still remembered me. At this time, Liu Zhizheng wrote to me, and before that, I had also written to Liu Zhizheng at the same time as I wrote to Jin Yuhuang, asking him to introduce me to a person who could guide me in Beijing. Liu Zhizheng said in the letter that he has an old friend, Jin Junjing'an, "pay attention to things for a long time", I don't know if you have met, if you don't meet, you take this letter to talk to him, "you should be able to see it at first sight". But I already knew Jin Yuhuang when I received the letter, so I didn't show him the letter at that time.

In March 1956, Jin Lao told Fan Lao that he was old and had many things to do, and he needed to find an assistant to help him. Fan Lao asked him to nominate him, and he proposed me. So when I first went to the Institute of Modern History, I was his assistant, and I was called an assistant at the time. At that time, I also began to write some articles, sorting out the things of Min Erchang's family and publishing them in "Modern History and Historical Materials", and Fan Lao also knew about me, so I agreed. I first worked at the People's Bank of China, and then I came to the China Democratic Construction Association as Huang Yanpei's secretary, and the Institute of Modern History was ready to transfer me from the National Democratic Construction Association. The Democratic National Construction Association did not let go, and it was entangled for a long time. In July 1956, I wrote an article entitled "On the Policy of Protecting the Territory and Securing the People of King Qian Biao of Wuyue." Originally, I wrote some historical articles before and after the Xinhai Revolution, which were very miscellaneous, and from then on, I turned to study the Five Dynasties. The article is more than 10,000 words, and it has not been published to this day. At that time, I gave this article to Mr. Jin, and he admired it very much, and said in his diary that "he is quite capable of using historical materials, and deserves to be regarded as one of the new forces, and his ability to write is beyond my estimates." In the past, he knew me because of the compilation of monuments, and at this time he knew that I also had some foundation in ancient history, so his desire to transfer me was particularly strong. Until now, I am very grateful to Jin Lao, because at that time, the Democratic Construction Association just didn't let go, they were all nerds here, and they were all engaged in politics over there, Huang Yanpei supported it on the surface, but in fact he opposed it, he said Bian Jun We also respect it very much, you have to adjust, it's not me who has the final say. And my reason is that there was a call at that time, intellectuals should be brought together, and I have already achieved results in history, and the work here can be replaced by others. I started in March and didn't go until August.

At that time, Jin Yuhuang was working on "Chronology of China's Earthquake Data". Because large-scale construction is going on nationwide and earthquakes are worried, it is necessary to measure the intensity of the earthquake, which places are the center of the earthquake and which are the edge of the earthquake. Zhu Kezhen was in charge of this matter, and Fan Wenlan was mainly responsible for getting out all the information about earthquakes in China's local chronicles. Fan Lao didn't do it himself, so he handed it over to Jin Yuhuang, so Jin Yuhuang took a group of people to watch Fang Zhi every day. By the time I went, it was basically in the final stages, so I was just helping with proofreading. There can be no typos in this thing, because it is necessary to make a table based on this information, plus modern scientific analysis. Jin Yuhuang recorded in his diary: "Because of Bian Jun Xiaoxuan's help, it was carried out very quickly. And in a letter to Huang Yanpei, he said: "I hereby take Bian Jun to work for nearly ten years, and he has been helping both public and private people, and he has benefited a lot, and his gratitude is indescribable. "

In August 1956, Jin Lao wrote a "Brief Explanation of Beijing's Ancient Names", which quoted Bai Juyi's "Song of Long Hatred", "Yuyang Mo came agitatedly and broke the song of Ni clothes and feathers", thinking that Yuyang was Fan Yang. Hu Sanxing's "Tongjian" note is more authoritative than Bai Juyi's poems, but he didn't quote it, so I told him, and he said in his diary: "Now Bian Jun Xiaoxuan checked it out for me." "

I went to the Institute of Modern History in August, and in November, I showed him the letters that Liu Zhizheng had given me from 1950 to 1951. He sighed in his diary: "It can be described as a spiritual connection, and there are thousands of miles between them. At that time, Jin Yuhuang was in Beijing, and Liu Zhizheng was in Shanghai. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, many ancient books and antiques flowed out, and Liu Zhizheng, Xie Zhiliu and Xu Senyu made great contributions to the rescue of books and cultural relics in the Shanghai Cultural Relics Protection Committee.

Jin Yuhuang writes books and articles, and often communicates with me. He wrote an article entitled "The Monastery Economy of the Tang Dynasty", and after talking to me, he wrote on the same day: "It is a quick thing to clear up the difficulties in one fell swoop." In December 1956, Jin Yuhuang wrote in his diary: "Since Bian Jun came to help Yu study history, he has been extremely effective, his mind is clear, and he can grasp the main points anytime and anywhere. "There are some small things, I also do it for him, and his side's "Liaoyang Jin Yu Huang School Reading Book" seal was engraved by Hangzhou Han Deng'an. Even the stones and the shipping fee only cost six yuan. At that time, no one went to them to engrave seals, and those who ruled seals were very poor. Handeng Anji is very famous.

On July 7, 1957, Jin Yuhuang and I went to visit Mao Guangsheng in the dormitory of Mao Shuyan, which was the eve of Mao Guangsheng's reception by Chairman Mao.

By October 1957, I had done a great job for him, proofreading the History of Chinese Historiography and correcting some mistakes. In November, when he was seriously ill, Fan Lao went to see him, and he asked Fan Lao to transfer the second school of "History of Chinese Historiography" to me and ask me to correct it. He originally wanted to write my name in "The History of Chinese Historiography", but I thanked him.

Shortly thereafter, the rectification began, and he wrote his last words, committing suicide, but did not die. Jin Yuhuang had two heart problems in his life, and the biggest heart disease was spent in the Puppet Manchurian for four years. This is entirely understandable to us today, and he later took great risks to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. But this was not the case at that time, at that time, I couldn't even tell if I had a relative or friend in Taiwan, let alone this kind of thing! The second heart disease, which he has repeatedly checked himself, is that on the one hand, he is an official, on the other hand, he is a scholar, not like everyone else, he has always been a professor, and he has done a lot as an official, he has been the secretary general of the Liaoning Provincial Government, the secretary general of the Anhui Provincial Government, and a member of the Supervision Commission. The trigger point is Rong Mengyuan, Rong Mengyuan is engaged in modern history, he came from Yan'an, and was branded as a rightist, Jin Yuhuang and Rong Mengyuan are relatively close, and the relationship is good. Originally, the anti-rightist or something had little to do with Jin Yuhuang, and he was an old gentleman, and he neither shouted nor let go, but because he had a close relationship with Rong Mengyuan, he was involved in the criticism occasion. Speaking of the old things, Jin Yuhuang felt extremely sad, so he committed suicide by taking sleeping pills. After being found and sent to the hospital, he almost died, I stayed in the hospital for many nights, he was in a coma for a long time, and then slowly came back to life. It is not easy for the official to explain this matter to the public, but it is just that "overdose of sleeping pills". Reading his will, you can see why he committed suicide, which said: "When I was middle-aged, I unfortunately encountered the '918' incident in 1931. After four years, he took many detours and fled back to his homeland. Chief among them is the phrase "You can't die for yourself", and he told me that the ancients were generous to death, but he failed to do it. Actually, there was no need for him to die at that time. There is also an article in the will: "Fan Lao ordered my assistant to revise the "Compendium of General History of China", and I am very sorry for not being able to complete the task", "Comrade Xiaoxuan is young and strong, and his mind is very good, and he will definitely be able to complete the assistant task. "Originally, he was the assistant of Fan Lao Tang Dynasty, but it turned out to be me, and his recommendation was very crucial. At the end of the will, he asked for a tombstone, the front of the tombstone, the inscription "Chinese historian Jin Yuhuang buried the bones", and the back was the inscription: "Love books is like life, life and death books." Strive for literature and history, work hard and little work. is more than seven ranks, and it is said that it is not the end of the exam. Committed to lying in peace, long in dreams. Alack! Guowu's spirit is not extinguished, and how can I care about the bones forever boring in the dark palace. And "please Bian Jun Xiaoxuan for me to write a stone carving." At that time, he drafted a will, "just to die quickly", but he did not die, and the explanation in the will was not completed. He actually died in 1962, reportedly after another dose of sleeping pills.

Jin Yuhuang's knowledge is very good. To be honest, there is no person who is engaged in history nowadays who has such a good literary accomplishment like him. He has several of his most accomplished achievements, the biggest of which is the history of Northeast China, and he is widely recognized as the founder of the study of Northeast China's history. There are relatively few literati in the Northeast, and the mainlanders often do not study the history of the Northeast, but he is a native of the Northeast, and he has nostalgia, and at the same time he has an indignation, the Japanese study the history of the Northeast is better, but we are not as good as the Japanese, so he mainly studied the history of the Northeast throughout his life, made the "General History of the Northeast", printed the "Liaohai Series", "The Long Chronicles of the Bohai Kingdom", and some other things. Everyone said that Jin Yuhuang, Yu Xingwu, and Gao Heng are the three great talents in the Northeast, in fact, Gao Heng is his junior, Yu Xingwu was originally an official in charge of taxation under Zhang Zuolin, and later Zhang Xueliang ran a college, and Yu Xingwu was ordered to be promoted, so he turned to learning. Because of his study of the history of Northeast China, Chen Yuan invited him to teach at Furen University, and he taught the history of Song, Liao, and Jin, so later he had a book "History of Song, Liaojin", which was the university book of the Kuomintang at that time, and his "History of Chinese Historiography" was also a university book. He advocated "three diligences": first, the eyes are diligent, and they should read more books; First, you should be diligent and write more; The first is to be diligent in footwork, and to go to the field for archaeology. He also believes that to do scholarship, we must first read the "Tongjian", so when I get started with the history of the Tang Dynasty, I will first read the "Tongjian", page by page. I think there are two books to get started with Tang history, one is "Tongjian", and the other is "All Tang Poems" and "Wen". "All Tang Poems" and "Wen" I also read through page by page, and they all have cards.

Unfortunately, my time with him was too short, about a little over a year.

The old man Holly recalled Jin Yuhuang: In the past, there were three grades in the financial industry, and the lowest one was called Qianzhuang

[Bian Xiaoxuan (1924-2009), a native of Yangzhou, Jiangsu. Self-named "Holly Old Man", the room name "Holly Book House". After graduating from secondary school, he worked in a bank, studied at Lixin Accounting College, and studied literature and history on his own. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served in the People's Bank of China and the China Democratic Construction Association, and was still engaged in literary and historical research in his spare time. In 1956, he worked at the Institute of Modern History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1976 he taught at Yangzhou Normal University, and in 1984 he taught at the Department of Chinese at Nanjing University. He has written more than 30 kinds of works, such as "Liu Yuxi's Annals", "Yuanzhi Annals", "Tang Dynasty Literary and Historical Treatises", "Liu Yuxi's Cong Examination", "Holly Books' Notes", "Tang Legend New Exploration", "Tang Novels and Politics", "Zheng Banqiao Cong Kao", etc., published more than 200 papers, and edited "Chinese Canon, Literary Dictionary, Sui and Tang Five Dynasties Literary Dictionary", etc. 】

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