
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.

author:Single-minded kitten yl
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.
What I did when I first broke up, I think back on it is embarrassing.

Hao Chuan, an ordinary urban youth, once strolled with his girlfriend Xiaoyun in every corner of the city, leaving countless sweet footprints. However, fate seemed to play a big joke on him, and the relationship between the two came to an end after a sudden quarrel.

On the day of the breakup, Hao Chuan walked alone on the familiar street, with mixed feelings in his heart. He tried to cover up his inner loss with the music on his phone, but found that his favorite songs seemed so harsh at the moment. He walked aimlessly, and before he knew it, he came to the door of the coffee shop they used to frequent.

This coffee shop was the place where they had their first date, and the sweet times at that time seem to be still fresh in their minds. Hao Chuan stood outside the store, looking at the busy waiters and chatting and laughing customers in the window, and an inexplicable impulse surged in his heart. He took a deep breath and decided to go in and sit down, trying to calm himself with the familiar surroundings.

As soon as he walked into the coffee shop, Hao Chuan encountered an embarrassing moment. He habitually walked to the window where they had once sit, only to find that there was already a couple sitting there, and they were sweetly snuggling together, enjoying the aroma of coffee. Hao Chuan instantly felt that his actions were a little ridiculous, as if he had been slapped hard by reality, reminding himself that there was no place for him here.

Hao Chuan turned around awkwardly, trying to find an empty seat to sit down. However, his gaze met a mirror in the store. In the mirror, he saw his slightly haggard face and distracted eyes. He suddenly realized that his depression and decadence during this time had made him so strange. A wave of unwillingness swelled in his heart, and he decided to cheer up and regain his confident and sunny self.

At this moment, the waiter at the coffee shop came over, smiled and asked, "Sir, what do you order?" Hao Chuan came back to his senses and ordered a cup of Americano. He sat down against the wall and began to take a closer look at the familiar coffee shop. He found that while the décor and furnishings had not changed, his mood had changed drastically.

After the coffee was served, Hao Chuan began to taste it slowly. He recalled every sweet moment he and Xiao Yun spent here, and those former laughter seemed to still echo in his ears. However, he also understands that the past is in the past, and he needs to face the future. He told himself that he could no longer dwell on the memories of the past and that he had to look forward bravely.

At this moment, Hao Chuan's mobile phone rang. It was a call from my friend Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang is Hao Chuan's college roommate, and the two have always had a good relationship. Xiao Zhang asked with concern on the phone: "Hao Chuan, are you okay?" I've heard you've been having a hard time lately. Hao Chuan smiled and said, "I'm fine, I'm much better." Thank you for your concern. Xiao Zhang said, "That's good." By the way, do you remember the barbecue restaurant we used to go to together in college? I've been wanting to have a meal lately, would you like to come along? Hao Chuan thought about it and agreed to Xiao Zhang's invitation.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Chuan felt a warm current in his heart. He realized that although he had lost his love, there was still friendship and family affection that silently supported him. He no longer feels lonely and helpless, but is full of anticipation and confidence for the future.

A few days later, Hao Chuan and Xiao Zhang went to the barbecue restaurant together. They chatted about each other as they tasted delicious food. Hao Chuan found that he had begun to slowly walk out of the shadow of the breakup and regain the joy of life. He thanked Xiao Zhang for his company and encouragement, and also thanked him for his determination to bravely face the past and the future.

This experience made Hao Chuan understand a truth: there will always be some unsatisfactory things in life, but as long as we face them bravely and respond positively, we will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and welcome a better future. He believes that in the days to come, he will become stronger, more confident, and live his own wonderful and radiant life.