
Why are people who can buy cars, the methods are dirty!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Why are people who can buy cars, the methods are dirty!
Why are people who can buy cars, the methods are dirty!
Why are people who can buy cars, the methods are dirty!
Why are people who can buy cars, the methods are dirty!

In a bustling city, the streets are always bustling with traffic. In the midst of this endless hustle and bustle, Hao Chuan, an ordinary young man, is riding his second-hand bicycle, shuttling between people and vehicles. He always had a faint smile on his face, as if he could find a hint of joy no matter how hard life was.

Hao Chuan's bicycle is his treasure, although the appearance is a little worn, but every part has been carefully repaired and maintained by him. His friends often joked: "Hao Chuan, your car is almost antique, why don't you get a new one?" Hao Chuan always replied with a smile: "This car has a soul, it understands me." ”

However, in this era of respecting cars, Hao Chuan's choice always seems out of place. His friends, whether for work or life, have chosen cars as a means of transportation. They talked about the performance, looks and price of the various models, while Hao Chuan listened silently, occasionally interjecting an interesting sentence or two about the bike.

One day, Hao Chuan met an old friend, Li Ming, on the street. Li Ming is now driving a brand-new sedan and is in high spirits. When he saw Hao Chuan riding the dilapidated bicycle, he couldn't help but shake his head and said, "Hao Chuan, why are you still riding this car?" Who doesn't go out by car now, you're too out of step with the times. ”

Hao Chuan smiled and didn't answer directly, but asked Li Ming: "Do you think driving is really that good?" Li Ming patted his car proudly and said, "Of course, how convenient it is to drive, you can go wherever you want, you don't have to be like you." ”

Hao Chuan nodded and said, "You're right, it's really convenient to drive." But have you ever wondered why we buy cars? Li Ming was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course, it's for convenience, and it can also show your status." ”

Hao Chuan shook his head and said, "Actually, the reasons why we buy cars are often not just these. Many times, we buy a car because we want to pursue a better life and want to make ourselves look more successful. But in the process, we often lose sight of what really matters. ”

Li Ming asked puzzledly, "What really matters?" What is that? Hao Chuan pointed to his bicycle and said, "It's this simplicity and purity." Riding a bicycle is hard, but I can feel the power of the wind, hear the noise of the streets, and feel the world more realistically. And driving often isolates us from the world. ”

Li Ming listened to Hao Chuan's words and fell into deep thought. It dawned on him that since he bought the car, he really rarely walked or cycled as much as he used to. He began to miss the simple and pure way of life that he had before.

Hao Chuan looked at Li Ming and continued: "And, do you know? According to the data, cycling is not only environmentally friendly and healthy, but also reduces traffic congestion and air pollution. If each of us could drive one less day and ride one more bike, the city would be a better place. ”

Li Ming was deeply moved by Hao Chuan's words. He realized that the lifestyle he had pursued was not really happiness. He began to re-examine his values and way of life.

Since then, Li Ming has tried to drive less often and choose more on foot or bicycle. He found that this simple and pure lifestyle made him feel happier and more satisfied. He also began to promote this concept to his friends, hoping that more people would join the ranks.

And Hao Chuan still rides his second-hand bicycle through the streets and alleys every day. He always had a smile on his face because he knew he had found true happiness. His bicycle is not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of his pursuit of a simple, pure life.

This story tells us that in this fast-paced era, we are often deceived by all kinds of material temptations, and pursue so-called success and status. But in the process, we often overlook what really matters – simplicity and purity. It is only when we re-examine our lifestyle and values that we can truly find our own happiness. Let's be like Hao Chuan, keep a simple and pure heart, and pursue our own happiness!