
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat
Dog days are coming, do 6 eat 6 and don't eat

On the streets of summer, the heat waves are rolling and the sun licks the earth like tongues of fire. In this scorching summer, people are looking for a way to escape the heat, but Hao Chuan, a young man who has studied diet quite a lot, has found his unique pleasure in this dog day - to combat the heat by adjusting his diet.

Hao Chuan is an authentic "foodie", but he is not the kind of foodie who has no moderation. He knows that in the hot summer, a reasonable diet can not only relieve the heat and cool down, but also make the body healthier. So, he began his journey of discovery of dog day diet cheats.

One day, Hao Chuan was walking on the street and saw a newly opened cold drink shop full of people in front of it. Curious, he leaned over and found that the store was promoting a cold drink that claimed to be "an ice reliever". Hao Chuan thought to himself: "Isn't this one of the '6 foods' I'm looking for?" He couldn't help but buy a cup, tasted it, and sure enough, it was cold and delicious, instantly dispelling the heat on his body.

Satisfied, Hao Chuan left the cold drink shop and continued his journey of street exploration. He walked past a fruit stand and saw the stall owner busily cutting watermelon. He had an idea and thought, "Watermelon is a good summer product, how can you miss it?" So, he bought a piece of watermelon and sat on a bench on the side of the road, enjoying the coolness.

Then, Hao Chuan found a small shop selling mung bean soup. He remembers that when he was a child, his grandmother used to boil mung bean soup for him to drink, saying that it could relieve the heat and reduce the fire. Without hesitation, he walked in and ordered a bowl of mung bean soup. The rich mung bean aroma and sweet taste make him feel like he has returned to his childhood.

In the process of exploring, Hao Chuan also discovered several other foods suitable for dog days: winter melon, bitter gourd, duck meat, and barley water. Winter melon and bitter gourd have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat; Duck meat is rich in protein and cool, suitable for summer; Barley water, on the other hand, can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, helping the body to remove excess water.

However, Hao Chuan also knows that while enjoying food, it is also necessary to be restrained. He summed up the principle of "6 don't eat": don't eat too greasy food, don't eat spicy and stimulating food, don't eat raw and cold food, don't eat too many sweets, don't eat too many cold drinks, and don't eat too much supper. These principles may seem simple, but they are also deeply profound.

One night, Hao Chuan's friend Xiao Zhang asked him to go to a barbecue. Xiao Zhang is a typical "night owl", often wandering around the streets in the middle of the night to find food. Hao Chuan thought about it and felt that this was a good opportunity to test his "6 don't eat" principle.

When he arrived at the barbecue stand, Xiao Zhang couldn't wait to order a lot of skewers and beer. Hao Chuan only ordered a few bunches of light vegetables and a cup of green tea. Xiao Zhang looked at him and said in surprise, "Why are you so light tonight?" Don't you usually like to eat barbecue the most? ”

Hao Chuan smiled and said, "It's a little hot today, it's better to eat something light." And you know what? In this dog day, we should pay more attention to the conditioning of our diet. Foods that are too greasy and spicy can make the body more dry; Raw and cold foods and too many sweets can easily damage the spleen and stomach; Too many cold drinks and late-night snacks can affect the body's normal metabolism. ”

Xiao Zhang listened to Hao Chuan's words and nodded thoughtfully. He found that he really didn't pay much attention to the regulation of his diet, and often ate and drank as he pleased. He decided to learn from Hao Chuan in the future and pay attention to the health and rationality of his diet.

As time went by, Hao Chuan's dog days diet cheats spread in the circle of friends. More and more people are beginning to pay attention to their dietary health and try to adjust their eating habits according to Hao Chuan's advice. They found that through a reasonable diet, not only did the body become healthier, but also the mood became happier and more comfortable.

In this scorching summer, Hao Chuan used his actions to explain the importance of healthy eating. He used his experience and wisdom to help the people around him, and also made his life more fulfilling and meaningful in this dog day. He believes that as long as everyone pays attention to a healthy and reasonable diet, they will be able to have a happy and healthy summer.