
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys

author:Single-minded kitten yl
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys
I worshiped it when I was a child, and when I grew up, I found out that it was ten characters who were bad guys

On the bustling streets, Hao Chuan always likes to stop in front of the small newsstand, flipping through the yellowed old newspapers and magazines. These old things seem to bring him back to that innocent era, and those characters he once admired have now become complex memories in his heart that cannot be erased.

When Hao Chuan was a child, he was a typical "star chaser". He is passionate about collecting posters, stickers, and even imitating the way celebrities say and do. In his heart, there are ten characters, and they are the ones who make him full of longing and yearning for this world.

The first is the singer who was once a smash hit, and his songs accompanied Hao Chuan throughout his childhood. However, as Hao Chuan grew up, he learned that the singer's private life was chaotic and even involved in multiple scandals. Hao Chuan's heart couldn't help but ripple, he couldn't accept that his former idol was such a person.

The second is a director who is a powerful director in the film industry. Hao Chuan was deeply attracted to his films when he was a child, and dreamed of becoming such a great director one day. However, when Hao Chuan grew up, he saw the darkness behind the director. He used his power to violate actresses and even suppressed and bullied the staff. Hao Chuan's heart was filled with disappointment and anger.

There are also third and fourth places...... As Hao Chuan grows up, he gradually discovers that the characters he once admired are not all as perfect as he imagined. They may have a glamorous appearance, but behind them lies an unknown darkness.

In the process, Hao Chuan began to reflect on himself. He realizes that his former self was too naïve, and he always blindly worships those seemingly perfect characters. However, there are no perfect people in this world, and everyone will have their own shortcomings and mistakes.

One day, Hao Chuan met an old classmate on the street. They talked about their idols when they were children, but the old classmates smiled and said, "Actually, the people we admired when we were children are not necessarily good people." They are just a symbol in our hearts, a dream. But the reality is cruel, and we can't always live in fantasy. ”

The words of the old classmate made Hao Chuan deeply inspired. He began to re-examine his former idols, as well as the people and things he had blindly worshipped. He understood a truth: to worship a person does not mean to accept everything about him. We can appreciate their talents and achievements, but we also need to see their shortcomings and mistakes.

In the process, Hao Chuan also found a new direction. He began to focus on people who were really talented and virtuous. He no longer blindly pursues appearance and fame, but pays more attention to inner quality and cultivation.

With the passage of time, Hao Chuan gradually became a thoughtful and knowledgeable person. He no longer easily worships others, but has learned to think and judge independently. He understood a truth: only by truly understanding a person can we have true admiration and respect for him.

One day, Hao Chuan stood in front of the newsstand again, looking through the old newspapers and magazines. He saw the photos and reports of the people he once admired, but his heart was no longer filled with the excitement and frenzy of the past. He smiled and shook his head, gently putting the old things down.

"My former idol is just a memory in my life." Hao Chuan thought to himself, "Now I have my own goals and pursuits. ”

This story teaches us that worshipping someone is not a bad thing. But we have to understand that worshipping a person does not mean accepting everything about him. We must learn to think and judge independently, and see the true face of a person. Only in this way can we find people who are truly worthy of worship and respect. At the same time, we must also learn to let go of the blind worship of the past and bravely pursue our dreams and goals.

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