
I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

In the entertainment industry where youth is the mainstream, there is such a group of male stars, not only have they not been smoothed out by time, but they have increasingly exuded the charm of mature men. Today in 2024, we look back, Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, Wu Zhenyu, Huang Qiusheng and Leung Jiahui, the six male stars are still active on the screen, and their charm has not diminished but increased, becoming the best proof of the precipitation of the years.

Tony Leung, 62 years old, although there are traces of age hidden in the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, this has not diminished his elegant temperament in the slightest. From his first film, "Chongqing Forest" to the recent release of "No Name", his acting skills have been consistent and nuanced.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Every look, every action, seems to tell the story of time, he once said: "The profession of an actor, the older you get, the more flavorful" This dedication to performance makes him more and more charming under the baptism of time.

Andy Lau, 61 years old, still maintains the vitality of youth and has become an ageless myth in the entertainment industry. His transformation from the "Four Heavenly Kings" to an acting school is amazing. In "Anti-Drug 3: People on the Edge", the calmness and maturity he shows are precious gifts given to him by age.

Andy Lau once said: "The secret of staying young is to keep learning and always be curious" This positive attitude makes him always at the forefront of the entertainment industry.

Aaron Kwok, who is over half a hundred years old, is still known as the "King of Dance" at the age of 58. In the latest stage performance, his dancing posture is still vigorous, and his smile is still sunny. He once said that staying in shape is not only for work, but also for his love of life.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

This positive attitude towards life has become a firewall against the shackles of his age, making him still charming after he is over half a hundred years old.

Now counting on his fingers, 57-year-old Wu Zhenyu has been in the entertainment industry for half his life, and with his unique sense of humor and superb acting skills, he once again showed his charm in "Apostle Walker 3".

He once said: "An actor is to constantly break through himself and challenge different roles" This spirit of continuous breakthrough has always kept his acting career fresh.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

As a 68-year-old actor, Huang Qiusheng's traces of time have not reduced his charm, but have added a calm temperament to him. In "Goldfinger", he transforms age into the power of performance, showing the charm of a mature man.

Huang Qiusheng once said: "Age gives me more experience and allows me to better shape the role", and these rich experiences have created his unique charm.

Leung Ka-fai, only 49 years old, his passion for acting is still undiminished. His wonderful confrontation with Huang Qiusheng in "Goldfinger" all showed his charm and superb acting skills. Leung Ka-fai often says, "Every role is a new challenge and I enjoy the process.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

His love for acting makes him always full of energy on the screen.

With their talent and charm, these six male stars have shown the world what it is to be truly "the older you get, the more handsome you are". They do not rely on plastic surgery or whitewashing, but through their own strength and temperament, they shine more brightly in the baptism of time.

Their experience tells us that the real charm comes from the heart, from the love of life and career, from the courage to constantly break through themselves In them, we see the traces of the years, but more importantly, we see the charm that never fades.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Let's turn the clock back to the late 80s and early 90s in Hong Kong's entertainment industry, a golden age of vigorous development and star-studded stars. In that glorious era, our six protagonists also gradually came to the fore.

Tony Leung was 17 years old in 1982, when he had just joined the Hong Kong TVB Artist Training Course and began his acting career. At that time he was still a young and immature young man, but he had already shown extraordinary talent.

Tony Leung recalled: "At that time, I didn't know anything about acting, but with my love for acting, I groped forward step by step" In the next ten years, he honed his acting skills in different TV series, laying a solid foundation for his future film career.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

During the same period when Andy Lau came to prominence, he also began to be active in TVB. In 1981, he rose to prominence with his talent in a beauty pageant, and then joined TVB's artist training class.

In an interview, he once said, "I am like a blank sheet of paper, learning every day, and every role is a new challenge for me" Soon, his diligence and hard work paid off and he became the master of TVB.

In 1983, Aaron Kwok joined TVB. As a graduate of the Department of Dance, he made his mark in singing competitions with his outstanding dancing skills. "I remember the first time I went on stage, my palms were sweaty and I was so nervous, but when the music started, I completely forgot about my nervousness and threw myself into the performance.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Aaron Kwok recalled that his stage charm quickly attracted the attention of the audience, laying the foundation for him to become the "king of dance" in the future.

Wu Zhenyu started a little later than other actors. In 1988, he was successfully admitted to TVB's artist training class. Although he started late, he quickly attracted attention with his unique acting skills.

"I knew that my appearance was not unparalleled in the world, so I worked harder to study my acting skills, hoping to prove myself with strength," said Oh Jin-woo, whose efforts were not in vain, and he soon won an important role in the TV series.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Huang Qiusheng's acting career can be described as a legend. In 1979, he went to the United Kingdom to study drama, and after returning to Hong Kong, he quickly established himself in the film industry with his solid acting skills. "Studying in the UK gave me a deeper understanding of acting, which laid the foundation for my later development.

Huang Qiusheng said that his unique temperament and profound acting skills make him unique among many actors.

Leung Ka-fai rose to fame in 1982 by starring in the movie "Danger of the First Type". He recalls, "At the time, I was very jerky about the technique of acting, but I knew that this was what I wanted to pursue.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Every role is a new one, and I really enjoy the process," Leung Ka-fai's acting talent was quickly recognized by the industry and gradually became an important force in the Hong Kong film industry.

In this star-studded era, our six protagonists are thriving like the rising sun, and are actively preparing to show their talents in their acting careers. Each of them has different starting points and experiences, but with their love for acting and unremitting efforts, they have gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive Hong Kong entertainment industry.

At this time, they are in the prime of their youth, full of passion and dreams. They may not have foreseen the glory of the future, but they are all working hard for their dreams. Tony Leung honed his acting skills in the series, Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok showed their talents on stage, Ng Chun-yu quietly studied acting, Wong Chiu-sang brought what he learned abroad back to Hong Kong, and Leung Ka-fai made a name for himself in the film industry.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Their stories are the epitome of the golden age of Hong Kong's entertainment industry, and they are also a portrayal of countless young people with dreams. In this brilliant era, they wrote their youth with sweat and enthusiasm, and also laid the foundation for future glory.

With the advent of the new century, the six protagonists ushered in a turning point in their careers. These are challenging times and pivotal moments for them to redefine themselves.

In 2000, Andy Lau had already achieved remarkable achievements, but he also suffered a major setback in his life. During the filming of the commercial, he accidentally fell off his horse, resulting in a lumbar spine injury.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

This accident seriously affected his work and also had a huge impact on his psychology, Andy Lau recalled: "During that time, I was really depressed, and even doubted whether I could continue my acting career."

However, it was this setback that made him re-examine the direction of his life, "I realized that health is more important than anything else, and I need to take better care of myself in order to continue to bring good works to the audience" This experience also made Andy Lau pay more attention to physical and mental health in his subsequent acting career, laying the foundation for his subsequent development.

Also around 2000, Aaron Kwok also experienced a career trough. At that time, he dabbled in business investment, but due to his lack of experience, he suffered a failure and suffered heavy losses. "During that time, I hardly could sleep at night, always wondering if I had made the wrong decision," he admits.

However, this setback also made him re-examine the direction of his career, "I understand that my specialty is still in acting and stage, and I should focus on what I am best at" This experience made Aaron Kwok cherish his acting career even more, and also made him more stable in his future development.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

During this period, Tony Leung began to try to break through himself, taking on a series of challenging roles, such as "In the Mood for Love" in 2000 and "Infernal Affairs" in 2002. "I don't want to be stereotyped, I want each character to surprise the audience differently," he said.

This spirit of experimentation led to a significant improvement in his acting skills during this period and earned him recognition in the international film industry.

Wu Zhenyu also made a transformation of his acting career during this period, and he began to challenge many roles, no longer limited to the previous "bad guy" image. "I wanted to prove my malleability, and I didn't want to be labeled by the audience," he said.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

This attempt to break through himself has made Wu Zhenyu's acting career more diverse, and at the same time, it has also allowed the audience to see his multiple talents.

Huang Qiusheng continued to develop steadily in the film industry, winning Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards in 2000 for "Beast Detective". "Every award is an affirmation and a spur to keep improving," he humbly said.

This kind of strict self-demand has enabled him to maintain a strong competitiveness in the film industry in the new century.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Leung Ka-fai also made a new breakthrough during this period. He began to try his hand at directing, and in 2001 he directed and starred in the film "Panic Holiday". Leung Ka-fai said: "Directing has given me a new understanding of film, which has also helped me a lot in my performance.

Through this attempt, I not only expanded my career horizons, but also gained a deeper understanding of the performing arts."

At the turn of the century, these six male stars encountered both challenges and opportunities. During this period, they experienced personal growth and social transformation. In the midst of adversity, they showed perseverance; In the face of opportunities, they showed the courage to try.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

These experiences not only took their careers to the next level, but also made their personal charisma more mature and deep.

The stories of these six male stars tell us that how to deal with challenges and seize opportunities at a turning point in life often determines the direction of future development. As long as they maintain their love for their careers and continue to learn and break through, they can show their unique charm at any age.

Entering the stage of 40 to 50 years, our six protagonists ushered in another important turning point in their lives. At this stage, they not only have to face competition from the younger generation, but also have to fight with inner anxiety and insecurity.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

However, it was these challenges that made them take a qualitative leap forward in their acting careers.

Wu Zhenyu experienced a deep self-reflection during this time. In 2010, he starred in "Heaven and Earth" and received extremely high praise, but he was not complacent because of it. "When I look at myself in the mirror, I realize that time doesn't stand still for anyone," he says honestly.

I have to keep breaking through in order to gain a foothold in this industry" This introspection made him start to try more types of roles, and even did not hesitate to interpret the role by "ugly" his own image In "The Big Tree", his performance is impressive, showing the versatility and depth of a mature actor.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Huang Qiusheng has survived this stage in a unique way. In 2013, through the excellent performance of "Drug War", he won the Academy Award for Best Actor again. Huang Qiusheng said: "Age does not bring me limitations, but more possibilities.

He began to try more "elderly" roles, integrating his life experience into the performance, so that each role has more layers In "The Fallen Man", his performance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing the fragility and strength of an elderly person.

Tony Leung has shown extraordinary resilience at this stage. In 2004, he won the Best Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival for his outstanding performance in "2046". Tony Leung said: "Every role is a new journey, and I enjoy the process and learn along the way.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

He began to try more international cooperation and promote his acting skills to the world stage In "The Grandmaster", his performance has both oriental subtlety and international expressiveness, showing his maturity and charm as an actor.

Andy Lau overcame this stage with his tenacity and perseverance. In 2012, he starred in "Cold War", which was a huge success. Andy Lau said: "I know that the audience has high expectations for me, and this expectation is both pressure and motivation.

He began to get more involved in filmmaking, not only as an actor, but also as a producer, contributing to the Hong Kong film industry.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Leung Ka-fai's performances at this stage are more diverse and diverse. In 2018, his outstanding performance in Operation Red Sea received wide acclaim from audiences and industry insiders. Leung said, "Age has given me more experience and enabled me to better understand and interpret different roles.

"He began to experiment with more types of roles, showing amazing plasticityIn "Chasing the Dragon", his performance is nuanced and shows the multifaceted nature of a complex character.

These six male stars not only did not be defeated by the years in the middle-aged stage, but continued to grow in challenges, showing more mature and profound charm. They use their own experiences to tell us that age is not a limit, but a witness to growth.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Each of them coped with the midlife crisis in their own way, and in the process, achieved self-breakthrough and rebirth.

Their stories teach us how important it is to maintain a positive mindset and a spirit of continuous learning in the face of life's challenges. No matter how old you are, as long as you maintain your passion for life and work, you can blossom at any stage.

These six male stars used their practical actions to interpret what is the real "older the more handsome".

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

As they get older, our six protagonists don't stop, but return to their original passion – the performing arts, with a more mature and unhurried attitude. This insistence on their original intention has become the source of their eternal charm.

Tony Leung has won a number of actor awards and will turn 60 in October, but he still maintains strict requirements for roles in his acting career. At the premiere of the 2019 restored version of "Chongqing Forest" in Taipei recently, his eyes lit up when he mentioned the film, revealing his love for acting.

Tony Leung said: "Every role represents a new challenge, and I hope that as an actor, I can continue to break through myself and surprise the audience" This endless pursuit also runs through his other masterpieces such as "Infernal Affairs" and "The Grandmaster", making his performance a classic.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

In recent years, Andy Lau has devoted himself more to public welfare, but his love for acting has never diminished. In 2022's "Anti-Drug 3: People on the Edge", he once again showed excellent acting skills.

Andy Lau said: "Acting is a part of my life, and I will continue until the day when I can't stand in front of the camera" This passion for his career has made him still young at the age of 61.

58-year-old Aaron Kwok, although he is already a father of two children, his love for the stage has never waned. At his 2023 concert, he danced vigorously and showed amazing physical fitness.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Aaron Kwok said: "The stage is my life, I hope to keep dancing" This love for the stage has made him still known as the "King of Dance" at the age of more than half a century.

In recent years, Wu Zhenyu has tried more different types and styles of roles, showing his very strong plasticity, which is amazing. In Apostle Walker 3, his performance once again won praise from the audience.

Wu Zhenyu said: "I hope that each role can bring different feelings to the audience, which is my responsibility as an actor" It is this seriousness and sense of responsibility for acting that allows Wu Zhenyu to maintain a strong acting charm at the age of 57.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Huang Qiusheng has been more involved in stage performances in recent years, demonstrating a unique understanding of the performing arts. In Goldfinger, his performance is once again amazing. Huang Qiusheng said: "The stage play has given me a different acting experience and allowed me to understand the characters more deeply.

This multifaceted exploration of performance has kept him highly appealing at the age of 68.

Leung Ka-fai has been trying to direct in recent years, but his love for acting has never diminished. In the movie "Goldfinger", his wonderful rivalry with Huang Qiusheng showed his charm and acting skills without the slightest diminishing.

I only serve these 6 male stars who are older and more handsome, no plastic surgery, clean and refreshing, and even the pleats are charming

Leung Ka-fai said: "Directing has given me a new understanding of acting, which is very helpful for me to improve my acting skills", and this spirit of continuous learning and exploration has allowed him to maintain his strong creativity at the age of 49.

The experience of these six male stars shows what it means to be truly "older and more handsome". They do not rely on plastic surgery or whitewashing, but rely on their own strength and temperament to shine more and more in the baptism of time.

Their story tells us that the real charm comes from the heart, the persistence of the original intention and the courage to constantly break through themselves In them, we see the traces of time, but also see the charm that will never fade.