
"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

author:Emperor Qin reads the world

On the busy set of the crew of "Acquaintance with Jun Chu", Ren Jialun stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself shirtless, with complicated eyes. His abs are well-defined, but they have an unnatural sheen. He takes a deep breath and adjusts his facial expression in preparation for the important shot that is about to begin.

"Ready! Begin! With the director's command, the camera quickly started to work. Ren Jialun straightened his waist and showed the temperament of the character to the fullest. However, his heart was turbulent.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

The means that he had to take in order to present a perfect body made him feel a little helpless.

After the shooting, Ren Jialun and the director talked in a low voice. "Don't worry," the director comforted, "This 'muscle suit' works very well, and it will be beautified later." When the time comes, the audience will see the perfect effect.

Ren Jialun nodded reluctantly, but he had mixed feelings in his heart, for the role, for the audience's expectations, he had to accept this kind of "beautification", but is this really what he wants?

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

What they didn't expect, however, was that this elaborate "perfect abs" caused an uproar after it aired. Attentive viewers soon noticed something unusual: the seemingly perfect ab line seemed to have an unnatural stiffness.

The discussion on the Internet exploded in an instant.

"These abs look weird."

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

"Oh my God, this can't be fake, can it?"

"Looks like it's sticked!"

The comment section is full of speculation and questions. Some people pointed out that Ren Jialun's abdominal muscle contour is too perfect and lacks the texture of real muscles. It was also noticed that there was a noticeable difference between the skin tone of Ren Jialun's neck and face and his abdomen, and even some unnatural seams could be seen.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

This turmoil quickly fermented, spreading from online forums to social media, and "Ren Jialun's fake abdominal muscles" became a hot topic. People began to question: In this entertainment industry that has extremely high requirements for perfection, how many unknown "fake" secrets are there? How many of those perfect bodies shown on the screen are real? .

Faced with overwhelming doubts, the crew had to come forward to respond. They explained that the "muscle suit" was used to keep the character image consistent, and promised to optimize it in post-production.

However, this explanation did not quell the controversy, but instead led people to think more about fraud in the entertainment industry.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

This event hit the surface of the lake like a stone, causing ripples on the calm surface of the lake. It not only effectively exposes the common image packaging problems in the entertainment industry, but also triggers people's in-depth thinking about the definition between reality and illusion, ideal and reality.

In this environment where appearance wins, what price do artists pay to meet the public's expectations of perfection? And as viewers, do we also need to reflect on our excessive pursuit of perfection?

Zhang Hanyu In the history of fraud in the entertainment industry, the incident can be called an important turning point. When "Lao Paoer" was released, he played the tough guy role of Stuffy San'er, which once again showed his outstanding performance.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

In the movie, there is an impressive scene: Stuffy San'er is topless, holding double knives and fighting fiercely with a group of thugs, this scene not only shows the ruthlessness of the character, but also amazes the audience with Zhang Hanyu's strong physique.

However, just when people admired Zhang Hanyu's professionalism and extraordinary figure, a behind-the-scenes photo quietly flowed out, which instantly detonated the Internet. In the photo, Zhang Hanyu's upper body is naked, but his skin shows an unnatural luster and texture.

Attentive netizens soon discovered the abnormality: the seemingly strong muscles seemed to be artificially made.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

"Oh my God, does Zhang Hanyu have to rely on fake muscles to support the scene?"

"This is too fake, you can see that it was pasted!"

"Has the level of fraud in the entertainment industry reached this point?"

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

On the Internet, questions about "Zhang Hanyu's fake muscles" came and went, and it quickly became a hot search topic for a while. Faced with doubts, the crew had to respond quickly. Director Guan Hu personally came forward to clarify: "It is not a fake muscle, but a special makeup effect used to show the characteristics of the character."

He also posted photos of Zhang Hanyu's daily fitness, trying to prove the actor's true figure.

From Zhang Hanyu to Ren Jialun, in just a few years, the "counterfeiting" technology in the entertainment industry seems to have become more sophisticated. However, whether it is "special makeup" or "muscle suit", the fundamental purpose is to present a perfect image.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

This makes people ponder: in this circle where appearance and body are important competitive bargaining chips, what kind of pressure are artists under? In order to meet the expectations of the audience and the market, what price do they have to pay?

What is worth thinking about is whether this pressure to pursue perfection comes from the artist's own pursuit, or is it the expectation imposed by the public invisibly? When we are amazed by the "perfect" bodies on the TV screen, should we also reflect: whether our requirements for artists have gone beyond the scope of reasonableness?

As counterfeiting technology continues to advance, it seems increasingly difficult for us to tell what is real and what is fake. In this entertainment industry where it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, can we still find our true selves? As viewers, how can we maintain rational and objective judgment while appreciating works of art? These issues need to be faced and considered by the whole society.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

On the list of counterfeiting in the entertainment industry, wigs have always been a "cliché" and a high-profile hot topic, especially those high-profile stars.

When it comes to wigs, people can't help but think of Huang Xiaoming. As an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry, the change of his image has always attracted much attention. Attentive fans found that Huang Xiaoming's hair in the early days was thin and small, giving people a feeling of almost middle age.

However, as time went on, his hair volume miraculously increased, and this abnormal change naturally caused speculation among the audience.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

During the recording of a variety show, Huang Xiaoming's back to the camera was captured by sharp-eyed audiences. At the back of his head, the hair is distinctly layered: the upper layer is voluminous and thick, while the lower layer appears thin.

The discovery immediately sparked a heated discussion online.

"Did Sect Leader Huang also wear a wig?"

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

"This hairline is too unnatural, isn't it?"

"There are so many secrets in the entertainment industry!"

In the face of these speculations about Huang Xiaoming, he has always remained silent. However, this silence did not dispel the public's curiosity, and instead people began to look back and rummage through his photographs over the years, trying to find more information in the clues.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

At the other end of the wig topic, the "4,000-year-old beauty" Ju Jingyi was not spared. As a representative of the younger generation of idols, Ju Jingyi has won a large number of fans with her perfect appearance and outstanding talent.

However, her enviable hair has also become the focus of suspicion.

When asked how to keep her hair lush and shiny, Ju Jingyi always replied indifferently: "It's natural." However, the sharp eyes of netizens revealed that in her early photos, the amount of hair was significantly scarce and the hairline was high.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

This huge contrast between before and after makes people wonder: can beautiful hair also be "transplanted"?

Various comparison charts began to circulate on the Internet, and some netizens even drew detailed hairline change charts. The discussion gradually heated up.

This increase in hair volume is truly amazing!

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

"Is modern technology already so powerful? Can't even see the wig? "

"Is it natural beauty or is it beauty produced by artificial intervention?"

In the face of numerous speculations, Ju Jingyi and her team have kept a low profile, neither admitting nor denying it. This ambiguous attitude has allowed this topic to continue to ferment on the Internet.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

From Huang Xiaoming to Ju Jingyi, wigs have become a part of the entertainment industry that cannot be ignored. In this beauty-oriented industry, hair has also become a key factor in careful design.

In order to create the perfect image of celebrities, the hair on the top of their heads has become an important element of dressing.

However, when wigs become the norm, we can't help but ask: in front of the camera, are we seeing the real them, or the "perfect image" after careful packaging? At the same time, will the audience unknowingly become the driving force behind this fake game? After all, it's our obsessive pursuit of perfection that puts so much pressure on this circle.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

In this age when it's hard to tell the real from the fake, we may need to re-examine our own aesthetic standards. While perfection can fascinate people, authentic charm is often more precious.

When we learn to appreciate the uniqueness of each person, the secrets hidden above our heads may not be so important.

In the entertainment industry that pursues perfection, the smiles of stars have also become accessories that can be changed at will. Dentures, a seemingly minor change, directly affect the overall image of the stars.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

In this competition, we need to explore: what kind of story is hidden behind these shining smiles?

Chen Yao is a fresh actress who impressed the audience in "Heartless Mage", and she originally had a mouthful of messy teeth full of personality. At that time, she had an innocent feeling when she laughed, which just interpreted the personality of the character.

However, just when she decided to perfect her smile, she may have caused an accident because she chose an inappropriate correction method.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Chen Yao's smile was neat and orderly after the teeth were straightened, but the audience was surprised to find that she had lost her original aura, and her appearance even declined. This result can't help but make people sigh: does the pursuit of so-called perfection often make people lose their unique charm?

Now let's take a look at the orthodontic journeys of other celebrities. The first thing to talk about is baby, as a representative of the national goddess who counterattacked from a bucktooth girl, her smile change can be described as a typical one in the entire entertainment industry.

However, when her career gradually developed, she began to embark on a long road of orthodontics, from wearing obvious braces when she first appeared, to today's standard smile, baby's change is undoubtedly successful, but we can't help but ask: in the process, has she also lost some of her original unique charm?

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Yang Zi's story is intriguing. When she was a child, she showed two small tiger teeth and dimples on both sides, playful and cute. However, she went down the road to a more perfect smile on her teeth.

The straightened teeth are indeed neat and beautiful, but sadly, her iconic dimples disappear in the process, an unexpected result, and make one wonder: are we erasing the uniqueness of each person in our quest for perfection?

As more and more celebrities begin to choose to use dentures to "enhance" their smiles, we can't help but ask: in this era of filters and beautification, how much real smile is left? And the audience, unconsciously, began to demand these public figures with an unrealistic standard?

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Perhaps, we should redefine perfection. The uniqueness of each person is the most precious beauty. Those smiles with blemishes tend to convey more warmth and authenticity. In this entertainment industry that pursues perfection, maintaining one's true self is the most precious quality.

As more and more "fakes" are revealed, we need to think deeply: where does this pressure to look perfect come from? In this era of beauty filters, celebrities are facing unprecedented challenges.

Celebrities wake up every day to face the camera and countless pairs of critical eyes, every inch of their skin, every subtle expression can become the focus of public discussion, and they must use all kinds of means to maintain their perfect image.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

From wigs and dentures to "muscle suits", although these methods help them stay bright in front of the camera, they also bring them great psychological pressure.

However, this pursuit is almost pathological, and has it deviated from the nature of art? When we focus too much on appearance, do we lose sight of the more important inner value? Acting skills, talent, and character, which should be the core criteria for judging an artist, have been gradually diluted in this carnival of pursuing a perfect appearance.

Although the audience is not innocent in this process, behind our strict requirements for stars and excessive pursuit of perfection, it is actually invisibly contributing to the spread of this fake culture.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Therefore, when we are accustomed to being over-glorified, can we still truly appreciate the true beauty? When we marvel at the "perfect" bodies on the screen, should we also reflect on whether our expectations have gone beyond the realm of reason?

The question we should think about is whether such an excessive focus on appearance distorts the values of the whole society. As a result, young people may mistakenly believe that only having a good enough appearance can lead to success and recognition.

This perception has increased the pressure on those working in the entertainment industry, and it has also had a negative impact on the self-perception of the general public.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Perhaps, we need to revisit the definition of "perfect". True charm comes from the uniqueness of people, not the sameness of beauty. We need to encourage celebrities to be their true selves and appreciate their talent and inner beauty, not just their appearance.

At the same time, the media and the public should be held accountable. We need to create an environment that is more inclusive and respectful of individual differences, learning to appreciate the uniqueness of each person, so that the "fake" behavior that lies beneath the surface is no longer necessary.

In the entertainment industry, where it is difficult to distinguish between fiction and reality, we should regain our respect and cherishment for the truth. Only when artists face the public with an open and inclusive mind, can the entertainment industry develop healthily. After all, the essence of art is not to pursue superficial perfection, but to show the truth and beauty of human nature.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

In this entertainment industry, "cheating" seems to have become the norm, but we also need to understand the helplessness of celebrities and call on everyone to return to the truth. Although the perfect appearance is attractive, the authentic self is the most precious treasure.

For celebrities, it takes a lot of courage to show their true side, while for the audience, the premise of appreciating real beauty is to have a more open mind.

Only when we can appreciate the beauty of imperfection and understand the value of truth can the entertainment industry go healthier. Between the unreal and the real, let's find that delicate balance together.

"Fake" stars: the hair is fake, the acting is fake, even the butt is fake

Looking forward to the day when art can return to its true nature and beauty can bloom in its true colors, everyone should play an active role in this process and jointly create a more authentic and diverse cultural environment.

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