
The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

author:Flying Fish Life

Poor parents are weak, you need to realize by yourself

In this realistic and cruel world, life often does not go as we want. Confusion, struggle, and confusion are the norm for us to grow up, and parents are not omnipotent immortals, they will also face various difficulties. However, some people have expectations for poor parents that they will pay for their lives and endorse their choices. But in fact, poverty does not make parents wise, they are also lost in the pursuit of life.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

Parents' expectations of their children are often based on regrets and unfulfilled dreams. The hardships of the poor often make them have to work hard to survive, and they can't take care of their own heart's desires. They have difficulty understanding what seems absurd, but which represents a passion and independent thinking. Poor parents are ignorant of human nature and the underlying logic of making money, and they may never have explored the meaning and value of life in depth. Therefore, it is a wiser choice to follow your inner feelings in front of them.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

Rather than being overly obedient to your parents, you should learn to think independently and take responsibility. The experience and wisdom of parents, while valuable, may not be applicable to everyone. Everyone has their own destiny trajectory and life path, and only by following their inner voice can they find their true direction. And if you blindly obey the words out of the so-called filial piety, will it lead to your life falling into confusion and ruins?

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

Filial piety, as a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is naturally a quality that we should respect and uphold. However, filial piety is not conformism and blind obedience, but a rational, considerate and independent expression. We should lose no time in communicating our thoughts and choices to our parents, letting them know that we are taking responsibility for our own lives and continuing to support and care for them. Only in this way can we shape a future of our own while respecting them.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

When communicating with parents, it is crucial to be logical and organized. We need to find a reasonable explanation and basis for our choices, and express confidence and determination. This process is not an easy one, and requires us to examine and reflect on ourselves. We cannot blame our parents for their ignorance, nor can we blame them for their incompetence, because their abilities and wisdom are not beyond their reach. On the contrary, we should use rational and wise communication to win the support and approval of our parents for our choices.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

In this complex world, we as adults are always looking forward to finding answers and guidance. However, the experience given by poor parents may not meet the needs of the challenges we face. Therefore, we should learn to have a dialogue with ourselves, reflect on our past and future, and discover our own laws and paths. Only through continuous pursuit and exploration can we find the path of life that truly belongs to us, and find the meaning and practice that makes our life worthwhile.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

Poor parents may not be able to provide us with the best material and financial security in the world, but they are also our parents. What they give us is unconditional love and care, and it is our deepest thoughts and blessings. As we chase our dreams, they may make mistakes and say inaccuracies, but so what? We should learn to be tolerant and understanding, to accept their limitations and faults, rather than to hate and blame. Because they are our parents, and no one in this world will care and love us as much as they do.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

In the journey of pursuing the value of life, let us always insist on independent thinking and courage to take responsibility. The pain and helplessness of poor parents should not be an excuse for us to give up and retreat, but should be the motivation for us to work hard and grow. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to take responsibility and move forward bravely towards a bright future.

The cruel truth, poor parents don't care if you live or die, they themselves are confused for a lifetime

The ignorance and underlying logic of poor parents cannot be a shackle to our pursuit of happiness and success. Rather, they should be a catalyst for our independent thinking and choices. Instead of relying on their experience and insights, let us face the storms of life alone and write our own glory. Because only we truly understand that our lives can only be led by ourselves.