
Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

author:Flying Fish Life

Nowadays, many people's views on marriage seem to have changed dramatically. Some argue that marriage has now evolved into a predatory bargain devoid of genuine affection. To make matters worse, divorce rates are also rising. The risks for men to get married are simply too great, and they tend to be less cost-effective in marriage than women. As a result, more and more men are choosing to lie flat and not get married, which is perhaps the wisest choice for them.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

However, we can't simply boil down all marital problems to money and transactions. Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that involves many aspects such as an individual's emotional needs, family responsibilities, and social relationships. For those who seek true love and a stable life, marriage remains a sincere commitment, an opportunity to support each other and grow together.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

Of course, we cannot deny that there are financial pressures and disputes in some marriages. Economic conditions can become an important issue in marriage, especially in modern society, where the pressure of material consumption is increasing. However, this does not mean that all marriages are built around money. Many people focus more on each other's personalities, values, and life goals when choosing a partner, rather than just the other person's financial situation.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

As for the increase in the divorce rate, it can be seen as social progress and the promotion of individual rights. In the past, divorce may have been prohibited or discriminated against, but now the law protects the right of everyone to dissolve their marriage of their own will. However, the high divorce rate has also raised concerns about family stability. This requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society to strengthen family education and communication between husband and wife in order to maintain the stability and happiness of marriage.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

For men, there are certain risks associated with getting married. As traditional societies persist in the perception that men are more financially responsible, men may face financial pressures and difficulties in providing for their families. However, this does not mean that all marriages are extremely burdensome for men. In modern society, more and more women have attained advanced education and professional skills, and they are able to live independently and contribute to their families. Therefore, it is reasonable to share the financial responsibilities in the marriage without having to rely solely on the man.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

While marriage is riskier for men, men should be aware that marriage is not just an investment and reward relationship. Marriage is an emotional union and a platform for mutual growth and support. By building stable and healthy family relationships, men can not only gain the warmth and happiness of their families, but also get more support and motivation in their careers and lives.

Marriages have now become predatory marriages. There are no feelings, it's all about money deals.

Faced with the challenges of modern marriage, men can choose to lie flat and not get married, but this is not the wisest choice. Marriage is a complex interpersonal relationship that involves the emotional needs and family responsibilities of the individual. Money and transactions are only a small part of a marriage, what is more important is shared values and mutual understanding. It is only through active communication and joint efforts that men can find their own happiness and fulfillment in marriage.