
Chapter 51: Hypnosis

author:Han Xi

Su Qiong had a premonition that Xiao Xue's status as a woman in Lin Chuan's mind was over, and it seemed that Lin Chuan was obviously unwilling to recall, was this the key to solving the case? She had the heart to continue to ask, but when she saw Lin Chuan's reaction, she knew that she had to take a detour, so she hurriedly changed the topic: "Do you know Wu Xiaotian and Zhu Tong?" ”

Lin Chuan immediately calmed down a lot, and he nodded: "They are bad people. ”

"Why?" Su Qiong asked.

Lin Chuan replied, "They forced Xiao Xue to death. ”

"How did you die?" Su Qiong felt that Lin Chuan's dusty memories would be revealed immediately.

Lin Chuan's nerves seemed to be tensed again, he paused for a moment and said: "Wu Xiaotian drugged Xiao Xue's drink, Zhu Tong raped Xiao Xue, and then Xiao Xue committed suicide, she jumped down, and her snow-white clothes were dyed red......"

"What didn't you stop?"

Lin Chuan's lips were trembling: "Wine, I drank too much." ”

"And then what did you do?" Su Qiong asked.

"I jumped too, yes, like flying." Lin Chuan's answer obviously made the old man Shentu extremely dissatisfied, and he said hatefully: "This stupid thing. ”

Su Qiong thought for a while, she seemed to have understood everything that happened in Lin Chuan in the past six months, although some details were not known, but the general situation was clearly in front of her.

Zhu Tong and Wu Xiaotian did something sorry for Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan could only follow the girl named Xiao Xue to commit suicide when he was hopeless, but it is very likely that his luck was very good, so he survived, but lost his memory.

But the question arises, a person who has lost his memory will definitely not retaliate against Zhu Tong, so who is the woman in red? Why did she want to take revenge on Zhu Tong and Wu Xiaotian, does it really have nothing to do with Lin Chuan?

Although Su Qiong learned about Lin Chuan's amnesia in the past, he fell into a greater confusion, the only possibility now is that Lin Chuan did not have amnesia at all, if this is the case, then why is Lin Chuan willing to accept this psychological hypnotherapy, doesn't this mean that it is possible for him to expose his true side to others?

Could it be that Lin Chuan is pretending? Grandpa's hypnosis didn't work for him?

Looking at the person in front of her who seemed to be asleep, Su Qiong's heart suddenly felt a chill, as if a demon was right in front of her eyes, at her mercy, but in fact it was the devil's plan.

Thinking of this, Su Qiong immediately took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Lin Chuan's hands together, Lin Chuan didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, the old man Shentu next to him was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Girl, what are you doing?" ”

Su Qiong said in a low voice: "I suspect that he was not hypnotized, he was pretending. ”

Old Man Shentu's eyes immediately widened: "Nonsense, hypnotism is the oldest science, a special method of psychological diagnosis, not some superstition, which has long been widely used in the West. ”

Su Qiong knew that Old Man Shentu was angry that he didn't believe him, so he hurriedly explained: "He is a prisoner, I have to do this." ”

The old man Shentu's face softened: "You are a police detective, I won't stop you, but I am a doctor now, he is my patient, and I told you, what the person in the hypnotic state said may be the truth, maybe it is a desire in his heart, and he can't be used as evidence, not to mention that he didn't say anything?" ”

Su Qiong nodded: "Grandpa, I haven't finished asking yet?" ”

The old man Shentu looked very angry, but he also knew that Su Qiong's work was extraordinary, so he had to stand by and continue to watch coldly.

Su Qiong looked at Lin Chuan in front of him, sitting in the wide Taishi chair quietly closing his eyes, he looked so innocent, he didn't look like a criminal, but Su Qiong still asked ruthlessly: "Lin Chuan, Zhu Tong and Wu Xiaotian killed Xiao Xue, so you want to take revenge, right?" ”

After a pause, Lin Chuan said, "Yes, I'm going to kill them." ”

"Did you kill Zhu Tong and Wu Xiaotian? How was it killed? ”

Lin Chuan said: "I killed it, Zhu Tong raped Xiao Xue, so he must die like a rapist, Wu Xiaotian drugged Xiao Xue, his heart is black, I want to see how his heart grows." ”

"But Wu Xiaotian committed suicide, why?"

Lin Chuan paused again: "No, it's suicide, I took out his heart." ”

The old man Shentu frowned beside him, Su Qiong knew that Wu Xiaotian's death might still have questions, but he didn't know how to continue, so he changed the subject: "What about Tong Tong?" ”

Lin Chuan replied, "I killed it." ”


Lin Chuan was silent, and he didn't seem to be able to say why.

Su Qiong asked, "Do you know who the woman in red is?" ”

Lin Chuan nodded: "It's Xiao Xue." ”

"Isn't Xiao Xue dead?"

"No, she didn't die, she was taking revenge, killing Zhu Tong and killing Wu Xiaotian."

Su Qiong was shocked, and found that Lin Chuan in front of him seemed to be in a state of confusion, his face was twitching, his whole body was trembling, and there seemed to be white foam at the corner of his mouth.

Old man Shentu hurriedly said: "I can't ask anymore, he has mixed reality and imagination, and you can't ask anything." ”

Su Qiong gritted her teeth and asked, "Xiao Xue or did you kill Zhu Tong?" ”

"Xiao Xue, I, no, I, Xiao Xue." Lin Chuan's body trembled extremely, his facial features were also deformed due to distortion, his upper and lower teeth were bitten together, his tongue seemed to be bitten out, bleeding down the corners of his mouth, flowing down like a worm, and the chair under him creaked, as if it was about to fall apart.

Old man Shentu said angrily: "What are you doing? As he spoke, he threw himself in front of Lin Chuan and grabbed Lin Chuan's arms tightly as if he was about to raise them. Su Qiong was stunned, she didn't expect such a thing to happen, and she was completely frightened by Lin Chuan's reaction in front of her.

Suddenly, a cat meow sounded from behind him, and a black cat ran over at some point, which made people feel creepy.

Lin Chuan confessed his guilt, and when he heard the recording of himself after being hypnotized, he completely collapsed.

According to the words of the old man Shentu, Lin Chuan suffers from severe schizophrenia, and in his ideology, there are two Lin Chuan, one with amnesia and one with Lin Chuan who wants to take revenge, and this Lin Chuan who wants to take revenge is very likely to be imagined as Xiao Xue, that is to say, Lin Chuan subconsciously takes Xiao Xue as the incarnation to take revenge.

Due to Lin Chuan's violent reaction, the old man Shentu woke Lin Chuan from his sleep without waiting for the end of the pillar of incense.

Lin Chuan first saw the handcuffs in his hand, his face turned pale at this moment, he didn't know what he said, but since the handcuffs were on his hands, it meant that he must be a criminal, but he still couldn't remember what he had done.

Su Qiong didn't speak, but just pressed the play button of the tape recorder. With the conversation coming out of it, Lin Chuanchen's memories that had been sealed for three years were finally revealed at this moment, and he immediately realized that he was the murderer, and it was a real murderer, so he collapsed, and the whole person seemed to collapse, languishing on the wide Taishi chair.

The black cat jumped on Lin Chuan's lap without knowing the time, meowed at him, and was slapped away by the old man Shentu.

The recording was finally played, and the old man Shentu: "I know you have a lot to say, I won't bother, but one thing to remember is that although hypnotism is a science, what the hypnotized person says is not necessarily the real situation." ”

After speaking, he shook the few hairs on his head, picked up the black cat and strode out of the room, leaving this dark pawnshop to Lin Chuan and Su Qiong.