
The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

author:Shen Boi

I heard before that the official release of a special chapter of Hundred Refining Gods Anime, but I didn't see the trailer and didn't know what it was about, so I could only guess. But now it's okay, the special chapter of Hundred Refining Gods has been officially exposed, and even the trailer has come out. Judging from the trailer, there is really a lot of information revealed. From Ning Yudie's life and death tribulation, to the large-scale invasion of the demon clan, to Su Lingyun's forced sacrifice, and even the last male protagonist cried.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

First, the special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, and Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death

Judging from the special trailer officially released by Hundred Refining Gods Anime, Ning Yudie, as the heroine, has obviously returned to the sect, and then began to live her own life and death tribulation, as long as she survives the life and death tribulation, then she can reach a higher realm and protect the Eastern Regions.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

However, this life and death calamity is not so easy to break through, if you are not careful, you will die, be burned to ashes by the fire of the heavenly calamity, and you will not even have the qualification to be reincarnated. It seems that Ning Yudie's life and death have been known to Zhuo Da, Zhuo Da is the elder of the Cloud Palace, or Ning Yudie's trust, but he conspired to betray, and secretly contacted Cui Xie of the demon clan. When Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, it was when he launched a rebellion, and when the time came, he would occupy the Cloud Palace, so Ning Yudie's situation was very dangerous.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

Second, the demon clan invaded on a large scale

And then there's the Demon Clan. Judging from the preview, Cui Xie of the demon clan already knew that Ning Yudie was going to survive the catastrophe, so he immediately made a decision and immediately issued an order, that is, the whole army was dispatched to attack the Eastern Regions. Because the Cloud Hall is the strongest sect in the Eastern Regions, since Ning Yudie, as the master of the Cloud Palace, has already started to live and die in retreat, he naturally can't get out of the customs easily, so this is his good opportunity. He could take this opportunity to take the Eastern Regions and then destroy Ning Yudie. For a while, the Eastern Regions can be said to be very dangerous, and I don't know how many people will die in the hands of the demon clan.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

Third, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice

Next is Su Lingyun. Judging from the trailer, Su Lingyun, a big beauty, is miserable, because in the trailer, Su Lingyun actually chose to sacrifice to the male protagonist Luo Zheng. You know, sacrifice means death, it means that the person disappears forever. This is what many people don't want to see, but the director arranged for Su Lingyun to sacrifice.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

As for why Su Lingyun sacrificed herself, it seems that the male protagonist Luo Zheng is in danger of his life and may die at any time. In order to let Luo Zheng survive, Su Lingyun resolutely chose to sacrifice and exchange his death for Luo Zheng's chance to survive.

The special chapter of Hundred Refining into Gods was exposed, Ning Yudie survived the catastrophe of life and death, Su Lingyun was forced to sacrifice, and the male protagonist cried

Fourth, the male protagonist cried

In the end, it is the male protagonist Luo Zheng. Judging from the end of the trailer, the male protagonist Luo Zheng cried. Because although he survived, his beloved Su Lingyun died, and he still died in front of him. Naturally, he was devastated by this, and then he cried, crying very sadly. However, although Su Lingyun is dead, because she is one of the heroines, I think the director will resurrect her later.