
There are very few people who can read the "醯" of "Urn Pickled Chicken", what is the origin?

author:A guest history said

When it comes to the idiom "Chicken in the Urn", many people may be at a loss and wonder in their hearts: "Where is this Chicken sacred?" "Don't worry, today we will unveil this mystery and tell the interesting story behind it.

First of all, I have to talk about the word "醯" It is an old word that is a bit old, representing sourness, and to put it bluntly, it is vinegar. In ancient times, people used vinegar to preserve food and also add flavor to food. Although the character "醯" is not common in modern Chinese, it was a frequent visitor in the kitchen in ancient times.

There are very few people who can read the "醯" of "Urn Pickled Chicken", what is the origin?

Speaking of "urn", the word is pronounced wèng, which refers to a large-mouthed pottery that is usually used to hold wine. Imagine a huge jar with a "chicken" (of course, the chicks are metaphorical, but actually the worms) flying around in it, thinking that this jar is the whole world, but has no idea how vast the outside world is.

There are very few people who can read the "醯" of "Urn Pickled Chicken", what is the origin?

Now, do you have a more intuitive understanding of the idiom "urn in the chicken"? It's like describing people who only know their own small world, their vision is limited, they can only see a little scenery around them, but they can't appreciate the wider world.

Like the little worm flying in the jar, it may think that its world is big enough and exciting enough, but it never realizes that there is a much more vast universe outside the jar waiting to be explored.

In fact, each of us is more or less like that "chicken in the urn". In life, it is easy for us to be limited by our own small circle and environment, and feel that this is the whole world. But the truly brave will continue to break through their comfort zone, to explore those unknown territories, to see the wider world.

There are very few people who can read the "醯" of "Urn Pickled Chicken", what is the origin?

For example, the child who used to only know how to play in the small town later walked out of the mountains and saw the prosperity of the city; Another example is the office worker who used to only know how to type keyboards in the office, but later quit his job to start a business and saw the ups and downs of the shopping mall.

Although the idiom "Chicken in the Urn" sounds a little awkward, even ancient and unfamiliar, it contains a profound truth. It reminds us not to be limited by our own small circumstances, but to be brave enough to go out and see the bigger world.

So, the next time you hear the idiom "chicken in the urn", you might as well laugh and think about whether you have ever been like that little worm and only knew how to fly in your own little world. If yes, then try to fly high! See the wider sky!

There are very few people who can read the "醯" of "Urn Pickled Chicken", what is the origin?

Finally, I would like to send you a smooth sentence: "The chicken in the urn has shallow eyes, and I see the trees but not the forest." "May we all be eagles with wings spread out, not the worms that will never fly out of the wine jar.

Oh, don't worry, the word "醯" is not so easy to pronounce, it is pronounced xī, which is the same as "Xi".