
He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

author:Onigiri says things

The glorious road of revolution is never smooth sailing, and it needs to be watered with blood and life. The Red Fourth Front Army was one of the most outstanding heroic groups in that period of great hardship, and they were in the prime of life, full of vigor and vigor, and they grew up to be the pillars of our party and army in the midst of the raging war. Among them, a legendary figure is Cheng Shicai, who has experienced the hardships of life since he was a child, and when he was a platoon commander in the army, he was witty and decisive, and dared to fight. Later, he was reused as a military commander, and commanded the thrilling Battle of Baoza and the tragic Western Expedition to the Great Gobi, which can be said to have almost lost his life and strived to go upstream.

Speaking of Cheng Shicai, I have to mention his glorious achievements in the Red Fourth Front Army. After joining the Red Army in 1930, he was soon able to stand up and become a platoon commander; In 1932, the superior regiment commander died, and he fought hard to protect the whole regiment, personally commanded the breakthrough operation, and showed his skills. Since then, he has successively served as political commissar, army commander and other important positions, leading the troops to achieve many major victories such as the Battle of Baoza, when he was only in his early twenties and commanded thousands of troops.

He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

In the "Battle of Baoza", the 30th Army fought the most heroically, and Chairman Mao gave a very high evaluation of the army's operations, praising them for "being brave and good at fighting and fighting well". Cheng Shicai took the lead, was not chaotic in the face of danger, commanded well, and made great achievements. After this battle, the prestige of the Red Fourth Front Army rose on both sides of the enemy, and Cheng Shicai became one of the fierce generals.

At the end of the Long March in 1936, the Central Committee decided to let the Red Fourth Front Army form the Western Route Army to carry out the arduous task of meeting divisions in Ningxia. On the way, Cheng Shicai led his troops all the way to the battle, ran out of ammunition and food, and was unable to do so, but finally failed to complete the mission. After returning to Yan'an, Chairman Mao did not blame them, but tried his best to boost morale, saying that "failure is the mother of success", and the Chinese revolution will definitely win in the end.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Cheng Shicai successively served as the chief of staff of Jirecha and the president of the Kang University branch. Some seniors commented that Cheng Yong was tenacious and fearless in the face of the enemy, especially during the Ningxia Expedition, he led the troops to strangle the murderous Japanese army with his flesh and blood, which can be described as an iron man. It can be seen from this that his loyalty and courage to the revolutionary cause have long been outstanding.

Time has changed, the anti-Japanese victory has been won, and Cheng Shicai immediately came to the Northeast Battlefield. At this time, he was already a general who was "old and strong", and he was appointed commander of the South Manchurian Military Region, which was truly worthy of his name. In the Battle of Siping, he led his troops to fight fiercely against the Kuomintang "New Sixth Army" for several days, although it could not completely stop its advance, but also left the enemy scarred.

He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

Later, in the Xinkailing Campaign and the Linjiang Campaign, Cheng Shicai repeatedly held important command positions, participated in almost the entire process of the Northeast Liberation War, and made great achievements. Li Xiannian, who was in Peking at the time, learned about his heroic performance in the Northeast Battlefield through the insider, and sincerely praised him for "making great contributions to the liberation of Northeast China." Our party's affirmation and admiration for the meritorious veterans can be seen.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Cheng Shicai thought that he would be sent to the Korean battlefield, but he was personally named by Chairman Mao as the deputy commander of the public security army. Previously, he had the opinion that he wanted to go to North Korea to show his skills, but when he learned of the central government's intentions, he still stayed out of the matter and obeyed the order as always. In the future, he has been working diligently in the public security forces for 23 years, serving as the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan anti-bandit and other important duties, and finally retired due to old age. Even when he was old, he never left his military career, and he always cared about the cause of national defense as a teacher.

He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

As a soldier who has grown up step by step from the bottom, Cheng Shicai naturally doesn't care too much about the level of military rank. He did not participate in the revolution for the purpose of seeking fame and fortune, but with a red-hot revolutionary feeling, only for the sake of national liberation and the people being the masters of the country. It is a privilege to be able to personally experience those eventful years and fight side by side with the Communists. Even if he is only a lieutenant general, it is already a great honor.

Of course, many people were also surprised and puzzled that he only received the rank of lieutenant general. In fact, the main reason is that although Cheng Shicai served as a military commander during the Anti-Japanese War, he was actually a brigade-level cadre, and to obtain the rank of general, he usually had to be a division-level cadre during the Anti-Japanese War. Judging from this standard, it is quite reasonable for Cheng Shicai to be awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

However, judging from his glorious achievements along the way, he is indeed a little "underestimated". From a small platoon commander to a fierce general who can fight habitually, Cheng has experienced vicissitudes in the ravages of war but has not been curled, and has always commanded the battle with the fighting spirit and courage of a revolutionary, and has made great achievements.

Including in the bloody battles of Baozuo and the Western Expedition to the Great Gobi, he has made great achievements, and has played a pivotal role in the face of danger. Even Chairman Mao and his old comrades-in-arms spoke highly of his performance, praising him for "taking the lead and fighting bravely". It can be seen that he deserved to be the leader of the Red Fourth Front Army at that time.

He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

Especially in the Northeast Battlefield during the Liberation War, Cheng Shicai became the commander of the main force and participated in almost half of the Northeast Liberation Campaign. From the Battle of Siping, the Battle of Xinkailing to the Battle of Linjiang, he personally commanded the troops to fight against the Kuomintang, and made great achievements in every battle. It can be said that the liberation of Northeast China is indispensable for the outstanding exploits of his "iron-blooded general".

Even Li Xiannian's old comrades-in-arms who were in Beiping at that time, after learning of his heroic performance in the Northeast Battlefield, sincerely praised him for "making a major contribution to the liberation of Northeast China." Cheng Shicai paved the peace of the Northeast with his blood and life, and he was really meritorious.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the situation was no longer what it used to be, and he thought that he would be sent to the Korean battlefield to show his bravery. Who would have thought that Chairman Mao personally appointed him as the deputy commander of the public security forces. This is undoubtedly an unexpected arrangement for Cheng Shicai. However, as a soldier, he has always adhered to discipline and obeyed commands, so he still obeyed the organization's decisions as always, and worked diligently in this new post of the public security army for 23 years.

He was a fierce general of the Red Fourth Front Army, became a commander at the age of 23, and when he was awarded the title in 1955, why was he only awarded the rank of lieutenant general?

In this way, Cheng Shicai fought all the way, swept all the way, and finally grew old in the barracks. After retiring from the army, he continued to pay attention to the defence and military until his death in 1990. His life was to write a moving epic of his family and country with blood and life, witnessing the fierce revolutionary struggle in that turbulent era. Regardless of his rank, his name and heroic deeds will forever be engraved in the great achievements of the party and the people.

In that era, there were too many brave and fearless revolutionary fighters who fought bloodily for the liberation of the country, and many of them stood up at a young age and grew up into a generation of fierce generals in the rain of bullets. Cheng Shicai is such a legendary figure, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life since he was a child, and after joining the Red Army, he survived all the way to commanding thousands of troops and horses. He participated in key battles such as the Battle of Baoza and the Ningxia Western Expedition, and later led the Northeast Liberation War and established outstanding meritorious service. Although he only received the rank of lieutenant general in the end, as a pure revolutionary soldier, he really should not be confined to the rank of false name. He used his blood and life to make great achievements for the party and the people, and this immortal feats are far more valuable than false fame. May the heroic deeds of this mighty general be celebrated forever#头条首发大赛! #