
Qianlong announced the blind fortune teller to the Jinluan Palace: You come and calculate, what is in my hand?

author:Onigiri says things

It is said that Qianlong got up early in the morning and found that a night pearl in the imperial study was missing, although for the emperor with countless treasures, a night pearl was insignificant, but he was furious. Dare to steal under my nose, this is clearly to see my majesty as nothing! So Qianlong ordered a thorough investigation, no matter inside or outside the palace, no one was spared. Unexpectedly, after checking for a long time, I still found nothing.

Just when Qianlong was worried about this matter, He Shen came to see him. Qianlong simply entrusted this matter to him, hoping to solve the case as soon as possible. As soon as He Shen returned home, he was told by his henchmen that there was a god who could reveal the whereabouts of the Night Pearl. It's the blind fortune teller yellow frog in the north of the city.

The yellow frog was originally a grassroots root, blind for many years, and relied on fortune-telling to make a living. When he heard that a high-ranking official came to him to tell the emperor's fortune, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy on the spot, for fear of being treated as a liar. But He Shen couldn't help but say, and dragged him into the palace. Along the way, the yellow frog played Xiao Jiujiu in his heart: "Since the night pearl has been stolen, it must be a thief who is temporarily hiding in the palace... And the most inconspicuous thing in the palace is the osmanthus tree..."

Qianlong announced the blind fortune teller to the Jinluan Palace: You come and calculate, what is in my hand?

Sure enough, as soon as the yellow frog opened his mouth, Qianlong really found the night pearl under an osmanthus tree, and he was very high in his fortune telling. However, Qianlong did not believe it easily, so a few days later, he summoned the frog to the Jinluan Hall to test his skills...

... Qianlong handed a clenched fist to the frog and asked him, "Do the math, what is in my hand?" The frog was frightened, he had any magical powers, but he was lucky enough to guess the whereabouts of the Night Pearl. If you guess wrong, your life will be lost!

The frog was in a hurry and decided to use the excuse to get by. He opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, early in the morning...", which means that he has just gotten up, and his body is sick, and he is unable to divination. Unexpectedly, Qianlong stretched out his palm on the spot, and there was a big green jujube lying in the palm of his hand, and the frog was scared into a cold sweat.

Qianlong announced the blind fortune teller to the Jinluan Palace: You come and calculate, what is in my hand?

Qianlong laughed and praised him for being an expert in the divine operator. The frog knew that he was fooling himself, and he was afraid that he would die next time. So the next day, he pleaded with the emperor and begged for permission to return to his hometown to enjoy his old age in peace.

Qianlong has always been generous and benevolent, and since the frog had no intention of being an official, he allowed him to leave. Before leaving, Qianlong gave him another problem. A palace man pulls out an ornate box and asks the frog to guess what's inside. The frog was full of suspicion, thinking that this was a trap, and the emperor must want to take the school exam again.

Qianlong announced the blind fortune teller to the Jinluan Palace: You come and calculate, what is in my hand?

Fortunately, Qianlong took pity on him and did not embarrass him. I saw that the palace people opened the lid of the box, and in the box was a frog statue made of gold, which was a gift from Qianlong. Overjoyed, the frog left the palace with the treasure and lived a free life ever since.

This adventure makes people laugh that a blind man from the grassroots can show his magic in the palace, relying on a cunning and wit to save his life. Qianlong can also be regarded as knowing people well, not only not making it difficult for others, but also giving gifts as a reward. The dignity of imperial power and the generosity of charity can be seen in this small matter. #头条首发大赛#

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