
When the 40-year-old Tuo Lei died, his brother said to the widow and sister-in-law: If you marry my son, I will keep the fief unchanged

author:Onigiri says things

In the Mongolian steppes, a magnificent family battle is being staged. Genghis Khan's son, Tuolei, died young at the age of 40, leaving behind his wife, Ruheteni, and two young sons. Tuolei's elder brother Ogedai took the opportunity to covet his younger brother's fiefdom, and shamelessly threw a green hat to the widow Ruheteni and asked her to marry his son. In the face of the threat of power, instigating Lu Heteni can only deal with it expediently, but is she just passively bullied?

When the 40-year-old Tuo Lei died, his brother said to the widow and sister-in-law: If you marry my son, I will keep the fief unchanged

The Mongolian steppe, it was the era of iron horse kingo. The men galloped into battle, brave and fearless. However, for the women who stay at home, every battle is a double-edged sword, and they are always worried about the fate of their loved ones. For Ruhotini, her beloved husband, Tolei, did die young, leaving her and her two young sons behind. As Genghis Khan's favorite son, Tulei's fiefdom and army were not small. What people didn't expect was that his brother Wokotai took the opportunity to instigate the idea of Lu Heteni.

"Ouch, poor brother and sister, how can you live on this prairie now who are orphans and widows? It is better to marry my son, and I will keep all my brother's fief for you. Wo Kotai said with a grim face. These words can make Ruheteni angry, she is the daughter-in-law of Genghis Khan, if she marries her nephew, it will be incest. What's more, where should she and her son go then? However, at present, their mother and son really have no support, and Wokuotai is powerful, and she has to weigh the pros and cons.

When the 40-year-old Tuo Lei died, his brother said to the widow and sister-in-law: If you marry my son, I will keep the fief unchanged

"Hey, what the eldest brother said is that I have two children, I'm afraid I'll be tired of you." Instigated Ruhe Tenny to refuse. But Wokotai did not give up, and forcibly incorporated the troops under his command, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the soldiers. He also understood that now was the time to cultivate his strength. So, she offered to let her eldest son go with the army.

Seeing this, Wokotai thought to himself that this instigation of Lu Heteni was trying to slap me in? So he was overjoyed and happily agreed to her request. Who knew that this was just an elaborate plan by instigating Ruheteni.

A few years later, Ogedai contracted a serious illness. instigated Lu Heteni to take the opportunity to secretly arrange for someone to poison him. At the same time, she took the opportunity to provoke conflicts between her two sons and let them fight. Taking advantage of this chaos, he immediately returned to the tribe where her husband had towed mines, gathered his own forces, and launched a surprise attack on the fiefdom of Ogedai.

When the 40-year-old Tuo Lei died, his brother said to the widow and sister-in-law: If you marry my son, I will keep the fief unchanged

The Wokutai Division, which was already in a mess, was not an opponent to instigate Lu Heteni at all. Soon, the former widow defeated her opponent and regained her husband's power. But her ambitions didn't stop there. In 1251, he finally helped his eldest son, Möngke, ascend to the throne of Khan. And her youngest son, Kublai Khan, later established a powerful Yuan dynasty.

From a widow who was bullied to a queen who controlled power, he used his resilience and wisdom to break a bloody path in that iron-blooded boy society. She was cruel, but out of desperation. As a woman, if you want to protect yourself and your sons in that era, you must be fearless, even to the extreme.

When the 40-year-old Tuo Lei died, his brother said to the widow and sister-in-law: If you marry my son, I will keep the fief unchanged

From this story, we can see that although the ancient Mongolian society was a purely patriarchal society, it was not that women were useless. With his extraordinary wisdom and determination, he carved out a path of revenge in the midst of many difficulties, and finally helped his sons regain the country that belonged to them. She used her actions to interpret the spirit of the proverb "Jinling people have wives like this, and their husbands have no worries", showing the strength of women's tenacious struggle in adversity. In today's highly developed material civilization, the story of Turhoteni reminds us that no matter what the circumstances, wisdom and determination are the source of strength that transcends all things. #头条首发大赛#