
In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

author:Onigiri says things

Hello everyone, if you ask who is the most pitiful group of people in ancient times, it must be those famous ministers and fierce generals who were unjustly killed. In the face of the boundless power of the ruler, no matter how meritorious and powerful you have been, if you fall out of favor or offend the king, it will inevitably come to a miserable end. But is that really the case? Let's unveil the mystery of history and carefully analyze these seemingly unjust but unjust deaths. Have you ever heard of Nian Qianyao's arrogance and Han Xin's ingratitude?

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

Let's talk about the famous Nian Qianyao first. This is Emperor Yongzheng's own uncle, and he is a serious child. At the beginning of Yongzheng's ascension to the throne, he gave him the power to mobilize the armaments of the four provinces, and he could be described as the supreme military commander of the dynasty. It's a pity that Nian Qianyao was arrogant and domineering, greedy for power, and didn't know the height of the sky, and finally on the way back to Beijing to meet him, he arrogantly rode a high-headed horse to swagger through the market. This can make Yongzheng angry, it is simply deliberately provoking the imperial power. So Yongzheng ruthlessly disposed of this self-defeating uncle, and even the family suffered.

Let's talk about Han Xin, this "general who worships the prime minister" who has been looked down upon since he was a child, and finally rose all the way up, was worshiped as the king of Chu, and commanded the side with heavy troops. Who would have thought that he would forget his roots, forget Xiao He, the benefactor, and not only let his subordinates rebel, but also eyed the imperial power. In the feudal era, rebellion was the biggest sin, and Xiao He had to be ruthless to get rid of this big trouble, and killed Han Xin by trickery.

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

Shang Ying is a good person who works hard, he diligently implements the law to become stronger, but unfortunately because the expansion of the territory violates the interests of the aristocracy, he is regarded as a thorn in the side, and finally was sentenced to death, which makes people sigh.

On the contrary, Bai Qi is a murderous and ruthless guy. During the Battle of Changping, he killed all 400,000 prisoners, which was too brutal. Later, he relied on his military exploits, and had no king in his eyes, and was regarded as a great disaster by the king of Qin and was forced to die. When he was dying, he still sighed to himself that it was 400,000 unjust souls who asked for their lives, apparently realizing his sins.

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

As for Lü Buwei, for his own selfish interests, he did whatever it takes, and even spared no expense to eat it all, so that an illegitimate son who could live in strange goods finally became the throne of King Qin. After Yingzheng ascended the throne and became emperor, he found that Prime Minister Lü Buwei's family background was shameful, coupled with some indecent history of his mother, and hated him to the core, so he was removed from the position of prime minister. Lü Buwei was convinced, and finally cowardly chose to commit suicide.

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

It seems that power is often the source of evil. These powerful ministers and famous generals have achieved great achievements one by one and enjoyed glory and wealth, but in the end, because of their greed for power and arrogance, they deviated from the right path, and they fell into the abyss of no return. Isn't this God's punishment for those who are arrogant?

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

Through the experiences of these famous ministers and fierce generals who were once in power, it is not difficult for us to find that their deaths seem to be unjust, but in fact there is another hidden story. Some people get carried away by power and forget their duty; There are those who are greedy and arrogant. There are also some people who are complacent and have no king in their eyes. Although each of them had achieved impressive results with unparalleled military or political wisdom, they ultimately reaped the consequences of violating the ethical morals of the era.

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

Throughout history, if a person ignores the proportions of power and allows ambition to run rampant, it is easy to fall astray into arrogance and indulgence. But we must also face up to the fact that even if the king will eventually leave the world, it is inevitable that there will be a reality of mediocrity and dictatorship. Therefore, as the pillars of the country, regardless of rank, they should follow the way of benevolence, and have the correct way of being an official and employing people. After all, the emergence of good ministers and virtuous ministers will surely benefit the people, while mediocre and corrupt officials will inevitably bring disaster to the country and the people.

In history, these five famous ministers and famous generals seem to have been unjustly killed, but in fact, they all died unjustly

Some people say that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil, perhaps these famous ministers who have suffered misfortune are walking a wrong path after all. However, we should reflect on how we can learn from their experiences and find the right way forward in today's society. Only by being honest and self-disciplined and dedicating oneself to public service can one attain true glory and merit. Isn't this the highest state of life? #头条首发大赛#

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