
In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

author:Onigiri says things

At the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, a grand grudge was about to kick off. Lan Yu, the founding general who led the crowd to seize the country, turned against Zhu Yuanzhang because of the inheritance of the emperor's grandson. Driven by the emperor's jealousy and suspicion, Lan Yu suffered an unprecedented cruel punishment and was stripped of her flesh and skin. This tragedy shocked the entire government and the opposition, and also cast a shadow on the Ming Dynasty, which had not long been on the throne. Zhu Yuanzhang started his family and did not hesitate to eradicate all threats in order to maintain power, is this a cruel portrayal of the so-called "it is easy to fight the country, but it is difficult to defend the country"?

In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

The surname Lan came from a humble background, but he was the most courageous founding father under Zhu Yuanzhang. Since the beginning of the army, he has been Zhu Yuanzhang's sworn friend and has made countless military exploits. Later, he was rewarded with land, and his status also rose. In order to maintain their power, the Zhu family was naturally vigilant, and once they saw that Lan Yu had a little change, they immediately couldn't sit still.

Lan Yu is indeed arrogant due to the sudden change in status and status, and his subordinates are becoming more and more arrogant. The distribution of spoils and promotions in the imperial court is all based on Lan Yu's preference. On the battlefield, he acted even more wantonly, and even the city was not spared. Zhu Yuanzhang can be said to be worried, for fear that one day the general will start another high-rise building.

The turnaround happened that year. Zhu Yuanzhang's crown prince died, and in order to allow his grandson to inherit the throne smoothly, he was determined to get rid of the threatening Lan Yu. The excuse is "rebellion" and he is imprisoned. Seeing that his death was approaching, Lan Yu quibbled that he had worked hard to win this country, and it was impossible to have two hearts, accusing Zhu Yuanzhang of framing him for clearing obstacles for the emperor's grandson.

In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and sentenced to death on the spot. Not only that, but Lan Yu had to be skinned and shown to the public, and all the three clans were connected, and the inhumane torture shocked the government and the opposition. A generation of founding generals collapsed in this way, which made people sigh. Zhu Yuanzhang's actions undoubtedly made the Ming Dynasty bury the hidden danger of accumulating salaries...

Lan Yu was poisoned by this, of course, because Zhu Yuanzhang thought he was too ambitious, but from another point of view, it also reflected the contradictions and jealousy of the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty.

In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

Lan Yu has made countless meritorious achievements, and his status is naturally squeezed at the top. Although Zhu Yuanzhang was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his background was too humble. The legendary life of a beggar to an emperor made him look down on the nobles. In the face of a founding general with a high prestige like Lan Yu, Zhu Yuanzhang will inevitably have a heart of mustard and suspicion.

In contrast, the other heroes either have no real power or are loyal, and they have not brought much hidden danger to Zhu Yuanzhang. Only Lan Yu is the person who really makes Zhu Yuanzhang sleep. Once Zhu Yuanzhang makes a mistake, Lan Yu may call on the old ministry to seize power. So no matter what, Zhu Yuanzhang must get rid of this biggest threat to his henchmen.

In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

The reason why Lan Yu was poisoned by this poison is inseparable from his arrogance. In the past, Zhu Yuanzhang was also a grass citizen, so he naturally knew best what it meant to be "Knowing Grace". However, Lan Yu became more and more unruly and arrogant, and Zhu Yuanzhang naturally became resentful. The resolute mentality of "it is better to kill by mistake than to let go" prompted this cruel and inhumane punishment to come.

Zhu Yuanzhang's actions are cruel, but from another aspect, they are also removing obstacles to the development of the Ming Dynasty in the future. If Lan Yu is allowed to be ambitious, he may rebel and seize power the next day. At that time, the descendants of the Zhu family will be gone. It is better to get rid of a threat with his own hands than to let Jiangshan Sheji repeat the mistakes of the past.

Zhu Yuanzhang's disposal of Lan Yu undoubtedly planted a time bomb for the power system at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. The civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty all sighed and lamented the impermanence of life and fate...

In 1393, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the blue jade to be skinned, and couldn't help but scold: As soon as the prince died, he said that I had rebelled

Lan Yu's tragic death by this torture is not only ironclad evidence of Zhu Yuanzhang's maintenance of power, but also a portrayal of the internal discord of the founding of the country. Facing the blue jade with high merit, Zhu Yuanzhang had to take precautions. But its approach was too cruel, and it buried endless hidden dangers for the Ming Dynasty. This tragedy shows that power and intrigue are often a dangerous game, and if you are not careful, you can make a big mistake. History is always thrilling, and this lesson reminds us that in the pursuit of power, we must not forget the gift of benevolence, righteousness and morality. #头条首发大赛#