
Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Zhang Lei is a middle-aged man in his fifties who runs a small business.

In recent years, due to the high pressure of work and irregular diet, the weight has gradually increased, especially the abdominal fat has become more and more obvious.

Zhang Lei is well aware of the health hazards of obesity, so he decided to start running, hoping to lose excess fat through exercise.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Zhang Lei gets up at 6 o'clock every morning and runs five kilometers around the community, rain or shine. After a month, he had lost some weight, but the fat on his abdomen didn't seem to have lost significantly.

In this regard, he was skeptical: Is running losing subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? So, Zhang Lei decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination to figure out the problem.

In the hospital, Zhang Lei hung up the number of the endocrinology department, and while waiting for the number, he sat on a chair, looked at various health knowledge posters posted on the wall, and wondered if he really needed to adjust his weight loss method.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Soon after, the nurse called his name, and Zhang Lei walked into the consultation room. He was received by an experienced doctor, Dr. Wang. After listening to Zhang Lei's description, Dr. Wang nodded his head in understanding.

He was advised to do some tests first, including a CT scan of his abdomen and blood tests, in order to fully assess his health.

A few days later, Zhang Lei got the test results and came to Dr. Wang's office again.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Dr. Wang flipped through the examination report and patiently explained, "According to the CT scan, you do have a certain degree of visceral fat accumulation, which is one of the main reasons for your abdominal obesity.

And your blood test results show that your blood sugar and lipid levels are also slightly high, which is a cause for concern. ”

Zhang Lei frowned and asked, "Doctor, is it ineffective for me to run every day?" What can I do to effectively reduce visceral fat? ”

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Dr. Wang smiled and reassured, "Of course, running is good because it can help you burn calories, improve your heart and lung fitness, and be very good for your overall health."

However, in order to effectively reduce visceral fat, you need to make some adjustments in the type and intensity of exercise, and at the same time, it must be accompanied by a reasonable diet. ”

Next, Dr. Wang explained in detail the difference between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, and how to effectively reduce visceral fat.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Dr. Wang explained that visceral fat is the fat that accumulates around the organs in the abdominal cavity, which not only affects the appearance but also increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In contrast, subcutaneous fat is fat that is located under the skin and has a relatively low impact on health.

"Running can lose some of the subcutaneous fat, but the effect may not be as significant for visceral fat.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

You can try some high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which burns off a lot of energy in a short period of time and is very effective in reducing visceral fat. ”

"In addition, strength training is essential to not only increase muscle mass, but also increase your basal metabolic rate and help you burn fat faster." ”

Zhang Lei nodded in understanding, but he still had some questions: "Then what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?" ”

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Dr. Wang continued, "First, you need to cut back on sugar and refined carbohydrates and try to choose whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

To ensure protein intake, you can eat lean meat, fish, eggs, etc. in moderation.

At the same time, eat more unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, nuts, fish oil, etc. Finally, maintain a regular diet and eat small, frequent meals that are not overloaded at each meal. ”

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Zhang Lei carefully wrote down these suggestions and decided to start adjusting his exercise and diet plan as soon as he returned.

Over the next few months, Zhang Lei strictly followed his doctor's advice for high-intensity interval training and strength training, and adjusted his diet.

Not only did I continue to run every day, but I also added HIIT and strength training three times a week. At the same time, he reduced his intake of sweets and fried foods and ate more vegetables and fruits.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

A few months later, Zhang Lei came to the hospital again for a follow-up. Dr. Wang reviewed his physical examination report and said with satisfaction, "Mr. Zhang, you have significantly reduced your visceral fat and your weight has also decreased significantly.

Blood sugar and lipid levels have also returned to normal, and if you continue to maintain this lifestyle, your health will get better and better. ”

Hearing this good news, Zhang Lei smiled. "It turns out that losing weight is not just as simple as running, it also requires scientific methods and unremitting efforts. Thank you doctor for your guidance. ”

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Losing weight requires not only perseverance, but also a scientific approach. Although running alone can burn a certain amount of calories, it may have limited effect on reducing visceral fat.

Through high-intensity interval training and strength training, combined with a reasonable diet, you can more effectively reduce visceral fat and improve your health.

For middle-aged and elderly people, it is especially necessary to pay attention to the reduction of visceral fat to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and maintain physical health.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

Zhang Lei's success lies not only in his unremitting exercise, but also in the fact that he has adopted a scientific method of weight loss, which is worthy of our reference.

Weight loss is a systematic project that requires a comprehensive adjustment of exercise, diet and lifestyle habits.

Only with scientific methods and unremitting efforts can we have a healthy body and a good life.

Running every day, do you lose subcutaneous fat or visceral fat? How to lose visceral fat in the elderly?

I hope that Zhang Lei's story can bring inspiration to more people, so that everyone can take fewer detours on the road to health.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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