
Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

author:Dr. Ren Health Talk

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Dr. Lau is a senior hepatologist at the Municipal Hospital, and he often deals with many patients with liver diseases.

One day, he received a new patient, Lao Zhang, 62 years old, a retired worker, who usually loves health, especially drinking wolfberry soaked water.

Recently, Lao Zhang always felt discomfort in the liver area, accompanied by fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, in order to be safe, he decided to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

After a series of blood tests, ultrasound and CT scans, Dr. Liu found that Lao Zhang's liver had abnormal space-occupying lesions, and he initially suspected liver cancer.

"Lao Zhang, do you have any special eating habits or any special health products?" Dr. Lau asked during a medical history.

"I drink wolfberry soaked water every day, and there are some other teas mixed with Chinese medicinal herbs." Lao Zhang replied.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

Dr. Liu nodded, "Goji berries do have certain medicinal properties, but they are not suitable for everyone, especially those with poor liver function.

Some studies have shown that certain components in goji berries may increase the burden on the liver and may even act as a 'catalyst' in some cases. ”

Hearing this, Lao Zhang looked a little worried, "Then did I get liver cancer because I drank these wolfberry water?" ”

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

Dr. Liu comforted him and said, "Not necessarily, the cause of liver cancer is very complex, and various factors such as long-term alcohol abuse, chronic hepatitis virus infection, and poor dietary habits can lead to liver cancer.

The most important thing now is to actively cooperate with the treatment. Subsequently, Dr. Liu arranged a liver biopsy for Lao Zhang to further confirm the diagnosis.

A few days later, the pathology results confirmed that Lao Zhang had hepatocellular carcinoma. Dr. Liu explained in detail: "Lao Zhang, your liver cancer is at an early stage and has not yet metastasized to distant areas, so surgical resection is a good option.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

In addition, we can combine targeted therapy and immunotherapy to improve the cure rate. ”

Lao Zhang nodded and decided to actively cooperate with the treatment. During the surgery and subsequent treatment, strictly follow the doctor's advice and stop eating goji berries and other foods that may increase the burden on the liver.

There are three foods that older people, especially those with a history of liver disease, should be touched sparingly: the first is goji berries, which, although a tonic, are not suitable for everyone.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

This is followed by alcohol, which is one of the main causes of liver cancer. Finally, there are high-fat, high-sugar foods, which not only trigger fatty liver disease, but also increase the metabolic burden on the liver. ”

After several months of treatment and recovery, Lao Zhang's condition gradually improved, and he would thank Dr. Liu for his careful and professional guidance every time he returned to the clinic.

I also learned a lot about liver health, and I no longer dare to blindly listen to the so-called health secrets.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

"Dr. Liu, thank you very much, if it weren't for your timely reminder, I might still be drinking those health teas." Lao Zhang said with emotion.

Dr. Liu smiled, "The most important thing for health is scientific and reasonable living habits, don't blindly follow the trend."

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and maintain moderate exercise, so that you can truly have a healthy body. ”

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

This experience not only allowed Lao Zhang to change his lifestyle, but also made him an advocate of healthy living.

I often share my story with my friends and loved ones, hoping that they will also benefit from it. As can be seen from this story, the claim about whether goji berries are a "catalyst" for liver cancer is not entirely accurate.

As a Chinese herbal medicine, wolfberry does have its medicinal value, but it is not suitable for everyone, especially those with poor liver function or liver disease.

Is wolfberry a "catalyst" for liver cancer? The doctor emphasized many times: when you are older, you should touch less of 3 kinds of food

Scientific and reasonable diet and lifestyle habits are essential to prevent liver disease and other diseases. Goji berries are not a direct cause of liver cancer, but they may have a negative impact on certain populations.

Through Lao Zhang's story, I hope that more people can correctly understand health and health care, avoid blindly following the trend, and truly achieve a scientific and healthy life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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