
The Ancient God Emperor: Nine deaths survived, served as a pioneer for the Immortal Ancestor, and has left the battle galaxy

author:Dongji said online article

#万古神帝#九死异天皇这个名字听起来厉害得很, in fact, it is just a chess piece cultivated by the Immortal Ancestor, and it is not even a chess piece, because the real chess piece of the Immortal Ancestor is the Great Demon God, which has long since fallen, and the Nine Dead Alien Emperor is a substitute, and it was only when the Immortal Ancestor was unavailable that he was brought under his command.

I still remember that when the Nine Dead Alien Emperor last appeared, the Immortal Ancestor gave him a lot of benefits, but in terms of strength, it was already good that he could reach the peak of the Half Ancestor, and he might not be able to beat the Void Heaven, there were many people who could kill him in this universe, because the Nine Dead Alien Emperor killed the hall master of the Temple of Truth, and the people in the Heavenly Court Realm hated him to the core.

Xutian is the senior brother of the Lord of the Temple of Truth, and he chased him all the way to the God Realm at the beginning, but he was still escaped by the Nine Dead Emperors, whether it was the identity of the Hades Ancestor faction or what he had done to the Hell Realm before, he was exhausted, and almost the entire universe was eager to put him to death, so it was the best choice for the Nine Dead Emperors not to show up.

The Ancient God Emperor: Nine deaths survived, served as a pioneer for the Immortal Ancestor, and has left the battle galaxy

But at the critical moment, even Shi Ji Niangniang participated in the war, but the Nine Dead Emperor did not make any move, which is really a bit unreasonable, even in order to show loyalty, he has to do something for the Immortal Ancestor, so we suspect that he has already left this universe and served as a pioneer for the Immortal Ancestor.

Not to mention, in terms of pathfinding, the Nine Dead Alien Emperor is indeed a rare talent, he has experienced nine tests of life and death, and each time he has survived tenaciously, and each time he is reborn, he becomes stronger. His power comes from a deep understanding of death.

If he is allowed to fight a tough battle, he may not be able to do it, but if he is allowed to do those sneaky things, he will be able to give full play to his ability, and the Immortal Ancestor also knows that the Nine Dead Emperors have offended many forces. Either because they couldn't get used to his style, or because of the conflict of interests, they all wanted to kill him, and the Immortal Ancestor didn't want the conflict to intensify, so they didn't let the Nine Dead Emperors come forward at all.

The Ancient God Emperor: Nine deaths survived, served as a pioneer for the Immortal Ancestor, and has left the battle galaxy

It is said that Zhang Ruochen and the Time and Space Ancestor had a great fight at the beginning, and the Ancestor of the Underworld could have made a move earlier, which means that the Ancestor of the Underworld still had a lot of spare strength at that time, and there was no need to find a helper at all. What's more, the Nine Dead Emperors are not the Ancestor, and he can't be of much use without him, and it is impossible for him to explode the Divine Source and the enemy for the sake of the Immortal Ancestor.

To say that the ancestor is also a very good leader, at least he knows the thoughts of his subordinates, knows how to make good use of people, even if he knows that the other party's character is not good, he can successfully control it, even Zhang Ruochen can't do this, or he won't use such a person.

The Immortal Ancestor suggested that the Nine Dead Emperors should temporarily leave the Battle System and explore the unknown outer universe to avoid the turmoil of the final battle. For the Nine Dead Emperors, this was both an opportunity and a challenge. He longs for power, for transcending existing boundaries, and the outer universe is a new world full of infinite possibilities.

The Ancient God Emperor: Nine deaths survived, served as a pioneer for the Immortal Ancestor, and has left the battle galaxy

In this way, under the arrangement of the Immortal Ancestor, the Nine Dead Emperors quietly left and embarked on a journey to the outer universe. This decision allowed him to avoid a head-on conflict with other forces, and also left infinite suspense for his future return. However, with his background, at most, he will become the ancestor and become Yan Wushen's opponent, and he will not be able to threaten Zhang Ruochen at all, so it depends on whether he is wise enough, don't float away with some achievements, and take the initiative to come back and die.