
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries

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275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries
275 million! 175 million! The stupidest team in the NBA was born, and cats and dogs were given super maximum salaries

The Raptors' Big Deal: The Logic and Controversy Behind Super Cap Salary

Salary spree in the age of superstars

Since Shaw took the helm of the NBA, a wave of commercialization has swept across the league, with team revenues rising and player salaries soaring. Especially this summer, NBA players' max salary contracts have refreshed people's perceptions. In the past, only players who made a place on the All-Star team, or performed well during the season, had a chance to earn a super-cap salary of hundreds of millions of dollars. But now, that threshold seems to be blurring, and some youngsters, even role players, who are not well-known, can easily sign staggering contracts with a momentary stellar performance.

Quickley vs. Barnes: The Raptors' big deal

Against this backdrop, the Raptors' two signings are particularly eye-catching. The first is guard Quickley, a player with a mediocre performance in the Knicks, who only played 38 games in the Raptors, and got a super cap salary of $175 million for 5 years with an average of 18+4+6 per game. Such a salary is already comparable to some All-Star guards. And the Raptors didn't stop making big moves, and they also offered No. 4 pick Barnes a five-year, $275 million super-cap contract, which is undoubtedly the most expensive contract in the history of the Raptors.

Although Barnes averaged nearly 20 points per game last season, his consistency on the offensive end and his contribution on the defensive end failed to reach All-Star level. What's more, he played with the Raptors for three years and scored a career-high of only 32 points, which is obviously not enough to support such a huge contract. However, the Raptors don't seem to care about that, and they firmly believe that Barnes and Quickley can be the centerpiece of the team's future and lead the team to greater glory.

The Raptors' decision-making logic

The Raptors' decision-making logic has sparked widespread discussion among fans and the media. On the one hand, some people think that the Raptors are "stupid and have a lot of money" and waste huge amounts of money on two ordinary players. After all, Quickley and Barnes are just average players in the NBA, and they still have a long way to go to become the cornerstones of the team. On the other hand, there are also those who believe that the Raptors are laying the groundwork for future development. As a small-ball team, the Raptors have always faced a huge challenge in attracting and retaining talent. In order to keep the team competitive, they can only offer huge contracts to young players as a way to motivate them to give more for the team.

However, does this logic really hold water? Will the Raptors really be able to produce superstars who can lead the team to a championship in this way? These are questions worth pondering. After all, in the history of the NBA, not all high-paid players have become the core of a team, and not all high-paid contracts have delivered the desired returns.

Fans' voices: Controversy and anticipation coexist

For the two signings of the Raptors, the reaction of fans is also mixed. Some expressed understanding of the Raptors' approach, believing that they were investing in the team's future; Others expressed dissatisfaction, believing that the Raptors were wasting the team's resources. But either way, both of these signings have become a fact, and we can only hope that Quickley and Barnes can prove their worth in future games and bring more wins and accolades to the Raptors.

In this era of superstars, the salary structure of the NBA is undergoing profound changes. And these two signings of the Raptors undoubtedly add more footnotes to this change. In the coming days, we will continue to watch the performances of these two players to see if they can become the new leaders of the Raptors and lead the team to new glory.

The fan perspective behind the Raptors' big signings

As a fan who loves basketball and loves the NBA, I had mixed feelings when I learned that the Raptors had offered Quickley and Barnes huge super-max contracts this offseason. On the one hand, I understand the bold attempt the team has made for the future; On the other hand, I am also concerned about the risks that these two signings may bring.

First, let's talk about the background of these two signings. In the NBA, an increasingly commercialized league, player salaries have risen. In the past, only those players who occupied a place on the All-Star team had a chance to earn a super-cap salary of hundreds of millions of dollars. But these days, as affiliate revenues continue to grow, that threshold seems to be blurring. The Raptors' choice to offer Quickley and Barnes such huge contracts is undoubtedly a choice made in this trend.

However, is such a wise choice really wise? From a fan point of view, I have reservations about it. Quickley showed some potential during his brief tenure with the Raptors, but he averaged between 11 and 14 points per game during his three years with the Knicks, which obviously couldn't sustain a super-max contract. And while Barnes averaged nearly 20 points per game last season, his consistency on the offensive end and his contribution on the defensive end fell short of All-Star level. What's more, he played for the Raptors for three years and scored a career-high of only 32 points, which also makes people doubt his future.

Of course, we can't deny the determination and courage that the Raptors have shown in these two signings. As a small-ball team, the Raptors have always faced a huge challenge in attracting and retaining talent. In order to keep the team competitive, they can only offer huge contracts to young players as a way to motivate them to give more for the team. Although there are certain risks in this approach, it also reflects the confidence and expectations of the Raptors for the future.

But can this confidence and expectation be translated into tangible results? This is probably a concern for every Raptors fan. From a fan perspective, we'd certainly like to see Quickley and Barnes prove their worth in future games as key players in the squad. But we must also admit that such expectations are not easy. After all, in the competitive league of the NBA, every player needs to go through a long period of training and sharpening to become a real superstar.

In addition, these two signings have also sparked discussions among fans about the future direction of the Raptors. On the one hand, some people believe that the Raptors should continue to adhere to the strategy of being young and local, and build a competitive team by developing young players; On the other hand, there are also those who believe that the Raptors should bring in more star players to challenge for the championship by building a luxurious roster. There are pros and cons to both perspectives, but either way, the Raptors will need to find a path that suits them in the future.

In my opinion, the determination and courage that the Raptors have shown in these two signings is something to be recognized. But at the same time, they also need to be aware of the risks and challenges that come with these two signings. In the future development, the Raptors need to pay more attention to the development and introduction of players to ensure that the team's strength can be steadily improved. At the same time, they also need to strengthen communication and interaction with fans, so that fans can better understand the development direction and plans of the team.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter which path the Raptors choose in the future, we as fans should support and encourage them. After all, every team needs to go through ups and downs and twists and turns to become a real powerhouse. I hope that the Raptors can show a better performance in future games and bring us more surprises and touches!


What do you think about the Raptors' two huge signings? Do you think these two signings are a smart move or a risky move? Which path do you think the Raptors should take in their future development? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

The ambition of the Raptors is promising

At the top of the green peak, the eagle first soared, and the raptor jumped up.

The golden scales shine on the sun and the moon, and Top Gun is immeasurable.

In the past, the raptor dived into deep water, and now it flutters its wings into the sky.

What is the fear of thousands of difficulties and dangers, and vows to cast a new chapter of glory.

The flames are in a hurry, and the battle is in full swing.

Quickley is famous, and Barnes is fragrant.

The value of the dragon gate has risen, and the spring and autumn seasons have been high-spirited twice.

The maximum salary contract is not lightly allowed, and the strength is used to show the edge.

There are many worries in the hearts of fans, and the huge contract seems to be under heavy pressure.

However, I know that the Raptors are not reckless, and they aim to develop their ambitions for thousands of miles.

Young talents need to be sharpened, and late bloomers are also heroes.

Once you become famous, the world knows that there is no fear of many bumps in the road.

The years pass like a song, and the Raptors' ambitions will never be grinded.

Fearless through wind and rain, overcoming obstacles and moving forward.

The glory of the past has become a thing of the past, and we will strive to create new achievements today.

We will meet again on the field and talk about the Raptors.

There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

There are many handsome and talented people in the Raptors.

Quickley is like a meteor, and Barnes is like a tiger.

Although the road ahead is long, we will move forward hand in hand.

Fans are looking forward to seeing the Raptors shine again.

The blood of youth is sprinkled on the field, and the legend is created by hard work.

No matter how difficult the road ahead, the Raptors are unstoppable.

When he looks back on today's events, he will definitely laugh and talk about the storm.

With the subtitle "The Raptors' Ambition, the Future Can Be Expected", this poem aims to summarize and evaluate the Raptors' large-scale signing of Quickley and Barnes in the form of ancient poems. The poem begins with a depiction of the Raptors' rise to prominence like eagles, and then celebrates the talent and potential of two young players, Quickley and Barnes. Subsequently, through sentences such as "the huge contract is not lightly, and the strength is to show the edge", the fans' doubts about these two signings and the determination of the Raptors were expressed. Finally, with sentences such as "The Raptors' ambition is unstoppable", he expressed his expectations and blessings for the future of the Raptors. The whole poem is not only a depiction of the current situation of the Raptors, but also a beautiful vision for the future of the team.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】