
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

author:Nanshan Fengyun

In the entertainment industry, some people are famous because of their talent, some are noticed because of their beauty, and some are remembered for their controversial behavior. The Ms. Lin Yueyun I want to talk about today probably belongs to the last category.

As the mother of the famous Taiwanese host Hou Peichen, Lin Yueyun was also an excellent actress when she was young. The trajectory of her life has become tortuous and bizarre because of a series of complex emotional entanglements. At the age of 73 this year, she has never been married in her life, but she has been named the controversial title of "the strongest junior" because of her repeated intervention in other people's marriages.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun had outstanding looks when she was young and was recognized as a great beauty. It stands to reason that such conditions should have been pursued by many young talents. Lin Yueyun is not interested in her peers, but has a soft spot for men who are married and have successful careers. This particular preference laid the groundwork for her later love life.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun's love story began when she was 22 years old. At that time, she and her best friend Guo Chunmei were as close as sisters. Lin Yueyun fell in love with Guo Chunmei's husband, the well-known TV producer Hou Shihong. Without Guo Chunmei's knowledge, Lin Yueyun and Hou Shihong secretly developed an underground relationship, and even became pregnant and gave birth to their daughter Hou Peichen.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

This relationship lasted for many years, and although Hou Shihong wanted to divorce, he ultimately failed to do so. He bought a property for Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter to provide excellent living conditions. As time went on, Lin Yueyun seemed to have lost patience with the relationship.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

In a mahjong activity, Lin Yueyun met Taiwanese socialite Cai Guizhao, and through her, she met Cai Guizhao's husband Qiu Jiaxiong. Although Qiu Jiaxiong came from an ordinary background, with the support of his wife, his career has made great progress. Lin Yueyun repeated the old trick again and began to approach Qiu Jiaxiong.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun left Hou Shihong with her 5-year-old daughter Hou Peicen and started a new life with Qiu Jiaxiong. Qiu Jiaxiong also bought a villa for their mother and daughter, providing rich material conditions. Under Qiu Jiaxiong's care, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peichen lived a prosperous life.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

This kind of relationship, which is not recognized by mainstream society, has also brought a lot of troubles to Lin Yueyun and Hou Peichen. Especially after Hou Peichen became an adult, her life experience became the focus of media attention and also affected her love life.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

In 2011, when Hou Peicen got married, Qiu Jiaxiong attended the wedding as "PAPA", and the scene was embarrassing. Only a few years later, the elderly Qiu Jiaxiong was seriously ill, but he chose to return to his original partner Cai Guizhao. This change has once again aroused the attention of public opinion.

After Qiu Jiaxiong's death, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen were criticized for not attending the funeral. Despite their subsequent attempts to explain and clarify, there has been no significant change in the public's perception of them.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Looking back on Lin Yueyun's life, it is not difficult to find that she is a complex and contradictory character. She has outstanding beauty and extraordinary charm, but she has chosen a controversial life path. She has intervened in other people's marriages many times, but has never been able to obtain a marriage in the legal sense. She provided her daughter Hou Peicen with excellent living conditions, but she also caused trouble to her daughter because of her choice.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun's story provokes deep reflection on marriage, morality, and human nature. Some people think that she is a seeker of emotional freedom, and others see her as a model of destroying the family. In any case, her experience has become a thought-provoking social topic.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun, who is now 73 years old, is said to have a comfortable life. Despite the controversy surrounding her life, it is undeniable that she raised an excellent daughter. Hou Peichen not only inherited her mother's beauty, but also achieved success in her career with her own efforts.

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter
The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

Lin Yueyun's story reminds us that everyone's life choices bring corresponding results. Her experience also shows us that in complex relationships, everyone can be a victim or a perpetrator. In the face of such stories, we need to understand with empathy and look at them with a peaceful mind.

We can't help but ask: If we were to go back in time, would Lin Yueyun make a different choice? What can she tell us about her life experience? There may not be a standard answer to these questions, but they are worth pondering for each of us.

Source[1]}——2017-02-22"She is Hou Peicen's mother and a fierce mother"

Some people say that this kind of thing was very common in that era, people don't kill for themselves, but Lin Yueyun is too successful, she is a successful junior, which many people are ashamed of.

But it can't be denied that the behavior of "Little San" is indeed not tolerated by morality and ethics, if everyone destroys other people's families for their own sake like Lin Yueyun, then who else dares to get married?

[2] Chutian Jinbao - 2011-04-20 "Hou Peicen's mother was exposed to repeatedly intervene in other people's marriages, and the love history of the little three was revealed"

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

[3] Wuhan Evening News - 2010-01-11 "Hou Peicen wants men to belong completely to herself, not to learn from Hou's mother to be a "little three""

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

[4] Minnan Net 2011-04-20 "Hou Peicen's mother has been a junior for 29 years, choked up and apologized to the other party's wife"

The "strongest junior" is 73 years old, unmarried in his life, but he robbed his best friend's husband three times and has an excellent daughter

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