
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

author:Nanshan Fengyun

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is such an actor, whose name is always linked to labels such as "villain" and "pervert", but he is deeply loved by the audience. He is Hou Tianlai, a national first-class actor who has created many impressive roles with his superb acting skills. From playing Pu Yi in the early days to becoming a villain professional, Hou Tianlai's acting career is full of drama and can be called a wonderful life legend.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

Hou Tianlai's famous work is the TV series "Women Are No Longer Silent" broadcast in 2004. In this work about sexual harassment in the workplace, he plays a perverted boss Wang Xiansheng who abuses his power and constantly harasses female subordinates. Hou Tianlai portrays the insidiousness, greed, and revenge of this character very well, and every look and expression is chilling. The success of this role made Hou Tianlai famous in one fell swoop, but at the same time, it also put him in an embarrassing situation.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

After that, Hou Tianlai played a series of similar roles one after another. In urban emotional dramas such as "Behind the Tenderness" and "Gentle Lies", the roles he plays are often "well-dressed beasts" who are honest on the surface and dark in their hearts. The success of these characters has further consolidated Hou Tianlai's image as a "villain professional" in the minds of the audience. For Hou Tianlai himself, this stereotype bothered him.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

As an aspiring actor, Hou Tianlai has tried to transform many times, hoping to challenge positive roles. Directors seem to prefer him to play the villain, believing that he can play the best in this type of role. This situation continued until the broadcast of the hit drama "In the Name of the People" in 2017.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

In "In the Name of the People", although Vice President Chen Qingquan played by Hou Tianlai is still a villain, this role gives him more room to play. Especially the famous "learning English" scene, which not only shows the cunning nature of the character, but also allows the audience to see another side of Hou Tianlai. The success of this role made Hou Tianlai's acting career reach a peak again, and also gave him the interesting nickname of "a national first-class third-level actor".

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

In fact, Hou Tianlai's acting skills are much more than that. As an acting school, he has a unique understanding and interpretation of each role. Whether it is Pu Yi played in the early days, or various villains later, Hou Tianlai can vividly express the inner world of the characters. He is good at showing the psychological changes of his characters with subtle eye changes and expressions, and this superb acting skills make every character he portrays lifelike.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

Although he plays the villain all the year round, Hou Tianlai is an honest and kind person in real life. He has not been involved in any scandals since his debut for decades and has been focusing on his acting career. This contrast also made many viewers have a good impression of him. People can distinguish Hou Tianlai himself from the role he plays, which is the greatest affirmation of his acting skills.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

Hou Tianlai's success lies not only in his superb acting skills, but also in his understanding and shaping of the role. He was always able to draw inspiration from life and incorporate his own experiences into the characters. For example, in "In the Name of the People", the middle school English scene originated from his father's experience as an English teacher. This ability to combine life and art allows Hou Tianlai's performances to always move the audience.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

Hou Tianlai's acting career can be said to be a microcosm of the Chinese film and television industry. From the early positive role to the villain professional, and now to the all-round actor, every step of his way shows the development and changes of the Chinese film and television industry. His success also proves that as long as he has strength, even a villain can win the love of the audience.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

As an actor, Hou Tianlai has always maintained his love and dedication to acting. Whether it's a positive or negative role, he will put his heart and soul into it, trying to interpret the role in place. This kind of professionalism is also an important reason why he can prosper in the entertainment industry for a long time.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

The story of waiting for the sky has brought us a lot of inspiration. It tells us not to be bound by appearances or stereotypes. A good actor should be able to handle a variety of different types of roles. It also reminds us to be open and inclusive. Even villains can contain a wealth of artistic value. Hou Tianlai's experience also tells us that success often comes from perseverance and hard work. Only by constantly honing their skills can they gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"
He is a national first-class actor, and he is deeply loved by the audience for playing the role of a villain, and is called "lewd demon"

Hou Tianlai's acting career is a wonderful legend. From a national first-class actor to a "lewd demon", and then to today's all-round actor, he has proved with his strength that a good actor can control any role. His story is not only his personal growth history, but also a microcosm of the development of China's film and television industry. I believe that in the future, we will see more wonderful performances from Hou Tianlai on the screen.

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