
After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

author:Historical Talks


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——【Foreword·】 ——»

On the stage of history, a dazzling red star quietly rose and fell, its light was short but extremely dazzling. Who is it that can win such an honor and make two famous generals express deep remembrance across time and space?

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

Before this story begins, let us pay our highest tribute to the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives for their ideals and beliefs. Their spirit is like an unquenchable beacon, illuminating the way forward for those who come after them......

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

——[The youngest regiment commander of the Red Army]——»

After the heroic deeds of Xun Huaizhou spread, it won high praise from Chairman Mao Zedong, who called on all Red Army officers and men to learn from Xun Huaizhou's spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice and daring to struggle.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

Since then, Xun Huaizhou's name has spread in the army, and he has also grown and progressed on the road of revolution with his outstanding performance. At the age of 21, Xun Huaizhou served as the commander of the Red 21st Army and the commander of the Red Seventh Army and other important positions, becoming the youngest corps commander in the history of the Red Army. At the age of 22, he shouldered the important task of forming an anti-Japanese advance team in the north, and served as the commander-in-chief of the advance team, leading the troops to embark on a new journey.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

If history can be rewritten, if time can stand still, in order to find Huaizhou's outstanding military exploits and outstanding contributions, after the founding of New China, he will inevitably be able to rank among the generals of the republic. However, the light of life of this military wizard fell prematurely, and that year, he was only 22 years old.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

In 1934, in order to break the fifth "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang and preserve the vitality of the revolution, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was forced to make a strategic shift and began the 25,000-mile Long March.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

At that time, the Party Central Committee decided to set up an anti-Japanese advance force, with Xun Huaizhou as the commander-in-chief, to take the lead in going north, penetrating into Zhejiang, Anhui, and other core areas ruled by the Kuomintang, opening up new revolutionary base areas, attracting the enemy's attention, and creating favorable conditions for the strategic transfer of the Central Red Army.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

This is an extremely arduous task, and the areas around Zhejiang and Anhui are the hinterland ruled by the Kuomintang, and the situation of the enemy's strength and weakness is obvious, and the terrain is complex and the climate is changeable, so the difficulty of waging guerrilla warfare can be imagined. However, Xun Huaizhou and his comrades-in-arms were not intimidated by the difficulties in front of them, and with their firm revolutionary conviction and tenacious will to fight, they overcame many dangers and obstacles, bravely killed the enemy, and won victory after victory.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

In order to cover the strategic transfer of the main Red Army, Xun Huaizhou led his troops to take the initiative to attack, attracting a large number of Kuomintang troops to encircle and intercept them. He flexibly used guerrilla tactics, skillfully avoided the real and attacked the weak, looked for fighters in the movement, annihilated a large number of enemies, and successfully completed the covering mission.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

As a result of the long-term operation, the Red Seventh Army suffered heavy losses, its strength was seriously insufficient, and its combat effectiveness was not as good as before. Under these circumstances, the Party Central Committee decided to merge the Red Seventh Army into the Red Tenth Army Corps, under the unified command of Fang Zhimin, and continue to persist in guerrilla warfare.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

This reorganization turned out to be a failure, just as Marshal Zhu De later said: "If you don't make it, you won't be disbanded, and if it's done, it will be disbanded." "It is true that there are big differences in the strategic and tactical thinking between the Red Seventh Army Corps and the Red Tenth Army Corps, and after the merger of the troops, there was confusion in command and the combat effectiveness was seriously affected.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

In the end, this once invincible heroic army suffered heavy losses under the siege of the enemy's superior forces, and Xun Huaizhou was unfortunately sacrificed in this land that he had fought for all his life. Xun Huaizhou's sacrifice was a great loss for the Red Army and the Chinese revolution. Although he has only gone through 22 spring and autumn seasons, his short and glorious life has left valuable spiritual wealth for future generations. His unswerving revolutionary conviction, heroic and fearless fighting spirit, and noble sentiment of caring for the people will always be worthy of our study and remembrance.

——【The Fall of the Red Tenth Legion】——»

The long river of history is magnificent, and the stories of heroes shine with immortal light in it. The heroic deeds and sacrificial spirit of the 10th Army of the Red Army, which fought bloodily for national liberation during the revolutionary war years, will always be remembered and remembered by us. In 1934, during the arduous years of the Long March of the main force of the Red Army to the north, the Red Tenth Army Corps assumed huge risks and responsibilities, providing a valuable guarantee for the strategic transfer of the main force. However, in the lofty mountains of Huangshan in Anhui Province, they encountered the frenzied encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang army. Wang Yaowu's troops became a strong opponent of the Red Tenth Army in this battle.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

Faced with the enemy's heavy encirclement, the leaders of the Red Tenth Army, Fang Zhimin, Xun Huaizhou and others, decided to set up an ambush at Tanjiaqiao, intending to disrupt the enemy's pursuit. However, the gears of fate were deflected at this moment. Liu Chouxi, who was the commander of the Red Tenth Army at the time, had the mood of despising the enemy in his heart. He despised the strength of his opponent Wang Yaowu, and just because Wang Yaowu was still an unknown little man when he was at the Whampoa Military Academy, he thought that he was not qualified to confront the elite of the Red Army.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

It was this kind of thinking of underestimating the enemy that made Liu Chouxi make a wrong decision. The Red 19th Division, which was supposed to be the main force, the strongest combat force led by Xun Huaizhou, was placed in the reserve position by Liu Chouxi, and the two local armed forces were pushed onto the battlefield to block the enemy's vanguard troops. What's more fatal is that due to the lack of understanding of the battlefield terrain, the Red Tenth Army also made irreparable mistakes in deployment. They ignored the strategic significance of the commanding heights and ceded the key position of Wuni Pass to the enemy.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

On the other hand, Wang Yaowu knows the actions of the Red Tenth Army well, knows himself and his opponent, and has the chance to win. After the battle began, the Red Army soldiers, due to their inexperience and excessive nervousness, opened fire before the enemy had even entered the intended ambush area, a mistake that left the Red Army completely passive. Wang Yaowu seized the opportunity and quickly occupied the Wuni Pass, condescendingly, forming a powerful fire suppression of the Red Army. In the face of such a critical situation, Xun Huaizhou was not afraid, he led his troops to resist and desperately block the enemy. However, in a situation where the enemy was strong and we were weak, the resistance of the Red Army was extremely difficult.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

In the fierce battle, Xun Huaizhou was seriously wounded, and he was shot several times in the abdomen, and the pain was unbearable. But he still insisted on fighting on the front line, commanding the troops and boosting morale. Until the last moment of his life, he was still concerned about the revolution and the cause of national liberation. When he was dying, he said intermittently in a weak voice: "Go north to resist Japan!" Go north to resist Japan! Destroy the enemy! Destroy the enemy! Xun Huaizhou's firm belief in the revolutionary cause and his infinite desire for national rejuvenation deeply touched everyone present. The soldiers tearfully buried Xun Huaizhou's body on the nearby Ant Hill and simply built a grave for him.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

However, what is outrageous is that after Wang Yaowu learned the news of Xun Huaizhou's sacrifice, he actually ordered his body to be dug up from the grave, brutally cut off his head, and brought it back to ask for merit and reward. This 22-year-old Red Army general ended his short but glorious life. His sacrifice was a huge loss to the Red Tenth Army, and it also made all those who knew him feel extremely sad. Xun Huaizhou's heroic deeds are a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation, and his revolutionary spirit will forever inspire us to strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

——【Su Yu's ashes are buried beside him·】——»

Xun Huaizhou, a name that shines with firm faith in the revolutionary journey, his heroic deeds are like an inextinguishable flame, illuminating the way forward for future generations. He was known for his guerrilla tactics and devoted his life to the revolutionary cause and national liberation. However, as fate would have it, in the battle of Tanjiaqiao, he died heroically, and his body was even brutally destroyed and humiliated by the enemy. The grief-stricken Red Army partisans and the local people, regardless of their own safety, resolutely moved his remains to a more hidden place to comfort the hero's soul.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

A few years later, Commander Chen Yi led the New Fourth Army to pass through this place, specially visited the tomb of the martyrs of Xun Huaizhou, and personally inscribed the epitaph: "Qingshan is fortunate to bury the bones of the faithful, Comrade Xun Huaizhou is a young general of the Red Army, known for guerrilla warfare, sacrificed his life for the interests of the revolution and the interests of the nation to the end, and is a model of anti-Japanese fighters." Since then, the tomb of the martyrs of Xunhuaizhou is no longer a desolate and nameless place, but a spiritual home for future generations to remember the heroes and remember history. Xun Huaizhou's sacrifice has become an indelible pain in the hearts of many revolutionary comrades, especially the generals such as Su Yu and Xiao Jinguang, who fought under him back then, buried this grief and indignation deep in their hearts, and never forgot to avenge the old leaders and comrades-in-arms.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

Time flies, 14 years pass in a flash, and the smoke of the Liberation War burns all over the land of China. In 1947, the Battle of Jinan began, which was related to the direction of the entire Liberation War, Chairman Mao strategized and sent General Su Yu, who had been on the battlefield for a long time and was good at commanding the large corps, and Xu Shiyou, a fierce general, to jointly serve as the main attack task, pointing at Jinan. Su Yu knew the importance of this battle, and he understood that this was an opportunity to avenge the martyrs of Huaizhou and countless sacrificed comrades, and he would definitely go all out. The Kuomintang sent Wang Yaowu to hold Jinan in a vain attempt to block the iron hooves of the People's Liberation Army.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

After Wang Yaowu took office, he immediately stepped up the construction of fortifications and forcibly levied food and wages, in an attempt to resist stubbornly. The People's Liberation Army was like a tiger descending from the mountain, unstoppable, and quickly formed an encirclement of Jinan City. Wang Yaowu made a mistake in judgment and deployed the main force on the western front, but neglected the defense of the eastern front, and as a result, the PLA seized the opportunity to break through the defense line in one fell swoop. The city of Jinan was finally breached, and the soldiers of our army planted the banner of victory on the head of the city of Jinan.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

However, Wang Yaowu, the culprit, was nowhere to be found. It turned out that he knew that the general trend was gone, and in order to escape the fate of being captured, he disguised himself as an ordinary person and tried to escape to Qingdao in the crowd of refugees. But the sky net was restored, negligent but not leaky, Wang Yaowu was finally recognized by our soldiers on the way to escape and was caught red-handed. Fourteen years of blood feud finally got Zhaoxue at this moment, and the martyrs of Xunhuaizhou and countless martyrs who died in the Battle of Tanjiaqiao can rest in peace. The spirit of heroes will never be extinguished, and their sacrifice and dedication will always inspire future generations to strive for a better future!

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?


In the long river of history, some characters are like bright stars, illuminating the sky of the times. General Su Yu is one of them, although his life came to an end in 1984, his spirit and deeds are forever engraved in the hearts of the people. Some of his ashes were placed in Tanjiaqiao, and he guarded the peace and tranquility of this land with his comrades-in-arms who sacrificed their lives for the country. This is not only a commemoration of heroes, but also a cherishing of peace.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

However, when General Su's ashes were cremated, people were surprised to find that they contained three shrapnel. These shrapnel not only witnessed the cruelty of war, but also demonstrated the tenacity and perseverance of heroes. They are the painful memories of General Su Yuda's body for forty-five years, and they are also the price he paid for the country and the nation. This spirit of sacrifice inspires countless people to keep going and work tirelessly for a better future.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

In General Su Yu's last wish, he chose half of the ashes to be scattered in Meng Lianggu and the other half to be placed in Tanjiaqiao. This is not only his affectionate remembrance of his comrades-in-arms, but also his infinite loyalty to the country. He hopes that his soul will always accompany those heroes and martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country, and jointly protect the peace and tranquility of this land.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

The name of the martyr of Xun Huaizhou is closely linked to General Su Yu. They experienced the baptism of war together, and jointly paid their youth and lives for the liberation of the country and the happiness of the people. Their friendship and sacrifice have become a good story in the history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Now, General Su Yu chose to sleep with the martyrs of Xunhuaizhou in Tanjiaqiao, which is not only a nostalgia for his comrades-in-arms, but also a commitment to peace.

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

When we look back at history, we will find that those who have made great sacrifices for the country and the nation are our most precious treasure. Their stories inspire us to keep moving forward and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, we should also think about how we should inherit and carry forward the spirit of sacrifice of our ancestors in this era of peace. How can we contribute to the development of the country in the new era?

After the sacrifice, Wang Yaowu took away his head to invite merit, and after Su Yu's death, he also let the ashes accompany him! Who is he?

Let us remember General Su Yu and all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country, because they are real heroes. Let us cherish the hard-won peaceful life and contribute our wisdom and strength to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. At the same time, let us learn from history, face the future, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!