
Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

author:Unheard of

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Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Brushed to the blogger to share, no wonder the concubines watching TV will be jealous because the emperor rewarded things, it turns out that the fight is not for the old man, but for things......


It turns out that luxury goods have a price, while cultural relics are priceless

Netizens ridiculed: If I had it, I would love to take it out and appreciate it every day~

After the video came out, it aroused the onlookers and resonance of the majority of netizens, and they also shared various beautiful cultural relics they had seen in the comment area:

I finally knew why the roller shutter broke the glass cup and was demoted to the mortal [embarrassed laughter]

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

The blood that makes my eyes red every day [tears]

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Holding this fan in his hand, leaning on the fan slowly [crying silently]

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

No wonder these rarities were robbed madly in ancient times!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Thinking of the rose hairpin that Da Tang gave to Zhen Huan in Zhen Huan's biography!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

It turns out that there is really a colorful black!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

It's hard to imagine how it could have been done without such a high level of technology before!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

This seems to have been deliberately cut and damaged by some country!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Sooner or later, they'll have to get it back!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Only Chinese artworks are real technology!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

Show the most perfect art in the most simple way!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

No wonder the ancient emperor followed after rewarding his ministers with things!

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

No, you really have [awkward laughs]

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates

After reading these things abroad, I can't look at them directly~

Those national treasures used in ancient times, luxury goods are not enough to show their preciousness, and the comment area resonates