
Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

author:Ball tracks

Zhao Xintong, the high-profile snooker player, is about to return to the field on September 1 after a period of recuperation. HD football and basketball live broadcast, click "link" to watch directly!

His return not only means that he will be involved in the fierce professional competition again, but also that he will face new challenges and opportunities.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

During the break, Zhao Xintong carried out deep self-reflection and mental adjustment. He realizes that career ups and downs are the norm, and how you deal with them is what determines whether a fighter can continue to grow.

As a result, he used this time to revisit his career, thinking about his strengths and weaknesses and how he can better play to his strengths in future competitions.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

Zhao Xintong's mentality adjustment is also reflected in his attitude towards the game. He understands that professional competition is not only a contest of skills, but also a game of psychology.

Therefore, he intensified his mental training during the break, learned how to stay calm under pressure, and how to quickly adjust his mindset after failure and start again.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

When talking about his future plans, Zhao Xintong said that he will first participate in some amateur competitions in Europe to get back on the field.

These matches will help him adapt to the rhythm of professional competition and will also provide a platform for him to test the results of his training. If given the opportunity, he will also participate in WST tryouts in an attempt to regain his professional qualifications.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

For the title of "Little Whirlwind", Zhao Xintong said that he likes it very much, because this title not only reflects his speed and passion on the field, but also represents his love and dedication to the game.

He hopes that through his own efforts, he can make this title more resounding and let more people remember his name.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

In addition to snooker, Zhao Xintong has also cultivated some other hobbies, such as golf and travel. These hobbies not only enrich his life, but also help him relax and recover after intense competitions.

He believes that these hobbies will help him stay in good shape in future competitions.

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment

Zhao Xintong's comeback plan and mentality adjustment show his serious attitude and firm determination in his career.

We look forward to him playing his best in future competitions and bringing more excitement and passion to the snooker world.

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