
At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

author:There is a tiger in the heart

The Chinese women's basketball team U18 faced the South Korean women's basketball team in the semifinals last night, and under the leadership of the super core Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese team easily defeated the opponent and won by 18 points to enter the final.

At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

Zhang Ziyu scored 34 points and 16 boards, but was ridiculed by the media for only 17 of 25 shots! It sounds a bit Versailles, but looking at the hit rate of the first three group games, you can see that this "only" use really makes sense:

At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

9 out of 9 against Indonesia in the first game, 16 out of 20 against New Zealand in the second game, and 20 out of 22 against Japan in the third game!

The average shooting percentage of the three games in the group stage was 90%, and last night's shooting rate of 68% was really not the average!

At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

At 18:00 tonight, the Chinese women's basketball team will face their Asian Cup final opponent, the Australian women's basketball team.

It's a pity that the CCTV sports channel is not broadcast live again, so I can only watch other live broadcasts on the Internet.

At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

The Australian women's basketball team won a hard-fought 68-63 victory over opponent Japan last night to take the lead in the final.

In the previous group stage, Australia also won all three games, easily defeating their opponents by a large score, but they didn't expect the Japanese team to bring them so many difficulties in the semifinals, which was also unexpected.

But fans who watched the game can also clearly feel that the Japanese team is small and agile and does not suffer technically.

suffered a loss in the body, was crushed by the opponent with a strong body, and was defeated.

At 18 o'clock tonight, the defending champion of the Chinese women's basketball team U18V Australia, the revenge battle will not be broadcast live on CCTV

It is worth mentioning that in the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup in 2022, the Chinese women's basketball team defeated Australia with a score of 55-81, giving up the championship and ranking second.

At 18 o'clock tonight, see if the Chinese women's basketball team under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu can complete revenge and regain the lost championship.

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