
Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

author:Oh Bean Entertainment
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Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes
Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Text: Oh Bean Entertainment

Edited by Oh Bean Entertainment

Sammi Cheng, a 51-year-old diva, and her husband Hui Zhian were seen shopping in a large supermarket in Hong Kong. Although the two were dressed in matching red couple outfits, from a distance, they looked more like a pair of brothers. The reason is that Zheng Xiuwen is so thin that he can't see the curves of women's bodies at all, and when he walks with his chest up, he seems to be a heroic "big man".

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

The sharp-eyed citizens took this set of photos and quickly went viral on the Internet, which immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens. Someone bluntly said: "Zheng Xiuwen looks so thin that he is like skin and bones, and his sunken face looks like a dry shi, and he can't see the appearance of the beautiful diva he once was."

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Some netizens ridiculed: "I can't even recognize this as a woman when I walk on the road, it's just a pair of little old men shopping!"

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

The goddess's metamorphosis "dry shi" is shocking

Counting Sammi Cheng's career, she has been a powerful singer since she was a child, and after signing with Warner Music, she became an unrivaled diva. Until this year, she won the Best Actress Award at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards again after 21 years. From film and television to singing, Sammi Cheng can be described as an all-round artist.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

It's this popular superstar who is now jaw-dropping. Looking closely at the street photos of those supermarkets, Zheng Xiuwen's whole person is so thin that he is almost out of shape, his face is haggard, his eyes are deep-set, his cheekbones are high and bulging, and even his hair looks thin and dry. Her slumped back and slow movement were like two people with her slender body.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Some netizens worried: "My God, where is this still the big beauty who is known as 'round and jade'?" I couldn't believe that it was Zheng Xiuwen himself in front of him, it looked too scary, like a poor little who had been abused. "

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

It turns out that Sammi Zheng has been obsessively losing weight and pursuing a slim figure since he entered the entertainment industry. When she was young, she relied on dieting and strenuous exercise to control her weight, and at one point she was even so severe that she suffered from asthma and spondylosis. In recent years, she has also often shared various videos of yoga and aerobics on social media, and her determination to lose weight is obvious.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Unfortunately, this long-term excessive dieting lifestyle has caused irreversible damage to Sammi Cheng's body. Now even if she is a little fat, in her eyes, she is still "not thin enough". That's why today's exaggerated "dry corpse" appearance appears, which makes people sigh.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

The pain in the shadow of infidelity

In addition to the pressure of his career, Zheng Xiuwen is so diligent in losing weight, emotional trauma is also one of the important reasons. At the age of 20, she fell in love with her brother Xu Zhi'an, who was 5 years older, and the two experienced more than 20 years of separation and reunion.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

In particular, Xu Zhian was revealed to be intimate with Xiaosan Huang Xinying in the car, which gave Zheng Xiuwen a huge blow. Although Xu Zhian later bowed his head and admitted his mistakes, Zheng Xiuwen chose to be tolerant and forgive on the surface, but the inner trauma was obvious.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

An insider revealed that after the derailment scandal was exposed, Sammi Cheng began to lose weight. For a while, she even refused to eat, barely surviving with just a few nutritious shakes a day. Relatives and friends saw that she was getting thinner and thinner, and they all advised her to eat better, but Zheng Xiuwen seemed to be caught in a negative emotion that she couldn't extricate herself from.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

At that time, her figure looked really worrying, skinny, yellow and thin, and completely bloodless. What's even more terrifying is that she is also in a bad mental state, and she is often in a state of wandering, and she can't be interested in anything. A friend of Sammi Cheng said.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Even if Sammi Cheng chose to forgive her husband in the end, this painful experience hit her hugely. The outside world generally believes that it is this cheating storm that has become one of the important reasons for her weight loss.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Once upon a time, Sammi Cheng was one of the most beautiful divas in Hong Kong and Asia, with proud career achievements and a happy marriage. But now, when she reaches middle age, she is a walking corpse, and even the basic joy of life has been lost. This has left many fans and industry insiders distressed.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

It is difficult to escape the doubts of public opinion, and he was accused of being a "sick and delicate person"

Zheng Xiuwen's current "dry shi" image has also made many people question her previous "sincere and kind" character in the media. Some people accuse her of possibly doing some kind of "sick" behavior to win sympathy.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Indeed, since the 90s, Sammi Cheng has been controversial for repeatedly crying to the media about his misfortunes. She often shed tears in her interviews, accusing herself of being bullied, ruthlessly abandoned, etc., but she dressed up fragrantly after leaving the camera. This made her questioned many times about "acting".

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

The most famous time was when she was interviewed by a TV station, she cried and accused her former agent of forcing her to make a tertiary film, and because of this, she was in great pain and was haunted by nightmares day and night. But afterwards, the agent retracted his confession and proved that Zheng Xiuwen had never made a tertiary film at all. This scene made many people question that she was "crying poor" and sympathizing.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

In the face of such doubts, Zheng Xiuwen pleaded for himself many times at that time, saying: "I am just a more emotional person, and I am easily moved by small things." I wasn't acting, but I never thought I would be questioned like that. "

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

However, in retrospect, these explanations are nothing more than a kind of "quibble" and "self-justification". Even her friends admitted that Sammi Cheng always seems to be eager to be understood and sympathized, but the means are a little "bing" and "unconscious".

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Immersed in negative emotions, it is difficult to extricate yourself

However, from a psychological point of view, Sammi Cheng's extreme emaciation behavior is likely to be a "self-nue" coping mechanism. For many years, she has been unable to get out of the haze of negative emotions, and transferred all the painful emotions to the destruction of her body.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

This is actually a punishment and revenge for the "ego". She is subconsciously punishing herself, shouting out her inner pain to the outside world in this way. It is precisely because she cannot be freed from her pain that she longs for understanding and sympathy.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Many celebrities actually have this kind of "appearance-oriented" and "insecure" psychology. Under the pressure of public opinion and the lack of a sense of achievement, they will develop severe anxiety and low self-esteem. Therefore, they will use some extreme methods, such as overeating or excessive dieting, to show their "control" over life, so as to gain a temporary sense of security.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

In fact, Sammi Cheng's inner pain does not come from her husband's outing. More often than not, it comes from career pressure and doubts about self-worth. After all, when a person has passed the age of confusion and his career has reached the peak, what new pursuits and expectations can he have in life? This midlife crisis exacerbated her tendency towards self-denial and punishment.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

The future is uncertain, and I hope to regain my self-confidence

Throughout the entertainment industry, many divas are determined to hurt themselves because of their inner pain. Alan Tam was deeply troubled by depression and almost died after fasting for several months; Coco Li is also under pressure after trauma, which causes people to be as thin as firewood; Leslie Cheung was even found at home, which made the world sad.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

Therefore, of course, we hope that Sammi Cheng can wake up in time and rediscover the joy of life and self-affirmation. Otherwise, her future is in jeopardy. As a generation of divas, she should be presented in front of the audience with a confident and elegant image, rather than this terrifying appearance.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

After all, Sammi Cheng is now popular in his career. She just won the post-TV award with her new work, which is enough to witness that her strength and charm have not weakened by half a point. Only by regaining her love and self-confidence can she continue to shine brightly.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes

This world is a denial of constant companionship, but as long as we insist on the positive energy in our hearts, I believe that one day, we will see a brand-new, youthful and energetic Sammi Cheng appear in front of everyone again. That's the best of what she looks like.

Zheng Xiuwen and his wife went shopping, she was so thin that she walked like a big man, but she looked like brothers in a couple's clothes
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